Fucking kill me
My wife would slap our kid if he wore that.
You knocked up a stupid bitch, sucks to be you.
>kill me
that attitude is why your son if a faggot and your wife is a slut, take some initiative and kill yourself
There is nothing wrong with a kid wanting to play dress up. The problem is when dumb cunts think it means their son wants to cut his dick off.
just be sure to tell him over and over how silly it is and how dumb girl's clothes are
>lol tehres abunch of play clothes he found them on his own xD
you aren't fooling anyone, you dumb bitch.
We had a long conversation about societal norms. If it continues I will be taking my son and moving.
He was pretending to be a power ranger. She just eats up the SJW bullshit.
My wife tells my son to stop acting like a little girl if he whines or cries, you didn't redpill your wife?
I am trying. It's hard being in love with such a bleeding heart liberal. In a weird way we balance each other out. She keeps me from going full 1488 and killing people in the street and I keep her from going off the liberal deep end. The one thing I can not redpilled her on is trannies. I have tried everything. On almost everything else we see eye to eye now.
>If it continues I will be taking my son and moving.
No you won't. It's the current year.
>thinking your man enough to change her political views
Big mistake, user. You should have gotten a nice Christian, conservative qt. Doing this is too much of a risk, especially if you're planning on marrying one.
It's almost like maybe, just maybe, YOU aren't the one who is red-pilled on trannies.
Like a broken clock, even a woman is right a few times per day, right? This is probably that.
keep us posted op
your kid is gonna grow up to be a closet faggot sucking old man cock on grindr for money
Thanks doc
Hope that kid will find a better non-bigot father.
You are probably right. I might never changer her views, but we have a son together. What kind of man would I be if I left my son with a broken family and never tried because it "might" fail. I won't ever teach him to give up when the challenge seems impossible. I wont leave him to be raised by women and the school system. I absolutely fucking won't ever subject my perfect blonde hair blue eyed Aryan son to the horrors of the Jewish agenda. We set our differences aside 99% of the time and make it work. She made him take off the dress and we explained why it isn't okay. As far as I am concerned I would be no man at all if I gave up on my family over politics. That is literally ((their)) objective.
What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?
Nothing, you already told her twice
He was just playing dress up, she was thinking it was cute because he looked feminine. That was the problem. The road to transsexualism is a slippery slope and I'd rather nip it in the bud now, than have him commit suicide one day like every other trannie because I didn't care enough to say something about it.
I just read that you're married. Damn, well, I salute that you aren't ditching her and your son like a nigger. However, I do feel like you should have tried to get a conservative lady, or at least someone with similar ideologies, since It would have saved you the red pilling headache.
Keep doing what your doing, and always try to subtly push your wife's views in the right direction. When you and your son get older, it would be CRUCIAL to have your wife be with you 100% in raising your child the right way. Good luck, user.
Make her come to church with you. Make.
I'm sorry :[
this. Teach her about Jesus and what God wants us humans to do and act. It's the safest way to go away from degeneracy(not the (((Catholic church))) tho
I hope that it turns out he's gay.
I agree. Nothing wrong with dressing up
I once dressed up as repunzle in a play with my friends and neighbor
We we're 12 and 13. Neighbor was 35
If the kid starts going full tranny end the family.
There's no value in that situation.
wizards wear dresses and their really cool
Op. You need to take control of this situation.
Tell him it is absolutely unacceptable to behave that way. Take him out hunting, fishing, hiking, show him some fucking action movies and show him his duties as a white male.
>There are a bunch of play clothes
Why a witch costume?
Do he give you apple juice that made you sleepy and was he a tickle monster?
"Play clothes". Seems mummy and daddy are two virtue signalling bastards that need attention and approval of their progressive peers and bout their son a dress.
By play did you mean gay
Or maybe the boy has sisters?
Seriously this kid is way too small for this to be an issue, if he were a teen it would be a concern
If your kid is feminine without your input and you can't teach him to be masculine then I think you accept he's a fag. (I'm talking like 12 years from now)
Gay isn't something you "turn out to be", it's something you become. It's usually guys whose fathers are missing. And they're raised by mothers who don't want their boy to be like their nasty father. That's what creates faggots.
So as long as OP does his job of being a proper father, then his son won't be a faggot.
Play clothes as in costumes for theatrical performances, you daft cunt.
I'm guessing the one he's wearing is some sort of hag in the woods.
Given the mother has "a bunch" in the house, it could be that she's working in child care.
When I was seven I made a bet against my parents, if I would dress up like a girl and go to church, they would take me to the Boston Museum of Science. I went through with it, pretty hat, my sisters undies, white dress, the whole 9 yards. I went to the museum the next week and they even let me buy something from the gift shop. Totally worth it. Thirty years later I have two little ones of my own, maybe I'll make that bet with them. Kids playing dress up and pretend is natural, who cares. When people take that shit seriously, and start doing it as adults, then is the time for therapy, not surgery. The adult version of this is a mental illness...unless you're also playing with your kids, or just really feel more comfortable in other clothing and don't give a fuck. Also, the dems IT guy Imran Awan was just arrested while trying to flee the country, the day of the rope is at hand!
>If it continues I will be taking my son and moving.
That kid is the community's kid. You aren't going anywhere.
Sounds like a stable career. What's the problem?
OP, I'm 100% serious, my cousin who did this and is now 16 came out as trans a little while ago.
His dad might as well post here but I bet he thinks we're all weird nerds.
My point is: I dunno how you avoid this, but I hope you do.
I think she needs to learn more about nu-trans idiots.
Even I don't have a problem with trannies who pass and don't bother anyone (((RARE))) but most trannies now are MtF sissies that fetishize women.
Show her Dave/Danielle Muscato.
>Start sneaking T into his cereal.
Red pills dont work on these people if they are too far left. nothing is sacred, no amount degeneracy will trigger their disgust. ur fucked