I thought he was supposed to be based as fuck? Why is Trump trying to bully him out of office?
What went wrong?
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Because he's based as fuck
How? I thought he would have a nose for justice but he's a dopey little goblin with conflict of interest. Just look at his hearing performance.
The man is stuck in the fucking 60s. He's going after marijuana users instead of shillary. He's got no fucking back bone and needs to go back.
Sessions isn't as aggressive as hoped
Just be patient for the 4D chess
For a long time, Sessions was really the only Republican in the Senate asking for an all out reduction in immigration, even legal immigration, so you can't pull out the cuck card. He's ultra conservative, and has been since the time Donald was a Democrat and inviting the Clintons to his wedding.
Fuck you Donald. Jeff is our guy.
Sessions went after legal Marijuana instead of the corruption and the crimes of the left.
Fuck Sessions. Big eared jackass is done.
because trump wanted someone to torpedo the investigation. now that session isn't playing ball, he's like 'fuck i don't care if he's qualified i just wanted a AG that's a puppet'
He wont shield him from the Feds. But Donald, if there's nothing to hide there's nothing to fear.