How do I know if something is true?
How do I know if something is true?
you can't faggot
only if daddy trump says it's true
are you willing to put money on it?
is it the holocaust?
then it is not
Gives your peeny tingles.
There are no real truths, there are only half truths.
Wait till Trump decides what is true and what is not and even then he might change his mind.
everyone once in awhile you will see the weaponized autism types who post all their references and/or detailed essay explanations with citations etc.
just gotta get better at browsing, there is a LOT of shit sifting to do in Sup Forums but there is a lot of knowledge to be gained too.
Take all information with a lot of salt.
And then if any of it turns out to be true down the line just act like you knew all along
Is it in on the internet?
1) Yes? Then true
2) No? Not true
if you're called racist for believing it
I mean what is the nature of truth? How does a human being differentiate truth from fiction?
What's immaterial and what's material?
If it's from one source: 50%
If it's from two sources: 75%
If it's from three sources: 87.5%
If it's from four sources: 93.75%
But if your info is controlled by zionists then it doesn't matter the number, it's always 0%
argumentum ad populum
Test it with logic and search the feeling in your true heart.
You can never know for certain but their is hints
>Believe the opposite of what they say
>People like to project, if they say the opponent is a racist then most likely they are racist
>The winners like to demonize the losers
>If you re not allowed to talk about it then assume its true
>just because its popular theory doesn't mean its true
>the science and facts 100 years ago or even 50 years ago hold up today, assume that for what we know also.
>The more something is repeated then its propaganda
truth is a objective entity, which in reality must be seen as subjective only
Apply common sense. Create a fiction. Then apply common sense on that fiction. Re-fiction it. Get tired by all the bullshit. Apply common sense one last time. Realize you don't even care and it doesn't even matter. And that's the only truth
with most all information the path between you and the information is many layers deep, you have to take people's word for things, even experiencing things first hand it is inherently possible that something is lost in translation between the sensory information you take in and how your brain processes it
all that said, I do think there is truth, but to "know" it is just a level of belief if you're the sort of person who takes skepticism to its limits
logic will lead you as close as you can go
You will never know if anything is objectively true. Everything you know to be and to exist as a fact is the result of your senses and organs, which can be lying to you.
t. Thomas Hobbes
you cant, unless you are all knowing and omnipotent
nobody can even proof life is real. could easily be the matrix
You go to snopes and the opposite of what they say is true.
You have to base it on assumptions or axioms, so if you make those assumptions as basic as possible, then everything else is easy to relate as truth
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