Did you know that you are 10 million times more likely to crash your car under the influence of alcohol than you are under the influence of marijuana?
Did you know that you are 10 million times more likely to crash your car under the influence of alcohol than you are...
Still never drive stoned. I'd never forgive myself if I crashed and killed a family.
driving while sleep deprived is still more dangerous than driving drunk
I drive under the influence of alcohol and weed all the time and nothing happened to me.
You probably aren't addicted to it then. Most retards believe it's no different, if not, helps them drive better.
Driving on the phone is more dangerous that driving tipsy/drunk.
People tend to drive more relaxed and are less likely to experience an episode of "road rage" while high. High drivers tend to allow a greater distance between them and the car in front of them.
I have driven high for nearly 10 years now. The only time I've ever crashed was when I had taken an Adderall and had become impatient.
Driving high is certainly not for everyone and it's better that it's illegal, though. I do think if you can demonstrate somehow, perhaps in a test, that you can drive safely while high that your license is noted as such.
Unlike alcohol, marijuana does not impair one's ability to function. For a person with many years of experience, weed is nothing more than a potent alternative or supplement to tobacco and nicotine.
Heil Hitler
Can't crash cars if you can't drive.
Depends on the strain. Very generally, I tend to be more considerate, careful and respectful while high, but there are CBD-heavy strains that I wouldn't feel comfortable driving on at night because they make me sleepy.
Road-tripping and cannabis went hand-in-hand back in the day, though.
Iv driven stoned for over a decade and iv never had an accident.
Hell I'm better at driving stoned then 90% of women and immigrants are when they are completely sober.
Thought it was more like 10 billion times
This. I do all kinds of crazy shit high. Driving is a simple task and I still do it better than everyone else around me when I'm stoned.
>People drive more relaxed and are less likely to experience an episode of "road rage"
>High drivers tend to allow a greater distance between them and the car in front of them
>Depends on the strain
>I tend to be more considerate, careful and respectful while high
Pot doesn't help you drive better. It doesn't help you do anything better except laugh, cry and worry a lot more than you already do.
If this happens to you, it's still going to happen even if you're not stoned, dumbasses.
WHOA! Like dude!
It's just more likely to happen if you are stoned.
Because you can't afford a car if you smoke dope.
No but it relaxes what would otherwise likely be a tense or stressed mental state, resulting in safer driving - at least to those instances caused by aggressive driving.
Shouldn't drive while under the influence of either of them. Shouldn't drive if you're particularly sleepy. Shouldn't drive if you're senile.
The driver was a alcohol
Since when was there a tense or stressed mental state? Not everyone is tense or stressed when driving, in fact, it's predominantly the opposite.
Driving high dulls your alert senses, which means you will not react to situations that regard your own safety.
It would be easier to accept something as an accident that I could not have realistically prevented if I were sober. If it happened while I was stoned there would always be the question as to whether I would have been able to prevent it.
Both options suck, but the first one leaves me with more peace of mind.