Why are so many people on this board anti american and anti western, and support our enemies and hate our allies?
You are traitors to the west.
Why are so many people on this board anti american and anti western, and support our enemies and hate our allies?
The west is controlled by JEWS
>the west
The Whites.
Because Americans aren't our friends
You've made it clear by electing the Cheeto piece of shit who wants to harm Mexicans
Fuck off piece of shit, you've made your bed now lay on it
Gee I wonder user
Sandnigger Jew detected
No, user, I'm just anti Jew. And Jewmerica is the strong arm of Israel.
Oh boo who your people can't sneak into America and get gibs. Go back and fix up your shit hole; you will never be invaded with the greatest and friendliest nation above you. Your problems are your own doing.
Regardless of whether you hate jews or not, they are the only western country in the middle east, and good kebab removers.
genetically they test far closer to us than any country in the middle east
They're the only western country in the middle east.
It's more like Israel is the strong arm of America.
Also if you hate America so much then go move to a mudslime shithole.
I just hate Jews, niggers, faggots, Laurenposters, and you OP.
because this is the west and everything it represents
Jew owned west trying hard to eradicate free countries.
Death to america and isreal
If I don't like kikes destroying America, poisoning America, funding ISIS, importing Saudi kikes to take over Arizona and sending all our tax dollars to expand "greater israel" then I am a traitor...is that about the sum of you emotionally manipulative suggestions, kike provocateur?
You are here to convince me that I am the "other" and that no "real America" should care about self interest, talmudic supremacists or the core values this nation was founded on?
America is the number 1 goy. Our government has been spreading Jewish degeneracy across the world for the past century, and we steamroll anyone who resists it.
The US is the enemy of the white race.
because they havent been rounded up. that would be 'mean'.
What the actual fuck.
They get 425 rubles deposited into their account, or about $.01
no, (((the west))) are traitors to us
nig culture is destroying america
So I get citizenship in your shithole? Or are you harming me faggot
Oh god...
"Martha, the flame thrower!"
salam alekum my bruddah won't be long before Sup Forums is a moslem board
The thing is. I can't get over the parts where it says it's okay to marry your cousins when it's objectively speaking a terrible idea.
I just can't.
It's great but shit got to make a minimum of sense you know.