Really makes you think
Really makes you think
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Huh... you wouldn't expect that pairing, I guess that's why the artwork really makes people think. Wow.
this just...
my brain...
She loves the BWC
Cucked Stades of America
>Two races, Two nations, one country.
>Not the white man and nog staring each other down with seething anger
Why is she holding the book so close to her face?
Really activates those electrically excitable cells that process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals
She doesn't know how to read so she holds it closer in a vain attempt to make out the words
really perplexes my mental reflexes
makes me think that there's some lack of LOOOOMIIIIIISSSSSSSS that needs to be fixed
>ankh tattoo
What did she mean by this
the redneck is really cute
nohomo this
Stay WOKE nigga.
They're lying on the bed next to each other, naked. Is this trying to imply they've had sex or something?
This is making me think.. but not in any good way; I'm literally just trying to work out what this all fucking means.
>When the meme hits too deep
That we were queens in the black nation of kemet.
Post it on black twitter to trigger niggers over a racist white man fucking a #woke black woman
This was my 2016. We hated each others political alignments but the sex was 2good
>banging black chicks
??? also you've literally got like twice as many men as women in the 18-20 age group because of the millions of shitskins you let come in 2015 so what the fuck are you, a German, even thinking calling us cucked?
black bois can't even compete
This. Some women just want to be dominated.
It means their ideals are naked and in bed together for the same thing. they are side by side together in a partnership. possibly a common goal.
The white man wants white children.
The black woman also wants white children.
think about it.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
Penis makes healing and everything beddur
Garvey was all about niggers fucking off to Africa, so why the fuck isn't she fucking off?
Why the fuck do racemixers all come to Sup Forums? 90% of white people don't mix, so why is it the 10% who do who are 14/88?
fuckkkkkk digits confirm. Does this mean African Queens are the future of white men?
Wasn't Garvey a seperatist and wanted to move all blacks back to Africa?
Who the fuck is Marcy Garvey?
>mouth agape
>expression of confusion, bewilderment
>"damn I wish I could read"
Its interesting people like to fuck things they hate ,also people fuck other races just don't marry
Low self-esteem.
I'm sorry, but it's the answer to every part of your question.
>1 post by this ID
>Americans still regularly embrace their """evil""" past, well over a hundred years after it ended
>Germans are disallowed by law from embracing their past, and majority support that law
Feels good to be the only uncucked country in the first world
Filthy and degenerate--I don't see any rings on those fingers which means this occurred outside the bonds of holy matrimony.
These two need to go to confession ASAP for fornication. Then they should talk to a priest about marriage prep.
He's probably got a white uncle or something. Black guys who have a family member dating a white guy don't get as asshurt as white guys do.
Just an observation.
Remember this one?
You're teh number one cuckold nation tho
I hate your indolent failure to research before asking.
He was a black nationalist who wanted to ship the blacks back to Africa.
Inb4 Norwegian dominatrix bots chastise me for not archiving a link.
>that Sacred Heart
Remember the Vendee
Makes me remeber that Robert E Lee was the greatest general America ever produced
Yeah but those are mostly Jews and niggers watching cuck porn because Jews like to be cucked and niggers like to do the cucking
> Ankh
was the american civil war about the north industrializing their farming but needed to cripple the southern farming industry in order to start competing and paying for their machinery?
>a fucking traitor who surrendered to a drunk instead of fighting to the last child
No, he was a fucking coward.
>50 year old man with "white trash boy" tattoo and confederate flag is banging a 20-something niggress in a confederate flag bikini
Well that's something
dated a black girl who post all kinds of black nationalist shit on facebook, talked about it all the time, her friends were the same way. always wanted to be choked, called a nigger, and ordered around in bed. go figure.
>less white than any Euro nation
>vote overall far more right-wing than any Euro nation, despite the massive number of nonwhites voting completely left
Europeans are the biggest fucking cucks on the planet. You pathetic faggots give the white race a bad name.
>Had to surrender to the literal worst student he had ever had
I went to prom my junior year of high school with a black girl.
I was racist back then too but I was too beta to talk to women and the black girls in my school were REALLY forward with guys. This one girl would come up to me and talk to me even though I was always quiet as a statue. So honestly it worked out for me because the black girls weren't scared to talk to guys.
We went to prom and back to her house after and she seemed horny but I didn't make a move. Oh well
The French revolution era was so messed up.
Nah. Black men hate black women almost as much as we hate white women.
That describes the south in general though
>being a neo-confederate
>genuinely wishing your ancestors had "won" so that rich jews could keep their niggers
>laying the flag
fucks deserve prison
our black queen is not amused
I wish I could beat the shit out of americucks like this. I bet you're the biggest manlet jew on this thread
Marcus Garvey should be promoted as much as possible instead of MLK or whatever. Garvey wanted the black man to go back to Africa.
There you go again, volkisch.
I mean historically, there were likely far more mixed relationships in the south than in the north
He's fucking the maid.
Isn't it supposed to go the other way though?
same with Malcolm X
I may disagree with black separatists on their premises, but I'm 100% ok with the conclusion
>I wish I could beat the shit out of americucks
said ever euro/pol/ster ever, miserably aware of their own lack of fortitude and agency.
Seriously, for all the
>le 59% memes
we are still more conservstive thsn you and the right is more successful here. Besides Germanistsn, you can't say shit about cuckery. Look at yourself.
is she going to post noodz?
People tend to date within their social class and both of the people in this image have tattoos so their evidently both of a low caste.
It's not all that unbelievable.
>completely unable to refute my post
You could try to beat the shit out of me, but unlike you Euro cucks I can legally blow your brains out, faggot
>blacks don't get as asshurt about wite bois stealin dey wimmins
I'm like 90% sure you know maybe one black guy from a suburb and he's your entire window into what you consider to be black culture
right wing non-whites are worthless my brown amigo
>black book titles
ALL the sciences
It is.
The main reason the rule of the Jacobins is not held up alongside the Nazis and the Soviets for their unfettered brutality and criminality is because the French wound up embracing Republicanism after playing with it back and forth for almost 70 years and have held onto it since. So naturally it's glorified as a national rebirth rather than a tragedy.
t.le kekistani cuck
You can legally watch as you wife gets bred by base right wing Tyrone and Jamal. civic nationalist jew faggot
More niggers and more whites and blacks in the same social classes. There were more middle class whites and blacks working on farms in close proximity to each other so naturally more people mixed
In the north blacks were always dirt poor (and still are) and even the poor whites like the Irish wouldn't speak to them because the niggers would be even below them
>Yankee posting my OC of Stonewall Jackson
>Finn is mad that there are only 5 million people in his country and that his government will import a million niggers or more before the autistic chinky race known as the finns realize they're being replaced and elect real nationalists and not those "True Finn" traitor-cucks
Americans are pro race mixing cuckolds theres no reasoning with them
>Really makes you think
that this is the shittiest artist in the universe.
That's a towel, retard
This is the average non-Hispanic white in America
>Euroniggers will still try to claim this is "le amerimutt mongrel"
I'm starting to think this is all just Eurofaggot insecurities, and none of you are actually white
Actually it was about kikes in the South being assblasted about tariffs and retarded rednecks thinking it was because "dey talk funny up dere, also 2 many irish" and dying in droves for their hebrew masters' right to keep slaves.
Kinda sad, yeah.
I get so pissed when their revolution is held up as some kind of ushering in if modernity and culmination of the enlightenment, whereas ours is greedy cis white male slave owners not wanting to pay taxes.
The south was literally the first part of the USA to ban interracial, fuck off with your cuck shit
Europeans are primarily retarded and smug because they think "but we 90% white so we gud" puts them in a better position than us, but when you actually look at the demographics you see their native birthrates are lower and their non-white birthrates higher as percentages and their governments are just getting started with mass migration cuckery while their populations are already older and already in decline. Grasping these simple facts is beyond them, they just look at the percents without realizing they're propped up by elderly people who never had kids.
And this is keeping in mind the mass removals of tens of millions of foreigners from the USA will shift demographics in our favor anyway.
>The south was literally the first part of the USA to ban interracial, fuck off with your cuck shit
There are literally countless stories of people still having interacial relationships in secret. I'm a Southerner you dumb nigger, but I've lived in the North and from my observations mixed race relationships are practically not a thing there, like people aren't overtly against them but it's much weirder and less common than in the South
And I have always found that very ironic
>tattoos make you a degenerate
wow pictures really do say a thousand words
t. Unionist who demands Southern men die to keep the shekels flowing to Northern bankers
No one seems to remember that the French Republican government was fighting to keep Haiti under its boot and actually tried to reinstitute slavery under Napoleon (a decade after it was initially outlawed). Granted the massacre of whites at the end of the Haitian Revolution was appalling, but it was brought in part by the French government's mistreatment of them.
whatever you claim happened, taking a black girl to prom, your future wife will assume you were a coaldigger and always resent you.
Member this?