Tuesday night right wing aesthetics thread!
Been too long since I've seen one of these.
Post your OC and favorites
Tuesday night right wing aesthetics thread!
Been too long since I've seen one of these.
Post your OC and favorites
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what the fuck exactly is fascism anyway
edgy virgin autism plus testosterone.
Definition of fascism:
>a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
I think that a lot of people are equating it just with the first part, because right now it's the only ideology that explicitly states that it exalts the nation or race above others. Most here don't believe that a dictator/economic oppression would be best, at least from what I've seen.
thats were your wrong kiddo!!
Seems impossible to get one without the other.
Sometimes I think it's just all really about a means to get der juden gassed, because that isn't going to happen without a dictatorship.
>Fascism? Sure, whatever, so long as the Jews and niggers get the gas.
/pol actually supports real fascism, which has never been tried
monarchy is superior to democracy
see hand hermann hoppe: democracy the god that failed
fascism is needed as an intermediate stage to reach private law capitalism
marx has the sucession wrong, it always ends with capitalism but democracy is after fueudalism then fasism then capitalism
if monarchy had been kept 1800s
we would 100x richer now
capitalism 100,000
I don't consider myself a fascist, I'm more along the lines of Hoppe. Although I do love the whole fashwave aesthetic.
I don't think people need to be gassed, but we do need to end govt. programs that transfer wealth from white people to black people at such a high rate (which will probably end some lives by itself)
Yeah I don't think anyone here needs to be convinced that democracy is completely retarded. I'm still on the way to monarchy though.
Haven't read The God that Failed yet, but it's on my list, I like Hoppe.
my mind was blown when he said monarchies if kept would have made us all 1,000x richer by now.....I was like woa totally ture, no bulshit social justice, no adademia a joke, academia would be serious again
Would be nice. Makes sense if it's a lifetime+legacy position as opposed to a few years. I like his point about looting the nation as quickly as possible.
jus timagine if all the wasted effort of public school and fuckery of governmetn mesed up universiteis were streamlined and made legit
science would race forward
factories would spread
thorium atomic would be energy source
cars would be advance new zealand combustion engine
Probably true...
this should have the word "only" at the top in jagged silver metal with pink highlights
Nice ID JewKFC
love fashwave, what a nice surprise.
post some good fashwave music
I don't have the copy pasta, but here's some new Xurious
How is this shit any different from what they played in gay clubs back in the 80's?
any OC makers here? How exactly do you do it?
I use this guide, log out of Google first though.
I only saved it because the second thing I made is in it lol.