Welcome to /ggg/ - Go Green General!
>tfw you live to see Right Wing Botanist Squads
>What is this general about?
This general is to add onto the solution of what we all know as the ghetto. Everyone knows that the ghettos of the world are run down, destroyed remnants of previously white neighborhoods. These areas lack basic maintenance. Any problem with the infrastructure of these areas does not get fixed and only worsens (further ghettofying it).
>Ok, whats the solution?
The most environmentally-friendly solution: to make seed satchels. A seed satchel is a small ball of potters clay filled with seeds. All you gotta do is toss some seed satchels into the yards of these ghetto nog heavens and within a year these vicious plants will destroy their homes.
>How is this gonna work?
Gentrification outprices the nigs, so we can get our beautiful cities back. Once that's done, who cares where they go?
They can't come back, too expensive.
They can't go to big (white) cities, too expensive.
Back to Africa? How about Mexico/Canada?
One less family on welfare, in my book, is a stunning success.
>How do we make seed satchels?
Ingredients here: pastebin.com
>/ggg/ archives can be found here
>Any seed suggestions?
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>Very Original Thread
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>Previous Thread:
/ggg/ - Go Green General - The Seeds Grow edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Note: The goal of this plan isn't to cause destruction. The goal of this plan is to spread mother nature far and wide.
What mother nature does when we spread her seed is completely out of our hand.
We are the board of peace, and we are working towards fixing climate change by spreading oxygen factories to areas where they don't already exist.
>destroy their homes.
you should remove this, we are a board of peace. the purpose is just spreading mother nature gifts.
And where do you think these nigs go when they're pushed out of the cities? They come to smaller cities, outlying areas, and small towns like mine. And they are even worse here than in the city because in the ghettos they were at least SOMEWHAT CONTAINED.
I've already watched my home go down hill because of nogs being pushed out of bigger cities. They're coming from as far as Buffalo and Chicago.
If I find out the identity of ANY of you LARPING FUCKS who are roleplaying about doing things that make my life worse, I'm going to fucking drive to your house, slap your parents, and shove my boot up your ass so hard your tendies will be heimliched out your nose
Nice one, user.
>when it's at page 10, time to branch again.
Dont forget that when choosing plants they must fit this criteria
1. Fast growing, no point in having a plant that grows so slowly that it takes multiple years to be noticed
2. Preferably a creeper, this way it invaded the cracks and crevices in a building tearing it down faster
3. Broadleaf, so herbicides can kill them easier after the ghetto is cleared
4. Stinging/thorny, (optional) the more hassle to remove the plant, the more likely it will take hold
5. Non poisonous, we don't want to kill anyone, just piss them off until they leave, or are forced to due to building regulations
Also ignore GIDF shitposters. Replying will do nothing but add to the bump limit
This, I couldn't care less about niggers and their shitty homes, I want to help return the cancerous urban sprawl to nature.
I can't believe this made it farther than one thread...never thought I'd type the phrase "racist plant warfare", but here we are
Oh boi here we go!
(Apreciate my beautiful paint skills by the way)
They will go into the suburbs and rural areas. Middle class liberals will interact with niggers for the first time ever.
They might be red pilled.
Sup Forums Botanical Warfare Division reporting in
Thanks user for copying my list, gotta keep the thread seedling informed
>seed satchel with hemp seeds
>call cops for illegal posession/growing of marijuana once the plants grow
Is this real life? Nice paint skills user
Where is a good place to order the supplies? Links?
Oh look another Sup Forums thread about something nobody will do
>Type 1 can also have bracken fern in it
Does it spread by runners? if so, this is a go
>1. attractive, fast-growing creepers; bonus points for difficulty of removal, bonus points for damaging their substrate
- Ivy
- blackberry
- creeping fig
- Morning glory (not that hard to remove, but still an option)
- Kudzu
-Bracken Fern
- what else?
>2. attractive, fast-growing trees and bushes suitable to your local climate; bonus points for aggressive surface roots
- most Ficus
- Cottonwood
- some Pines
- Mesquite
- Broom
- lots more
Paulownia tomentosa is the fastest growing tree, growing up to 2m in a year.
>They will go into the suburbs and rural areas. Middle class liberals will interact with niggers for the first time ever.
No, they'll go to the closest place with section8 that they qualify for, or with the cheapest rents.
Do you just imagine them packing into their donks and driving out like pioneers on the oregon trail, not knowing where they'll end up?
Fuck no, retard. Shaniqua will check with section 8 and get redistributed wherever the government wants to put her.
It's almost like everything you think is just normie tier armchair theory with zero real world experience to know how things actually work.
We are trying to make the world a better place
yeah it has runners, but it also drops thousands of seed spores which make it so hard to kill, it lies in the dirt then a few years later after an animal exposes the once buried spore to the light it create a new fer system and the whole process starts over
. attractive, fast-growing trees and bushes suitable to your local climate; bonus points for aggressive surface roots
also Mulberry
Several have already ordered supplies, including myself. Plant warfare is a go
How are flowers going to destroy a home?
American houses are built from cardboard
What if we spread disinfo that you can get high on various invasive species you can legally buy online?
Destruction is only the failsafe if these plants fail to speed up gentrification
fucking legit mate, i have a mulberry tree in my back yard, no artificial water supply and it has survived over a decade, never makes new bushes though, but looks damn pretty
Ahh, brilliant. Should water their lawns to send them back to the jungle
>How are flowers going to destroy a home?
the goal is not to destroy, this is a board of peace, we are just looking to make things better for the environment
This is seriously where we are at now. Botanical warfare. Good job pol, proud of yah
damn i would love to live in a place like that
Btw guys please make more OC. I guess I've taken the baker position (because no one else was baking breads) and I need some fresh OC straight from the meme farmers for the pics.
Its easy to use the ideas of permaculture without being part of the "permaculture community", which admittedly is full of hippy faggots..
the methods are sound.. Ive seen permaculture methods for reversing desertification that made full blown desert into a small oasis in under a decade.. theres probably a video of it on Jewtube somewhere .. maybe if this threat comes up again I'll post a few pics of my hobby farm and orchard.. its rad been here 9 years, and Im in a wheelchair>whats your excuse niggers?
Japanese knotweed
>Sup Forums spawns Cordyceps
>niggers become clickers
>it's an improvement
As a plantfag, I disapprove. Use fire ants you cowards.
That's a pretty bad looking rash user
might work okay but you're gonna have to go pretty far out of your way to get the seeds unless you live near a legal state
So this is where they've corralled nupol. Please stay in this leftypol bait thread
Section 8 apartment complexes are all over suburbs now. They will go there if they aren't already.
Niggers will still exist, and new accommodations will have to be made for them.
>plants vs niggers
This guy has a pic of everything, doesn't he.
>Fire ant satchels
Fund it. Also
>Termite satchels
reposting some OC from past threads
....You know we've all read your reddit thread about your 'tactics' right?
oh no guys he called us nu/pol/. gosh now we aren't le secret ebin old/pol/ club anymore, what the fuck will we do?
>All you gotta do is toss some seed satchels into the yards of these ghetto nog heavens
Suuuure. I wouldn't do that, and my society ain't 10% Mogadishu.
Sorry mate the trees are already with us
Houses in philly that are covered like that are homes for rats and other shit you don't want
Ladies and gentlemen,
Japanese knotweed.
We already routed out insects in past threads.
Our parents would be so proud of us
thread theme?
Knotweed meet bamboo
Water the plants, grass war now
These videos bring a tear to my eyes. Beautiful.
The idea is too good, the enemy will be on to it.
Don't popularise thsi shit too much.
Operation GREEN STORM must not be discovered by normies.
Please guys, shut this down.
>too afraid to fight the niggers he hates so he's gonna beat up the NEETs instead
Poor form
>Not welcome to the jungle
>implying i haven't been having to deal with these niggers
>implying that i can fight 100% of the niggers that will be pushed in my direction
>implying that i only care about myself and not the innocent women and children who i don't even know, yet who will suffer at the hand of the muddy horde
neck yourself, autist.
proof of concept posted by some user
i always thought the plan was to contain them within ghettos
Good idea, if it worked that could be hilarious
Mock me and call me a moron for responding again to this shitty thread but doesn't it work like this in your country
>you throw seed satchels into nigs' yard (yeah right)
>in a year nigs see the plants grown (taking into account they have not simply trampled them down in countless nig yard grill parties)
>nigs go to social services
>social worker sends mexicans to cut the plants for the nigs
Where is the profit?
Bad idea. Knowing nogs, they'll probably try to make bamboo bongs and sell them. When that happens they won't care where it came from.
Now THAT is going to get the cops called real fucking quick. Do not recommend.
Social services are a fucking nightmare to deal with.
Have you ever tried to do ANYTHING involving the government? lol.
It's a headache.
We need as many autists doing this as possible
With kudzu?
6. Native, we don't want to introduce non-native species to our ecosystems and imperil native species
>how to smoke Japanese knotweed info graphics
This thread needs to be taken down. The info is out there.
We should probably create some sort of anarchist cook book type PDF and circulate it.
Or secretly hide the ideas within deliberately retarded looking pepe comics that will easily be overlooked by normies and dipshit government types.
But this shit is way too organised.
It's a fucking amazing idea, but, you don't want to telegraph your secret weapons too much.
Strategy guys, strategy.
This page needs to be DELETED because it is TOO EXTREME.
thanks will add to list
No, it doesn't work like that. The government will only do something about it on public property (if there's a reason and money involved) ghettos hardly ever get anything because they just shit it up twice as fast as it's fixed. Social services won't do shit for them, niggers won't pay out of pocket for a spic to do their yard work if they even see it happening, and most niggers are too lazy to do it themselves. We're not doing this for profit. We're doing it because we love nature and want to get back to our roots as humans.
dude spoiler alert
and then
you guys are faggots.
I am fucking hyped as shit for this. Hopefully enough anons go through with it.
>social services that will come do your yard work
Is that a thing in poland? Here, it doesn't matter. Some towns fine you for having a shitty yard, but not ones niggers can afford to live in.
Niggers don't do yard work or pay to have it done. They just let it grow.
I can get behind low time preference eco terrorism
Some places fine people for having a dangerous amount of flammable plant matter around
Drain the nogs
Here when the 'dregs of society' have amassed a problem so big they cannot solve it they go to social services and they offer them a temporary solution (basically cleaning shit up for them so the human trash can do the same thing over again).
America is a much wealthier country so I would expect something similar to happen, no?
No species is invasive. #OpenYards
Dude we need to be careful with this.
We have already tapped into extremely powerful magical powers.
We could get unwanted attention from an increasingly frustrated enemy or one of those MORONIC e-celebrity types could make a fucking video about it and give the enemy weapons to use against us.
Before we know it the planet could be engulfed in evil plants.
We must be careful!
We should proceed carefully and use memetic tactics to spread our information cryptically.
The left still don't even understand what pepe is...
Heck, the left still haven't figured out that globalism is imperialism... We should operate as cryptically as possible.
We should always mask our power level under an ocean of retardic autism so that they do not fully understand what they are dealing with.
We should also always employ the services of our battle mages too give ourselves a magical edge over our foes.
We are simple farmers looking for a solution to urban sprawl. Terrorism is not what we are doing. What happens to our seeds is simply an act of mother nature.
If you're white.
Nigs get the good treatment, because they've infested the social services departments with their own aunt jemimas
This may be too extreme for our ideals of peace and progress, but got any plants that can grow in sewers/stormwater pipe, like big things.
Say a bush seed in a pod that you drop down the drain on the side of the road and a few months later is grows up and blocks the drain?
It's illegal to use a Yugoslavian gardening forum?
>Before we know it the planet could be engulfed in evil plants.
all this shit can be easily avoided if you tend your yard
How dare you call those plants invasive shitlord
Ok, thanks for the explanation. Do what you will and try to not get shot by niggers in the process.
Working on more OC user-kun!
The whole premise of this birdshit idea is "Niggers don't do yard work" unless they do and what is the outcome?
>Gentrification outprices the nigs, so we can get our beautiful cities back. Once that's done, who cares where they go?
>They can't come back, too expensive.
>They can't go to big (white) cities, too expensive.
>Back to Africa? How about Mexico/Canada?
really? first, you don't know what "gentrification" is if you think vandalizing property is gentrification. Also, no, there is no way plants will make black people go back to Africa. Are you guys serious? Have you taken a second to think here?
Are you high?
what if kek's awakening has also awakened other old gods, like a god of nature which is compelling us to do this?
Kek my employer gives out paid volunteer time. I could probably get a bunch of people from work to do this.