Have to convert to Islam for gf

I'm a white American (Icelandic/German) and have to convert to Islam in order to marry my gf. I've been dating her for 7 months and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She's the best gf I've ever had, loyal, caring, compassionate, and intelligent. She cooks and cleans for me without blinking an eye because I usually help her out as well. servitude is a two way street for us. She voted for Donald Trump and has fought anti-fa in the streets with me. As a "Christian" I I'd have to download the Muhammad DLC by accepting Muhammad as the Prophet of God and pray a bunch of times per day, also no bacon or alcohol. That's about it. If I try to get her to revert to Christianity her family will outcast her and probably acid burn her face if she visits Tunisia. I come from an atheist/agnostic family so there isn't really much for me to lose, if anything my offspring should enjoy the benefits of white sharia, multiple wives, conservative beliefs, and of course being worshiped by libtards everywhere they go.

Is this really such a horrible idea? I got mixed reactions the last time i posted here.

You dun' goof'd.


convert her to atheism religious people are scum of the earth remember there are no smart religious people also islam is a red flag i dont need to bring up the shit they do in their home countries acting like animals

if she was that serious about islam she wouldn't be dating you

just say the shahada so you can do the nikkah and then forget about it once you're married

Should have gotten one from the UAE.
They don't give a shit about religion, and there's a 50/50 chance she'll either hate you for being white, or wet her panties for the same reason.
Get one of the good ones, bring her home, and fuck her hard.

convert her to atheism piss of when your kind took over everything went to shit

Most arab dudes are too busy spending all their money on Obey clothing and bars to spend time looking for a wife. This has led to a massive population of young muslim women looking for marriage. I forgot to add my gf is 19.

Who cares? If you like her do it. Islam and Christianity are so similar despite what poltards and deus vult faggots think.

You're obviously bait though.

Do it. The religion allows you to stone women to death and makes sure they stay in the kitchen.
>thinks mudslimes really follow the rules
Some of these sandniggers eat bacon and get drunk every fucking day. They're literally dealing drugs in Europe you think they wouldn't drink alcohol?

not all atheists are cucked when they aren't they have the clearest foresight and understanding of all humans

Pasta kys

can confirm you should have gotten a UAE one

i havent seen many atheists who were not massive liberal faggots so i doubt it

>flys Le edgey flag
>convert to Islam

Can't be both faggot KYs


If Muslims could get girlfriends they wouldn't be blowing themselves to bits in a desperate attempt at getting angel pussy.

im atheist and want global eugenics

This is happening more and more lately. White American guys converting for Muslim chicks. Handful of times I've seen it this year among friends on kikebook.


>get drunk every fucking day

Overstatement, but young Muslim men in Europe seem to drink just as much as other people that age.

Oh look, it's this thread again.

I know a couple muslim dudes.
Although they avoid pig meat, they seem to not give a fuck at all about getting drunk, or betting.
Which is ironic since eating pig was only considered a sin because back when islam was created eating pig was 90% of the times a dead sentence, not because they consider it sacred.

you must understand there arent many of you
i mean your kind is rare also religion serves a
purpose in society and i would say is a reason or a part of the reason why are getting all of this shit simply being a fucking idiot and saying religious people are scum wont help you or anybody

the woman is the one who needs to convert

ITT: I'm a cuck,I know, please tell me I'm a cuck

> loyal, caring, compassionate, and intelligent
no,she's a muslim.

it's generally a "scandal" (speaking relatively) for a muslim woman to marry a non-muslim, even if he converts (people don't really care the other way around). most genuinely conservative muslim women don't want to bring that kind of drama into the family

it's usually in name only to avoid total familial meltdown (muslims are completely rigid on marrying outside of the faith when it comes to women). Which I recommend OP do unless he actually wants to be religious

Go to /adv/ shill

Of course, brother. The graciousness of allah lies within her.

There's nothing wrong with it. Islam will outlast the degeneracy of this liberal world order. Like you said, it's not that far from Christianity, and the whole no bacon/alcohol rule is good for health anyway. Plus she sounds redpilled and conservative, so it's a fair trade-off.

Exactly this. Say illy ally open sesame and you're in. You could chug a can of malt liquor and eat a pork chop right afterwards, and they won't care. They just want to tell the relatives you're a """Muslim""".

I thought about doing that for this big booty qt. But my grandmother would probably kill me. And she'll probably live until 100 so waiting is out of the question.

don't do it, it's a trap

post a pic and we can say if shes hot enough to warrant conversion. chances are, no, and you should just remain whaever the fuck you are and marry her anyway. who gives a shit what her parents think, tell them to get over it, you are filling her with white crusader seed and thats final

if your beliefs are able to be changed by a single woman then you have no beliefs.

Also if you marry after less than 5 years, you're asking for trouble.

>If I try to get her to revert to Christianity her family will outcast her and probably acid burn her face if she visits Tunisia

worth it. if she doesn't convert to Christianity she's just using you and doesn't love you.

This post again. Fuck off Muhammad. sage

Well, you go to hell.

Don't listen to most of the posters here, remember Sup Forums is satire

Follow your heart user I think it's great you decided to bend over for a stronk woman

Converting isn't as difficult as you may think. Can be done in a few simple steps, pic related

she should have to convert to christianity

bait thread. Tunisia is pretty liberal for muslims. When I went there I was at clubs where woman were more whorey than in DC. I think this is complete bs tbqh

enjoy the lake of fire, fool.