Is it harder being a conservative or a gay in America right now?
Is it harder being a conservative or a gay in America right now?
That 100% depends on where you live. If you're conservative on a liberal college campus in southern California your life sucks. If you're gay in Mississippi you should just keep that to yourself but you probably won't be lynched
Do rednecks hate gays as much as they used to? I don't know any, so I'm not sure.
I live in a rural redneck area. I don't like gays personally. I just think it's unnatural and disgusting. Maybe it doesn't help that a gay dude tried grabbing my dick once, but I feel as if it's a perversion and a disorder, and not something that ever should've been normalized.
It would help convince me fags aren't that weird if there was more seemingly functional couples, but it mostly just looks like degeneracy to me. For the vast majority of rednecks I definitely think they still think it's weird and the older folk definitely are disgusted by it, but since there's been such a fight to normalize it over the years rednecks probably just stay quiet on it
Depends what part.
Conservative publically, gay familially
Either one can be bad publicly it depends entirely where you live. I live in an area where if you're liberal publicly you'll get stares. Like if you wear a hillary shirt or some shit.
Conservatives aren't subhumans like liberals though so it won't be like walking into a college class with a MAGA hat
most people are disgusted by it, even a good chunk of those who act overly nice to them
Good. I think they're fucking freaks. I really wish the left didn't work so tirelessly to normalize this type of degeneracy because I'm sorry but gays aren't fucking normal and never will be
Bruce says he got more shit as a Republican than a tranny.
I know this from experience. I was a liberal when i was younger. Truth is, i was secretly disgusted by them but i was suppressing that feeling as hard as I could, even when alone by myself.
Are you serious? Being gay
No. If a hate crime against a faggot happened, it would make national news for at least three weeks. Gays really have it quite easy in America.
those are two different things you dumb retard
try being a conserative faggot you snowflakes
depends where you live
Gays are at the top of the leftist hierarchy
Fuck off fag
rural retard. I hope you get shafted by demographic change in the coming 50 years
I'm disgusted by homosexuals, but I can't help but to feel aroused by the idea of me sucking another man's cock.
Overall, conservative. Leftist nutcases are brainwashed to think any remotely right wing leaning person is an evil bigoted Nazi that deserves to be assaulted and murdered. Gays are kind of off the radar.
That's because you got diddled as a kid and you couldn't handle it.
Actually, a good friend of mine in college was a conservative queer. He was very open about it, but he wasn't in your face about it, so everybody like him. Honestly, fags wouldn't be so hated if they didn't have such an annoying sense of self-importance.
You'll die from aids before that happens to me, filth
Depends where you live
Faggots have got it way easier now, you can even convince gullible idiots to donate to you if you setup a good persecution video.
gay by far.
Around half our population is conservative, 25% additionally don't care if you conservative and you can be fine as long as you don't bring it up to the last 25%.
Gay half the population wants you in an electric chair
no shit. the enemy of lgbt community is itself.
In my geographical position 100% gay acceptance, 0% conservative acceptance (CA)
I live in the worst shithole, invaded, and marxist state of the US, voting for trump is the being gay equivalent for Islam, now imagine having an SS uniform, with Nazi flags and Field Marshal's E. Rommel painting on a wall, I sometimes fear that if my job finds out I'll get kicked out. As sheriff deputy you can't have any form of bias... theoretically.
I'm full 1488 in Portland, gays have it easier.