Snapped the neck of a corgi puppy because he was angry at his wifi.
Currently on the run in Iowa.
Snapped the neck of a corgi puppy because he was angry at his wifi.
Currently on the run in Iowa.
>implying corgis deserve to live
Get a cat you insecure fuck, DOGS are for people who need a mindless PET with no self-autonomy for emotional reliance. Fucking cucked
Dogs will get the gas
That pile of shit is ugly. He will be found quickly.
Meh, I'm not about to go full PETA, but killing something because your internet isn't working is a bit of a stretch.
Cats are assholes. Just like you. People can't stand them, they're short tempered and hate change. And lash out at the first sign of mild opposition. I can see why you like cats.
>doglet spotted
Sorry that I don't need an ugly beast with no presence of mind to walk around and pick up shit after
Your dog is representative of your intellect, which is sub-saharan tier clearly. See a specialist, kid
>acts like a nigger
>will go to prison like a nigger
fucking niggers
ha ha ha holy shit loser
Oh, something important. I'll get right on that.
If your cats so smart then how come my shephard would tear it to shreds?
Also i bet your house smells awful.
Tends to happen when you have a box of cat shit sitting in your house.
Nigger tier. Lock him up with the niggers, see what happens to him.
>If your cats so smart then how come my shephard would tear it to shreds?
For the same reason a 6 year old with a bazooka could kill a philosopher
Also, clearly you've never seen a cat use a toilet before. God why are dogfags such insufferable brainlets?
My dog sits when I ask him to sit.
My dog shits where I train him to shit.
My dog shows me how much he missed me while I was gone.
My dog will protect my home and the people he loves from intruders.
Your cat doesn't give 2 fucks about you, where you've been, or the commands you give it, and can't learn to shit outside the house.
Oh and my dog can kill your cat as nature intended.
Tell me again what makes your cat better, or smarter than my dog?
>he thinks he trained his cat to use a toilet.
Nasty fuckers. Stray cats shit in my yard all the time and kill the frogs and lizards.
Next time im letting my dog kill it.
They literally do nothing and your cat doesnt care about you.
>why are dogfags such insufferable brainlets?
Truth. I swear every chick I've known who "loves dogs" has been a fucking brain dead hick moron. Cat lady's are a mixed bag at least.
Amazing bait
>what isbself-autonomy
Pretty sure I explained this above, retard. Your dog needs meaning ascribed to his life and functionality by a human in order to have any essence to his existence. My cat decides for themself.
>needing a domesticated animal for emotional reliance
How much of a fucking push are you?
READ H.P. Lovecrafts "cats and dogs" to get a better understanding of why aristocrats think you're a fucking peasant
>tmw dogs can provide more services to human kind such as guide dogs,foreseeing panic attack, helping get people lost in anyone of rubble , discovering mines for soldiers but are apperantly dumber than cats and are useless
So is that why their stereotype is so sad and lonely?
No matter what you say you lost when user stated that a dog can save your life while a cat will watch you die.
hope some nigger rapes this white pussy in prison
he's on the run for killing his own dog?
lol of all the pathetic shit to be on the run for
Why don't doglets know the differencce between intrinsic and extrinsic value? Or the difference between utility and intellect? Do us sane people a ffavor and jump off a bridge with your dog in your hands. Oh, and just to show you why you're still wrong and a faggot
I have a German Sheperd and a cat, They are both lying at my feet.
Be nice. They are animals, you don't have to choose sides.
We can all agree that bot Cats and Dogs are better than Niggers jews, or muslims so lets focus on what brings us together instead.
Fucking kikes starting cats vs. dogs threads.
I hope had to suck homeless dick while on the run, and he lives his life eating from trashcans. Until one fateful winter night he's ripped apart by a pack of wild dogs.
why are white people so fucking ugly and do the most retarded crimes for dumb reasons
Cats are alpha, dogs are beta. Simple as that
Has there been a trial? No? Then FUCK OFF. Innocent until proven guilty faggot
The other races do this shit daily but its not reported because it would be racist.
Any idea how many niggers died in your country today? It's not news if it happens daily.
Holy shit wow you sure made me think.
I wonder how many dogs saving lives vids i can find.
At least im taking care of an animal that serves a purpose.
Whats a cats purpose? To shit in a box and make you change it?
Genocide Chinks when?
why are catlets so stubborn and dumb? What am I talking to a person from Tumblr who thinks they're right about some dumb shit like communism just cause they read a book (just one)on the matter instead of researching and reading multiple sources or more than one book ?
Autism at its finest
Can Sup Forums find him first?
>Scared of water, cucumbers and loud noises
That doesn't sound very alpha to me user.
>Oh and my dog can kill your cat as nature intended
Technically, but highly unlikely.
Hey fag. Stop arguing over pets.
Who gives a fuck. Dogs are better but are way more work, cats are easy and great if you want a low-maintanence companion.
It doesnt fucking matter they are animals.
I'll start calling you a kike if you don't drop this shit.
So are our dogs yet you started this debate any thing said at you no matter how coarse or vile could've been prevented by you not having had said anything and just had gone to some cat thread instead
I agree
Cats can be just as loyal and protective as dogs. Look up videos of cats saving their owners
Mudshit detected.
While that may be true to a certain extent you're more likely to hear about a dog doing that
Sounds like the average Sup Forums loser manchild
Don't keep fucking arguing, It is a fact that dogs are way more loyal, a few cats may be but its not the norm.
They are pets.
Jews don't normally keep pets, neither do muslims, wonder why.
>because he was angry at his wifi
what a faggot
Am in Des Moines. If anyone has any bright ideas I'd love to exact Sup Forums's revenge
I'd rather date a sad lonely chick than your typical dog loving moron so IDK. Nothing against dogs, just hate girls that "love dogs" if you know what I mean.
I have both cats and dogs and i can say dogs are way more fucking annoying and a pain in the ass then cats are. Fuck dogs and dog people, all you have is
>muh loyalty
Big deal, dogs are way messier, way more annoying, and smell way worse. From what ive seen in real life most people who hate cats havent ever had them. Stay mad dog lovers you are on the wrong side of history and your animal is shit tier. Id take in another 300 cats before even considering another dog.
If they're the kind of girls who's that all they talk about then yeah i geel you but I've met some really awesome dog owners that have made my life heaven I've also fucked it up with them......
cats are almost exactly like women. Dogs are like men. This is a pretty big redpill. I like having a cat b/c it's good training on how to treat an actual chick and it makes my home feel more like a home.
Dogs are easy mode. Love is automatic and loyalty is assured as long as your the alpha. Cats are hard mode, you have to provide resources and lead it to like you through subtle cues.
>If they're the kind of girls who's that all they talk about
Yeah, that's the type. Maybe I'm just biased by bad experiences with that kind of chick.
Honestly at this point this basically a circle jerk and a battle with no end which is what happens with extremist on both sides fight I'll stick to trying to stay in the middle see you space cowboys
PETA is in favor of killing all pets.
I know how you feel I've had my bad experience with cat girls but cats aren't that bad but I was raised around dogs more than cats so that's what made me like dogs more
lmao wrong
dogs are like kids and actually require more responsibility an attention than cats
cats are more independent
dogs train you for having a family and therefore are the hard mode and patrician choice for the conservative minded person. maybe they dont help you with women skills because theyre not as automatically loyal, but definitely with kids
cats are for fagets
Some people can just snap.
PETA doesn't believe in pets. There's a difference. They're not passing around flyers telling you to snap a dogs' neck.
>us sane people
>most likely has toxoplasma gondii in his brain from his cat
>will eventually contract toxoplasmosis
oh boy cant wait to go home contract a disease while being a slave to my cat
>look like a particularly edgy school shooter
>have suspended DL
>live in an apartment, mooch off of neighbor's wifi
>get mad because the free wifi isn't good enough, sperg the fuck out and kill his dog
>run into the woods so you can get even more attention drawn to your hilarious excuse of a life as a short manhunt ensues
How is it possible to be this much of a fuckup
Hello ahmed
a fucking leaf
Niggers are cucking you to the max and you're chasing someone who killed a fucking dog, unreal.
Therefore cat owners are beta faghots who like being controlled by a shitty pet that provides zero use but to lay around and be a little shit. Stays inside all day like a NEET, generally avoids the owner like everyone else in their sorry life.
Subservient and loyal to a fault, the dog complements the alpha male as both a companion and friend. The dog can assist in hunting and tracking, and can put up a fight for his owner and guard his owner's property. Can be walked and exscersized, which requires the owner to go outside and meet new people.
Of course, it's a light skinned black.
cats literally carry a disease that turn you homosexual.
cats are for fucking fags.
I came here for news and international shitposting. What I got was Sup Forums tier trash. That fag should've installed OpenWrt. Here, have some iSocks.
I;m serious when I say only autistic beta male faggots (i.e. reddit) get cats
Definitely not a shill for animals by any means but cats are the lowest of the low. Would take any mutt before I ever took one of those little shits, one of the few things the Negro ever got right.
Coming on way too strong. First post was somewhat believable.
kys faggot. seriously, do it now.
Well... I agree with a fucking leaf today. Time to get to bed.
>cats literally help run governments
this place is so fucking gay
I killed a bird with a BB-Gun the other day.
I stepped on a spider a few hours ago . . .
My dog is worth more than every black life on this God forsaken nigger infested planet. He's smarter than all of them too
I hope a lot of niggers died today desu. Like, a lot more than usual
That cat is fucking garbage
cats are the nu male leftist pet
That's pretty sad.
I love dogs. They're the most caring, loyal creature you could have as a pet.
I like dogs better than cats. Cats are too similar to wild animals in my opinion. They do better outside. They breed like hell, catch rodents, etc.
They... don't really need human beings, just like wild animals don't need human beings.
these are names one should NEVER trust.
Good, dogs are a worthless species, and so are their subhuman owners
>Only thing more powerful than is a Corgi
Cats are carnivores. Dogs are weak vegans. That's why the king of the jungle is a Lion, a cat. Cats are very intelligent too. Top of the food chain. Fuck dogs @cat nation. Fuck niggers too.
Not being edgy, but what gives us the right to differentiate dogs and livestock?
I raised chickens all my life and killed many of them myself. I wouldn't kill my dog because I like her. If I don't like my dog and I paid for her myself, I should have the right to take it's life.
We don't get upset when people take their dogs to a (((vet))) to get euthanized for hundreds of dollars but we go apeshit when anyone does it the old fashioned way because you are all basically SJW faggots with no grasp on how the world works without your fragile social institutions propping your world view up.
>Your cat doesn't give 2 fucks about you, where you've been,
take that back you asshole
Just to add to this...
If an animal is my property, why can't I do what I want with it? Does the animal have rights? Does that override my right of ownership?
It's all communist bullshit
What a fucking retard.
How did he even know the other guy was on his wifi? Did his bank account get robbed? Was his identity stolen? Or do this guy really just go crazy and snap a puppy's neck.
A dog just died people. Stop arguing about stupid shit. *Priorities*
Man you are just too edgy
>tfw too intelligent to own a cat
I actually live about a mile and a half from where this happened. It's a project full of Africans. I find it far more suspicious that Someone had a dog at Oak Ridge that hadn't been eaten.
This guy will get caught fast normies are already offering various rewards on faceberg. Tomorrow it's going to blow up. In fact, I but this guy turns him self in tomorrow rather than risk getting ambushed.
It was the victims Wi-Fi, according to the article
I am imagining something like this
>crazy animal abuse bro using someone else's internet
>the owner of the Wi-Fi changed the password or otherwise booted him
>acts like a pathetic internet addict and totally looses control over not being able to post on reddit
Oops I take back that first part. It was a different shitty apartment then I was thinking