We need one of these, fuck these guys. Lefty/pol/ is cancer.
Lefty/pol/ hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Left-wing got a huge funding recently from Soros.
Yep, fuck the fags.
Fucking shillcucks bringing down the west. It's the kikes.
I'm glad this thread came along, we dun wore out one nigger thread.
Don't worry. Hitler will return soon. You just wait.
I am sure he will come back in some form.
Why do you have that saved?
leftists are easy targets and provide many lulz. the real enemy are these new christ cucks idk where tf they came from but all of a sudden they are everywhere.
>fucking sheep literally worshiping a shepard.
choke on that blue pill harder faggots
ask how i know you're a dc reddit kike shill
It sounds as if you're mad because you've realized we've successfully LARPed the low-IQ, genetic-waste retards on this board with all kinds of fantasies. Now that the day of judgment is approaching, you're lashing out.
12 year old confirmed
I don't see how anyone could have fucking Muslims, niggers and feminists on their side and go ''yep, I am on the right side''.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
U guys cannot meme for shit.
leftism of any form is literally 100% correlated with mental illness
Its like a cancer that will not stop spreading.
And how exactly hasn't Soros been necked yet?
*JEW Found*
power to the omnipotent government that doesnt give a shit about workers yet i claim to be for the workers
have fun being a slave to the state
Strasserism is not on the left side and I have no idea why niggers on /leftypol/ love to parade it as if it is.
/leftypol/ takes themselves so fucking seriously. They always try and LARP about being different than the normie collage socialists/communists. They're not.
/leftypol/ is literally a miniature Reddit. It used to have decent discussions, but it devolved into a circle jerk awhile ago.
They are the antifa types. Can't even type full sentences without sperging about fascism and oppression. Fuck em.
Slow your roll BPS.
>thinking only BPS hates /l*ftypol/
it's no worse than here
Is this thread a parody or something, are you bumbling losers for real?
I hate that it's grouped in with NazBol, it's imo unadulterated NatSoc without Hitlerite connotations
if only that were true. Then antifa could stop going to all their rallies and chimping out.