Is this the turning of the tide Sup Forums?
Are jews falling for their own tricks?
Is this the turning of the tide Sup Forums?
Are jews falling for their own tricks?
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You just know he is ravaging that sweet boipucci every night. Look into his eyes and see the truth.
Poor kids need crew cuts and to go hunting.
Those are clearly girls dumb ass.
Oh, we're well past that.
To your dick maybe.
Holy fuck, a grown man is the sweat towel person? Fuck what a sad existence.
Found the jew
How so? Who do you think work at the Nursery Homes taking care of your parents? Trash truck drivers? Miners in third world countries? These are people with real bad jobs. Sweat towel guy is fuckin easy
Why are these faggots so touchy feely?
>clearly girls
Its not hard to spot a buldge
Wrong pic
im not gay or a pedo but who WOULDNT?
Jews often times will sacrifice one of their children to influence the goy.
The most pathetic thing in this situation and all trannies really is how hard they try to be girly. Sad.
Rundown please
>jew actor raises sons as daughters
>attend comic with youngest whore-dressed
>Shadman draws porn of them mocking liberalism in stream
>>jew actor raises sons as daughters
but why?
Wise jews know that ideology can only be successfully carried by those who truly believe in it. As for the rest of them, well, they're at ground zero for the bluepill.
Why not?
It'll fuck them up probably?
Look at this moralfag
Enjoy the worms.
Why are jews so obsessed with power?
He's gonna be in the pony movie.
Le hurr blur durr just hunt
Fuck is the matter with you people. He's not going to receive some epiphany just by going in a hunting trip. This stuff is a result of the cultural climate
Be quiet degenerate.
He's the Manchurian Candidate of sodomy!