Michael Moore just announced on Facebook that he's going to run for president in 2020. How does this make you feel Sup Forums? What would a country lead under Mr. Moore even look like.
Michael Moore 2020
I'd rather Moore turn in his Eagle to the BSA for being a whiny loser. He makes the rest of us Eagles look bad.
There's no way he lives to 2020.
He will be dead by then. Mark my words
You should just kill him now and nip this thing in the bud
He's probably just gonna larp the whole thing for a new documentary
>inhales deeply and with absolute certitude
>handing Trump another victory
I hope he runs so I can laugh at the fat prick while he makes a fool of himself.
Reminder Flint hasn't had clean water since 2014.
Thanks for making me have a good laugh user, whew.
The last artery in that fat fuckers heart will clog before 2020 lol.
>run for president
He could barely walk
giving a speech a patriotic speech to kids is child abuse but letting children be raised by gay parents that turn them into gender confused trannies is perfectly normal.
giving a patriotic speech*
Why don't you get trip's?
the fucker will implode into himself and create a big ass greasy black hole before he becomes president
If lord KEK blesses my post with digits this will happen and many lulz shall be had!
AWESOME!!! He'll split the leftist vote like Ralph Nader on steroids, and Trump will glide into a second term with literally no effort at all.
>Michael Moore just announced on Facebook that he's going to run for president in 2020.
Moore could win if he can pull himself center, he won't do that but he could do ok in the right contest, he could beat Hillary Clinton
I hope he runs.
It will be hilarious to watch some establishment democrat slaughter him during the primary season.
Lol 5 way primaries between
Clel. Clinton
The rock.
Hillary 3.0 and it'll end just the same as 2016 if not 10 times worse.
So democrat candidates next election are gonna be:
- The Rock
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Michael Moore
- Hillary Clinton
Add Kid Rock in there and the democratic party will body itself into oblivion.
This tweet always gets me. What the fuck did he even mean? It's not like we know anything about dinosaur behaviour that we don't know from lizards. I know he was trying to be poignant but there are such better comparisons. Likely the dinosaurs had no idea what was going on even as the meteor struck.
Let's try memeing him to death again.
Imagine the salt if Michael Moore got elected as democrat nominee not only that but then fucking lost to Trump. Boys we'd be swimming in salt for a century!!
>What would a country lead under Mr. Moore even look like
Civil war.
Trump will likely be the last president since no one is going to be willing to carry the torch that he lit and I've grown too used to the feeling of having a real leader.
let it be
He'll loose
>Michael Moore is over 60 years old
How did this fat lesbian live this long
He'll have choked to death on a twinkie before then.
no matter who runs agains Trump, Trump will win in 2020. like him or hate him, he will win again!
Member when moore helped meme a trump victory?
Maybe we can use him to meme dotr
It would look fatter than now.
Dems are desperately testing what celebrity engages better with the public. It's pathetic.
So we have Donald, The rock, Noserberg, and Michael Moore
Why don't we just settle elections like wacky races at this point
Michael Moore is an unsufferable demagogue.
>implying Micheal "cholesterol" Moore will still be alive in 2020
Also Kanye West.
I'm considering running for president. Do you guys think that $250,000 plus whatever support money I get will be good enough? I'll stand up there and call them all cucks and expose their lies. I'll even change my name to Adolf Hitler to piss off all of the libshits.
Fucking seriously
RIP Moore
nah, at best he's hinting at it but he could just as easily spin it to mean defeating Trump with his activism. Eitherway it's easy to take back. Don't get excited about it.
>implying our current president runs
>giving a speech is child abuse
>allowing your kids to have their body severely mutilated to chase some sexual fantasy at an age where they aren't capable of making advanced decisions is not child abuse
oh okay
>most people who voted for Trump remember him talking shit
>Trump is even more popular than before converting many lefties thanks to Antifa and DNC corruption.
>he thinks he can win
What is wrong with these people? Honestly are they insane or is there a strategy I can't see here?
>tfw any time anyone in government speaks to boy scouts someone has to reference hitler youth
these kids don't give a fuck about any of this they just want to go back to shooting guns are making pine cone bird feeders
>making pine cone bird feeders
Hitler ALSO loved nature.
>Splitting the democrat vote
Sure worked wonders last time. Who am I kidding, none of the delegates are going to vote for Moore.
Please let this happen!
>What would a country lead under Mr. Moore even look like
Trump would mowe him down on twitter.
He's a bigger gold-mine than Uncle Bernie, it would be hilarious watching him implode even further.
Michael ""gm is evil for leaving michigan and trump is evil for bringing them back" Moore
>kid rock
Ain't no Cuban healthcare going to save Moore's ass this time
Here's some footage from that speech
>I'll even change my name to Adolf Hitler to piss off all of the libshits.
you do that i will give you a 1000 bucks.
Pretty shitty to label attending a rally that I am pretty sure was not mandatory child abuse. There is no escape from child abuse and he is extremely offensive.
He gone
The hero we need but don't deserve
>Michael Moore 2020
Is that his weight?
>when I defeat him in 2020
This was a typo. He meant eat him in 2020.
Don't you have to be born in the USA to be president?
The presidency has officially become a Celeb side show. US politics could be done. Libertarians will win by default when people just refuse to acknowledge their power.
that's super funny and I wouldn't even have realized not all the footage was from 2017 except by the fact that there aren't that many white people in America
If i could think of a candidate worse than HRC, Moore is a top contender
>The Rock
>Michael Moore
Democratic party really harnessing the needs of the people.
>celebrities opinions
He's the multimillionaire movie producer from Flint, Michigan not helping solve Flint, Michigan's water problems.
In no way will Michael Moore ever win because he is obese. Nobody wants a fat fuck as president. It's as simple as that
>triumph of the will
i fucking wish
Michael Moore won the election for Trump when his voice went viral on Facebook
it didn't have to be like this!
Howard Taft.
Liberals are so fucking dramatic.
what a clown
go away evil dogger
It's sequential all the way down.
Oh god I forgot about Kanye.
Pic related from Kid Rock's website.
did the liberals actually watch his speach? youtube.com
Rosanne Barr has a better fucking chance
>entering a thread wishing for something only to have kek's magic already under way
no better feeling
>Howard Taft.
That was pre-television. Now it's becoming a post-television world but the visual and video aspect has carried on to the internet