Just ran into these in North Dallas Costco, it's a first for me. Where has my country gone...
Just ran into these in North Dallas Costco, it's a first for me. Where has my country gone
that is literally a walk in the mall for me, except multiplied by 50 over here
start the race war before it is too late, white brother
If you haven't seen one before you haven't lived in Dallas long enough.
ask your jewish puppet master Americuck
They are buying TP. Converts or what?
They sell that water at their gas station later.
my california costco is packed with them. the shitskins go for the free samples and obviously savings when buying groceries for their 8+ refugee children that you pay for with your taxbux
>It's a first for me
Kill yourself you pathetic bitch. Many others have it much worse, you shouldn't be complaining.
>not taking advantages of the free samples
Native Texan, just been out of state the last 10 years for work. Recently returned because everywhere else was unbearable and landed a good job. So much has changed, it's Pajeet central out here.
Go to the Costco in Fremont, CA. You'd swear you were on the India/China border.
Yeah Dallas has become very multicultural over the past decade. You are going to see more variety of people but so far it hasn't been bad.
wait til you find out they are paying with ebt cards to stock their store
i have never seen a mexican or spanish person before
imagining what it would be like with imagining what it would be like without smelly pakis would be heaven
At least they're assimilating and using toilet paper instead of using their hands.
lol buying "bath tissue" and not superior Charmin
>stay pleb muzzies
California has begun the Invasion of Texas. >Alamo 2 Turbans and Trannys Bugaloo
How do you free sample with a beekeeper mask over your mouth? Taking it off is absolutely haram
What always gets me is they wear these things even when it's 100+ outside. I don't understand why they put up with that shit.
Texas is the #1 refugee resettlement state, with plans for massive immigration of Africans/sandniggers in the very near future.
(((They've))) decided it's time for Texas to get enriched.
don't talk shit if you're too retarded to upload the pics correctly.
In fact it was fucking 103. I don't know how they're alive. I only had jeans on and I wasted to die.
When I go to Costco in Columbus OH it's nothing but nice middle aged white people and their families. All the degenerates get filtered out by the super Walmart.
I see them, fully covered, walking down a busy road in 100 heat here in Austin.
Bro, I see them all day in north Texas. I feel your pain. I can't stand it.
is that the Costco in Plano, just off 75? if so...i joke with my wife about that every weekend that we go there. i call it the asian subcontinent. friday evenings are literally 80%+ asian; including both indians and chinese.
honestly, though...the area is still pretty comfy. the pajeets and chinese are generally very highly educated, nice neighbors, and fairly wealthy. don't see too many muslims around, but see them every once in a while. they tend to congregate closer to irving.
How is the nigger me spic infestation going there? My family moved from Austin in 2006 to get away from those problems
Haha, yup that's the one
This state is fucked and soon to be occupied by "based Tejanos" regardless.
The defenders of the Alamo died for nothing.
The fabric is really thin, that's how they do it. They're also desert people.
Las Colinas reporting in. You ain't seen nuthin yet up there
las colinas/irving...home of clock boy. nice.
not sure the name of it, but there is actually one mosque down your way that creeps the hell out of me. drove past it one evening on my way to a restaurant, and felt like i was in karachi or something. i don't fear the average suburban, assimilated muslim......but the places that seem more like their home country than america...that's the shit that creeps me out.
I hate Costco. For some reason the store bugs me.
I guess because it's classist. The only reason Costco requires a membership is to keep out the homeless.
The fuckin' parking is always a fuckin' nightmare. All the good parking spots are handicapped ones. Otherwise your ass is parking out in the boonies.
Once you get inside the store, it's shopping carts everywhere. Can't even fuckin' move.
If you actually do the math, you don't save money shopping at Costco. You have to buy in bulk so people don't this, but you're paying the same amount there as any other fuckin' grocery store.
I shop at Walmart over Costco. Fuck Costco.
The 'assimilated muslim' is actually the greatest threat. Terrorists are normally 2nd generation and educated.
Don't worry about it goy
Wow the KKK has really relaxed their uniform requirements.
Dude I see them in Florida all the time now. I've been in FL for 10 years and didn't see them at all until the past 2 years.
Mind your own business you subhuman animal, they're just living their lives. I bet you're a fat worthless turd anyway.
none of them take care of their houses. also if you ever go to one, they own no furniture. its fucking bizarre.
And I was just minding my own business waiting in line being bored living my own life. A subtle photo doesn't fuck up anyone's day (usually) fag.
>going to costco for WATER
what the fuck are you doing lady
That is what Costco is intended for.
San Antonio here. My old apartment complex was next to a mosque and eventually all of the refugees got placed in the apartments around there. Then add in some IT poo in loos and spic single moms with black drug dealing boyfriends... I ended up buying a house outside 1604 towards medina lake where it's just white people and successful spics.
I'm guessing you went to the one at 75 and Parker. That place is hell on earth and has made me lose my cool at least once. I highly recommend you go to the new one at 635/75. It's a completely new experience. Totally relaxing.
Yes, Plano is being ethnically cleansed. I will probably be fired soon from my job in a telecom in the area and everyone in an entire building we have is now Indian. Hopefully I can find something good though since dallas is booming.
>hasn't been bad
What the fuck are you talking about??? Plano/Richardson has been fucking ethnically cleansed and traffic is unbearable.
Thats bc irving has a mega mosque. The problem isn't the Chinese or pajeets there's just too fucking many of them and being surrounded and then seeing a woman in a beekeeper uniform makes it hard to forget this is not your country anymore. Like I said, drive down south. It's worth it. Or at least don't go there on the weekend.
Some products are discounted well. Others are not. Frozen fruit and chicken olive oil etc can't be beat.
Nobody's doing anything to stop it. That's what's going on.
Where are you? Here I see hijabs but never burqas. I've only seen 2 or 3 burqas.
I still hate those fucking sand niggers