What is Sup Forums's opinion of Terry Crews?

>>Grew up in a Christian household

>>Got a full-ride scholarship at his university for playing Football

>>Made it in the film industry with no prior experience or training

>>Is a good father and husband to a literal beauty queen

Also, he's a good artist.

Does the fact that he's black negate all these other attributes?

Other urls found in this thread:


Julius was great


Terry is a good man

Pretty cool guy

>Not a bad actor
>Relatively funny
>Keeps his mouth shut about his political preferences
>Motivates me to lift

If all celebrities did this I wouldn't hate them nearly as much


President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


Love Terry.

Seems like a genuinely nice guy and good dad.

Idiocracy was genius, and would vote for President Comacho any time.

This. Everybody Hates Chris is where I first saw him. He was hilarious in it.

No. Terry is a great guy and always cracks me up.


Based black man

He's the poster-child for NAXALT. There just aren't enough 'Terry's' in the world.

I can't think of any reason not to like him. He's a genuinely happy guy who only tries to bring joy to other people.

let me put it this way, if all 40 million blacks in america are carbon copies of terry crews, do you think they should be allowed to stay, OP? do you see the problem?

He built a fucking computer with his kid because he felt like they were growing apart. And he was blown away by how realistic the graphics were. Seems like a genuinely good guy.

he plays battlegrounds, so he is part of the pc master race

Met Terry working on the sets of The Expendables. He's hilarious and really nice. Was constantly doing Stallone and Ahnald impersonations.

He's the man. He is what made the movie White Chicks so funny.

blizzard shoulda kept him as voice for DoomFist


He seems like a good man, regardless of race. I've no issue about race in the first place excepting how their culture shapes them to act, and black culture doesn't tend to create people of his caliber. I hope he inspires people to be better than they are, and that's all there is to it.

>Does the fact that he's black negate all these other attributes?


Major fuck up there. He's not even that expensive.


Terry seems like a nice guy, and he isn't a preachy asshole about politics like other celebrities. Also appears to be a decent father for his kid.

having 40 million succesful, funny married, disciplined and fit people is a bad thing?

Terry is pretty based. I'm literally one of the most racist guys here you fucking kikes.

He's a good guy.

Big fan of Ayn Rand, too.

he will make a good president in 2024

Yeah swell guy, loved him in Idiocracy, would segregate/10

>Does the fact that he's black negate all these other attributes?
He belongs in a black nation.

probably one of the few guys who are not racist here, Terry is a good Christian man. Good men are good men, its crackers, and niggers that are the problem. You can be a good white or black man, but you could also be one of these.

He's an individualist which makes him great.

Keeps to himself, betters himself, protects his family and community.

BASED negro


he is actually redpilled about porn

seems like a decent guy, there was a time when the black community was full of hard workers like him. They knew their place but strived to be the best they could in the circumstances

>accomplished life
>good actor
>becomes le funny scream black chris oneil

It's sad because he's actually funny without being scream man

I was under the impression that he is a good father, as far as I'm concerned, that makes him friend material regardless of skin color.

I'm racist as fuck and I like him.
Anyone have the clip of him talking about whites disappearing. He may have been alluding to muh dicking white women but at least he realizes what's happening.

ok reddit.

Also this, I'd be friends with a gorilla too though.

BASED asf. I heard he voted for GEOTUS Trump.

he used to be addicted to porn and went to rehab and therapy for it he seems like he is a great person

Yeah, how would neonazi manlets ever compete in that environment

Well, shit

He had a video where he built his pc on youtube with his son. Terry is BASEDasf and should be an inspiration to all black men.

I'm not from Reddit Kike, I have never used the bloody site, I see what you're trying to do my friend, it is not working.

President Camacho, Idiocracy.

you north americans are the only whites who like niggers, enjoy your genocide by the based black actors

He's an addict try hard and his good guy persona is annoying as fuck i can't believe you children just swallow all his im le gamer guys haha xD. I don't hate him but it's very easy to see how fake he is for attention.

Brits like niggers more than we do

Seems like a really good guy. He's even been very open and forthright about his addiction to pornography.

First time watching this. It's hitting me pretty hard.


>forcefully bring over millions to a colony
>tell them they don't deserve to be there

There would be nothing wrong with having blacks in the US if they didn't act like animals. They have as much right to be in the US as Whites. Worry about the motherland before you act like the saviour of the White race

the only reason you guys are saying he is a great guy is because he is rich. if it was a broke and unknown terry crews, 40-60% of you would give the same whole " nigger,lolnodad" jokes.

Sup Forums is really happy for him but Sup Forums wishes he accomplished all that in Malawi.
t. Sup Forums

too racist, you should gib dem gibs nigga

>The only whites who like niggers.
U sure about that white boi?

Yep, I was a big wrestling fan in the 90s so I made a point of it. Awesome guy. I have a pic of us chugging a beer somewhere. I actually got a chance to meet most of the main cast of the first two, notable exclusion being Arnold. He was only on set for a few days and wrapped his scenes up pretty quick.

He is also a chronic masterbater

I like him.

He isn't a nigger, so there's no problem.

based black man lol please cum in my wife

That story ends well...

Fucking Based

stopped watching at
>"it changes the way we think about people. people become objects."
women aren't people. they ARE objects - with or without porn

Like him; don't see a reason to hate him. I'm really glad he came out as a porn addict: helped me confront my own demons and work on them. He's right about letting other people know. It helps you stay motivated and work on the resistance to stop watching porn/fap.

I got a long way to go, but I'm taking steps forward.

>two jobs
yeah right

We like you Terry, but this place isnt for you

He's an outlier. Stop with these shitty examples, we literally have Herman Cain two posts above this. For everyone one or two of these there's 24 niggers sitting on a porch trying to figure out how to rob the next Asian house.

>>No geo flag.
>>Criticizes other countries.

Your words have no value.

Good dude

>think of the 6 gorrillion

hottest girl ever


good goy


As far as I know he's kept his mouth shut about politics and hasn't been in anything obviously anti-white.

This is the most pointless fucking post out there. What the hell does This have to do with anything?

Not surprised atheist dutchman

I remember you cuck

wisdom digits
make it be, kek

that's president Hector Commacho Mountain Dew you fucking hue hue

go sell out your race because an actor did a cool trick on tv you tremendous fucking faggot