Stop voting against your economic interests
Stop voting against your economic interests
Stop feeding the niggers.
>MFW I imagine the socialism of the berners coming together with the nationalism of the trump supporters to form some sort of social nationalism
>turning every white country brown is in my interest
People with slightly more money then me being able to open businesses because of less taxes is good for me and everyone.
We Bernie supporters will adopt trumps immigration policy if you guys get on board Bernies economic and healthcare policies since Bernie is the most beneficial for a homegenous productive white society
>its in my economic interests to pay 90% taxes
Dude, I'm a centrist and all for it. Voted Bernie and Trump. It's honestly only a matter of time.
Money is no object when your people are being wiped out through White Genocide, user. The first thing to do is to stop this obvious international crime.
No, the businesses should in many situations be forced to pay White Genocide reparations for all of the time they pushed anti-white propaganda on their employees and the rest of the white community. Naming names, those anti-whites shall pay these reparations for the rest of their lives and being made into poor people as examples to any other would-be anti-whites.
stop pretending you understand my economic interests
Money is no object when your people are being wiped out through White Genocide, user. The first thing to do is to stop this obvious international crime.
My economic interest is MAGA
> implying government officials and beaucrats get rich through taxation
I don't need money but I need my guns.
>Be Sup Forums
>Larp against jewish 1%
>Larp against jewish FED and big banks
>Hear Bernie want to tax the 1% and break up the big banks
>Hate Bernie
Don't people get ashamed when they protest and rally for entitlement programs?
They're basically saying "FUCKING GIVE ME FREE MONEY FAGGOTS!"
Grow up.
posts a picture of a guy that doesn't understand economics
In the leftist mind, anything would be done for money. They are pissed off at rich people so they use this as an attack on them -- but inside their genuine view is that anyone who doesn't carry their psychopathy is irrational and stupid.
It can be rewritten as: "How come conservatives have emotions? That is so strange and alien to us"
What does a lazy Jew Marxist know about anyone's economic interests?
Yep thats literally the only reason pol is against him, not his views on BLM, immigration, taxes, foreign policy, social issues and firearms.
His foreign policy was no more war in the middle east. The rest I totally agree with, and even foreign policy he had no real prowess in. He was far from the perfect candidate, but I have serious doubts that we're going to hear a presidential candidate speak that clearly and genuinely about the problems of wealth and power in our country in my lifetime.
What do you mean? I never voted for that goddamned commie jew to begin with!
Wow, I lost most of that post. Let's try again.
>Rich people are so egotistical, thinking only of themselves and money, how to generate cash in any way, nothing but money money money, they are money obsessed, inhuman and greedy, would do anything for money!
>Why are poor people prioritising their country and race over a small amount of short term cash in hand? That really irrational of them! They should act mechanistically to generate the maximum cash in the short term! Why aren't they voting like cash-loving machines purely in accordance with their economic interest?
There seems to be a certain contradiction here.
What's the explanation?
The explanation is that the leftist is a complete psychopath who would rape his own mother for money. He knows that "greedy & inhuman" is an efficient avenue of attack against rich people, but his true colors is that he's surprised why everyone isn't money obsessed.
The leftist thinks: "Why, poor people, wouldn't you do everything for money? Why do you act on emotions? That's very strange of you, you should be like a cash-loving machine like me, doing everything in your immediate self-interest!"
"Why aren't you voting in your economic interest?" is another way of saying "How come you over there have emotions?"
yes we should vote for open borders because that's in the working/middle classes' economic interests
user, you're not entitled to my paycheck.
Pay for your own healthcare.
Stop wanting free shit.
What is your annual income?
OK I guess ill join the tea party
Stop presuming to know anything about economics.
Not that high considering it's my first year as an attorney.
How is that relevant to you wanting free shit? Bernie's healthcare plan was priced, and it was found that confiscating 100% of the 1%'s wealth wouldn't pay for it.
> dont ever consider the repercussions for your actions, just do what feels good.
>implying they don't
>imblying its not subsidies and tax breaks.
Step it up lolbertarian.
Archived that for you
Thank you. I hate the Washington Post.
or the fact he's a fucking jew
> no refunds goyim.jpg
I don't want free shit, I work medical and so most of my shit is fine. I want jobs and want at least medical basics to be affordable. This would be covered not only by abandoning Sanders' utopian vision of red carpet health insurance for all, but by tax reform including addressing tax havens, and regulations on pharmaceutical pricing. Everyone would have shitty health insurance, and if they wanted better health insurance they could buy a private plan or a get a job that provided it.
Again, I voted for Sanders not because I thought he would get his utopian vision off the ground but because he spoke extensively about the problems of wealth and power in our country.
If you don't get assistance from the government then voting socialist, liberal or left of center isnt in your best interest.
This is why you lose
You don't understand I don't want free shit and to be told be poor because it keeps you at the bottom
I want to fucking improve I want to work hard and earn shit
Everyone is capable of it in America if you just try
I would take a jew that attacks the jewish banking power structure and questions Israel over a goy who does the exact fucking opposite any day. Wouldn't you? Oh wait no, you're a neocon larping, I forgot.
Stop claiming to be a "man of the people" when you're a rich, entitled kike faggot who didn't hold down a job until he was in his 40s, and stop making excuses for your shitty wife having bankrupt a small college just so she could line her pockets with more shekels.
So you don't even want socialism, you just want to hurt wealthy people in positions of authority?
I'm not that vindictive, and I don't care.
What were Bernie's plans for the economy? All I remember is his insistence on free University.
Taking kikery to a whole new level!
No, I don't want socialism, I want tax reform that addresses the fucking astronomical wealth inequality in this country.
>I'm not that vindictive, and I don't care
Good, I hope you aren't one of these people that larp against the jew either
His solution to the economy was a 90% tax on "wealthy" people, free college, free healthcare, and a $15 minimum wage.
It was pretty retarded.
Nah, I don't care about Jewish people. I'm conservative.
I hate fags, abortions, and love free markets.
Fair enough.
Middle class families that bankrupt because of lack of health insurance don't open small businesses.
So clearly it's not in your interest
stop trying to bankrupt the country
Bernie is an open borders goon.
>will adopt Trump's immigration policy
Did you read the comment or did you just stop at Bernie?
>my economic interests
But when I vote for lower taxes you call me a Nazi.
> someone has this on folders
like this kike has my economic interests in mind.
literally the only thing bernie could successfully do would be to tax people who make less than a million a year
your delusional if you actually think he'd be successful against taxing the (((banks))) or capital gains;
and literally it doesn't even matter, the rich already store their money any way in big financial institutions
fuck off. it is right and good that the rich control the poor and middle class, and i am happy to serve them. they know more than us and should be in control.
>We Bernie supporters will adopt trumps immigration policy if you guys get on board Bernies economic and healthcare policies since Bernie is the most beneficial for a homegenous productive white society
We already have too many non whites in here for that to be agreeable to. I'm not paying for Jamal's 23 kids with 15 women.
>Bernie's healthcare plan was priced, and it was found that confiscating 100% of the 1%'s wealth wouldn't pay for it.
That is what conservative think tanks said. It's not true.
Hey dude, we voted for Bernie before Trump.
What the fuck else were we supposed to do?
There are things more important to me than my economic interests.
I fucking warned people that were gung-ho for Hillary at all costs that the disenfranchisement of the Sanders supporters would alienate the idea of "soft" Socialism and would instead embolden and birth a new movement of "hard" Socialism.
And that shit won't side with the DNC.
>Stop voting against your economic interests
Then why would we vote for an anti-White communist Jew?
I'd say that Whites need to start voting for our racial interests but voting won't save the White race.
Democracy got us into this problem. Democracy is not going to get us out of this problem.
>There are things more important to me than my economic interests.
Judging by your flag I'm going to guess it involves getting yet another dick shoved up your ass.
> wants more taxes and more welfare for vagabonds
>wants more immigration
>wants more regulations to small business
>hurr it is your best economic interest
socialists are fucking stupid
>fight against the corrupt gov by expanding the corrupt gov
>politicians are owned by wall st., so lets put them in charge of healthcare
>muh $27, no refunds :^)
>fight the establishment, oh btw vote for Hillary
>I didn't have a job until my 40s, but I know whats best for the largest economy in the world