Why the fuck should we care about 3 dumb roasties in a doomed nation? Let them go extinct to setan example
get rid of 'em
Never mind they fucked off
Context? I assume it was two large groups of bicyclists who collided.
Religion of peace truck
Nice attacks you leaf.
Were you the creepy jew who wanted to lur them into Amsterdam?
>Let them go extinct to setan example
The ultimate cuck attitude. Whites have already lost so much territory. They aren't learning a fucking thing with kikes controlling their thoughts, societal taboos, access to information, etc. Want change? You have to do it yourself. You have to spread the truth as well as you can. We all have to do this. Collectively, we can make a difference.
Nice attacks you Trumptard
why do you guys fail at creating new content? Libtard was around for far longer than this
Wait, suicide and sex with animals is legal in Canada? The fuck. I got to stop coming to here or I may start drinking again.
>being this stupid
You know what we should do. Take every piece of anti Trump propaganda and save it. Then put the latest Democrat President on it. Do it for 4 years.
worst colony
I don't blame them. If i was a girl who lived in a country with cucked basement dwellers for men, i would be happy too if some hordes of real men with testosteron arrived.
Videos down, who's got another link?
>>mass immigration is great because you get to meet new people
they want to have sex with people who will kill them for being sluts... lol.