Family Guy did something funny
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>family guy
>did something funny
back you go
edit with the hat being a maga hat when?
Was the hat a nap referenc3?
Absurdism isn't funny.
They do that sometimes.
Family Guy actually does do a bit of conservative humor. I wouldn't be surprised if one or both of the Seths browsed here.
cool video my bro! if only there was a board on Sup Forums where you could talk about tv, or maybe even movies!
I debated posting it to Sup Forums, but didn't want to derail that board with political shitposting.
>there are now 8 seasons of family guy I've never watched
someday I'm going to binge watch all of them and then kill myself
FG action sequences are always so awful
why does the audio of the stock fighting noises sound so bad?
>Family Guy did something funny
I doubt that
reminds me of early 2000's flash animations
This isn't even conservative humor. This is moderate humor. There isn't the representation of opposing sides. There's just one side of exaggerated lunacy represented, and then there's sanity.
Leaked dynasty warriors 9 footage?
lefty/pol/ at it again.
You need to go back.
It's /leftypol/ to shit on family guy now? Let me guess, you think Jon Oliver is a based pede?
Jon Oliver is not a pede in the slightest way? the fuck? he's the faggot who started drumpf shit
Because this is from a SDCC trailer and they likely haven't recorded their own sound effects tailored to the scene yet. Other Family Guy season trailers have used stock sound effects that are replaced in the finished episode.
Of course he isn't nigger, I'm illustrating the absurdity of you accusing me of being leftist when I criticize family guy.
I hate the B^U face everyone has in Family Guy.
Using that as an excuse to hate on conservative media. Don't think we don't see your ((("Narrative")))
dynasty warriors is animated way better
Is this some sort of experimental marketing campaign? Or just some weird kind of shilling? I'm posting in a slide thread aren't I
You're the marketer. Lefty faggot
Is this a spoof of Kingsmen?
Say what you will about family guy, but they do some of the best cartoon fights I've ever seen.
unironically not calling someone a pede as if thats something they should hope to be
I was thinking of that newgrounds one that had a couple games.
>tfw John Oliver got a voice gig for the live action version of The Lion King along with Seth Rogen
They aren't afraid to show the violence but the only nigger there has it's face get covered so you can't see it when it gets stabbed
a pretty bland one yeah
Made me think of Trayvon desu
Fuck it that was sorta funny. Not like slap my knee funny, but aight.
American dad is funnier.
Daily reminder that just because you watch some dumb shit to laugh at it, its not a political statement. Anybody who extrapolates their political thought from a cartoon needs to die.
Because he was the only one with a hood...
Did you not notice the black girl that gets a fork through her eye?
>the same chicken fight scene AGAIN.