>some pol/tards unironically watch, enjoy and believe fox news
Some pol/tards unironically watch, enjoy and believe fox news
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying into the jew system
>giving jews shekels
not even once. have you no dignity, society?
>only bushtards watch that filth, leftist known as Sup Forums
>Well fox is shit, daily mail is shit, murdoch is an asshole but check this out
>How dare you insult fox and daily mail is a serious news source.
Problem is Sup Forums had a dominant urbanite-leftist population a decade ago, it shifted more to right as it became more popular. With Sup Forums esspecially, given the fact many here are lower-middle class, blue collar, and rural-noncity folk i.e. the exact opposite of the upper middle class urbanites who lurked back in 2004-2008 era
>Problem is Sup Forums had a dominant urbanite-leftist population a decade ago, it shifted more to right as it became more popular. With Sup Forums esspecially, given the fact many here are lower-middle class, blue collar, and rural-noncity folk i.e. the exact opposite of the upper middle class urbanites who lurked back in 2004-2008 era
It's because in the early days, the 18 and 19 year olds who made up most of Sup Forums grew up under Bush. Now its people who grew up under Obama. In another 8 years it will be liberal again.
I think there is that contararian sense but there is also a demographic shift, I highly doubt many of the posters here would be against Bush as much as they are against Obama. Bush, contarary to what people like to believe, was liked and loved by conservatives.
It is a demographical problem, back then the lefties the urbanites dominated Sup Forums, now on Sup Forums the rural conservatives dominate the board if not all 4chinz. Sorry but I have to disagree Whether there is a republican or demcorat in power is irrelevant, as long as demographics do not change Sup Forums will always be pro GOP and anti democrats.
I'm not pulling a rank on your or anything, but when you lurk-post long enough you see the democraphical shifts, the occasional job-occupation-location-religion threads here for example they are quite different from back in the 2012 or pre Sup Forums days of /new/. Most people only lurk for 2-3 years and they move on, new blood comes and sometimes they are quite different from the anons they are replacing.
>Sup Forums
Maybe some segment of the autists on old Sup Forums, but they had daily threads about niggers nigging so I'm going to guess most weren't commies or big Democrats. Some fags probably voted for Obama though.
Some boards have always been left-leaning, but the main ones like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /news/ and Sup Forums were always conservative. The liberals lurking there were just always under the mistaken idea that it was Sup Forums being ironic. Surely they didn't REALLY hate all the niggers and jews, right?
Since Sup Forums's rise to power, people are realizing that it's real. Unfortunately, they think it stems from Sup Forums and don't realize it's always been a part of Sup Forums culture from the beginning.
you can watch Fox the same way you can watch CNN.
>Just understand that what you're watching is being presented with a heavy, heavy slant.
The difference is that the faggots that watch CNN consider Fox to be completely wrong, not just heavily biased.
>both have an agenda
>both run by kikes.
>both just going after ratings.
If you can't see this youre a fucking moron.
Simple answer: Sup Forums is a board for political discussion. The natural result of open political discussion over time is a shift to the Right.
Others watch shit that's just as ridiculous.
What is, in your opinion, the most unbiased fact-based news source in the US?
It was a fake picture you idiot.
I remember Sup Forums blowing up when it was released like 8 years ago
This picture is from 2008 and it's fake, but even still, Sup Forums was hardcore liberal back then.
Counter question - can you really form an opinion by only consuming information from one specific space?
yes but it'll be biased.
I just look at the aggregation of articles on RealClearPolitics. The polls are manipulated trash but they do tend to include conservative viewpoints in the daily list of articles. Otherwise maybe JewTube if you ignore their manipulation of the Trending section to promote liberal viewpoints. Not really any bona fide outlets lack an agenda. I read some mainstream stuff, but usually only skim the headlines because I invariably get angry if I start reading the propagandist tripe contained within.
The user base got older. That's a huge one. I was a ''liberal'' in earlier 4chin days and politics didn't really interest me. Now I'm smarter, wiser, and have reconsidered everything politics related a thousand times. Most people here are very open minded, which is why they didn't automatically shut down the far-right positions as a viable alternative. What if Hitler was right? You're not open minded until you tackle such questions seriously.
I still don't watch Fox News or any news for that. Most news is just filler and the important ones get covered by people I follow on Twitter, Scott Adams and the like.
Take a close look at O'Reilly. Confired reptilian. His meat suit hasn't aged well.
lol no they weren't fag. Liberals pity poor oppressed niggers and give them free stuff. Old Sup Forums hated niggers just like Sup Forums. There were maybe some liberals because the political divide was not as pronounced then but no way it was a majority.
Sup Forums was always libertarian. neutral but leaning right. no liberal stance here was ever tolerated, except maybe some anti-military shit from time to time. they always told people to vote ron paul.
The No Agenda Show
They literally just make fun of the MSM and deconstruct MSMs retarded excuse for journalism
Most of Sup Forums is still liberal, except for Sup Forums, /k/, Sup Forums, and /fit/.
*confirmed. Fuck
bashing the top dog is sort of an agenda in itself, it's like an anti-authoritarian bias. i'll check that out but I used to be into news like that until I saw that they cant give credit where credit is due
>Sup Forums is Sup Forums
the only liberals on Sup Forums are working class liberals, who are nothing like the establishment cucks you see in congress. they're more right-leaning liberals, aka classical liberals like johnson and kennedy.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums
Sup Forums is literally iFunny like 8 years ago. I clicked on Sup Forums a couple days ago for the first time in years and vomited.
Lol, no. some pol/tards watch Tucker Carlson do the live TV version of shitposting.
can't cuck the tuck
you have no clue.
and you used the word cuck like that Dick Spencer manchild.
Most people, left or right, just want the freedom to be assholes, without having to deal with the fact that everybody else, with the same freedom, are assholes too.
Left and right are labels, most wage slaves are tyrants who have no ideas or direction. Proof is what happens when they win a lottery.
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums was full of edgy gamers. They went left in the 2000's because conservatives were trying to ban violent video games. When SJW's started to gain influence, they became right wing. When Sup Forums's "muh degeneracy" reactions go mainstream and lose their edge, the new Sup Forums will go left again.
but sometimes that just aint enough oh no OH YEAH
The user base didn't change, they just got fucked over by Obama and became disillusioned. Think about how many young, working-class people were suddenly forced onto Obamacare and started visiting Sup Forums alongside the boards they originally browsed. The truth is, leftists made a play to conquer nerd culture in its entirety and a lot of the ones who didn't bow down to it shifted hard right in response and became Sup Forumsacks.
Listen up you fucking jewfuck newfaggot, if you are going to bait thread, do it fucking properly dipshit. I see three indicators of newfaggory on first glance, and everyone here already knows JewsNews lies, and the rest is perspective.
I think Sup Forums is going to stay right wing because it's an uphill struggle and demographics don't favor the situation improving. It will remain edgy and contrarian to hate kikes and niggers.
Sup Forums has always been a strongly libertarian website. Just because sjws have nearly bastardised the world liberal beyond recognition doesn't mean the word has completely lost it's original meaning.
Sup Forums resembles old Sup Forums. It gets an influx of normies and shitposters like Sup Forums did, but the views of those groups are completely different. Many Sup Forumsacks have always been conservative. It's not hypocrisy for them to like fox news.
OP is also wrong because news has changed. Fox news used to be an unreliable news source because it was heavily partisan and supported a cucked establishment belief system. Now, Fox news is the most moderate mainstream news outlet. It's the only that supports an edgy contrarian belief system.