Muh muh muh heritage. Muh muh muh superiority. Muh muh muh aryan masterrace.
Muh muh muh heritage. Muh muh muh superiority. Muh muh muh aryan masterrace
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Muh bait
Sup leaf
You is just Ben mad cuz we is Ben havin d,embigha dicks an sheik
And you wonder why people call you cucks.
Muh muh muh Kangs
Sorry whitebois its game over. Admit you're all racist cuz its the only SURVIVAL mechanism you have. You all know for a FACT that whites will be extinct in 100 years.
OH SHIT... ON GOOGLE .. AND IN CAPS ... FUCK... I guess Sub-Saharan Africa isn't a shithole after all.
Who will pay for your gibs? And where will Africa get it's aid?
Looks like a spic to me
I'd wear my shirt but the XXL size won't fit my massive biceps. I guess this is white man size, for a big gut and small arms. Sorry :(
muh sage
You're blending memes too much. Skinnier a guy is bigger is dick hang. But muh BBC in comparison. Why not both? Are you Mormon by chance? South Park wrote a lovely song about you
Oh haha look at us black people look like Monkeys. Oh wait. Oh shit...
>skin is black as coal
>that gorilla looks white!
LOOL black people are starving....Oh shit...
It's more the cognitive similarities not aesthetic that make the comparison with niggers so apt.
muh permanent victim excuse
>black people
silly monkey. memes are for humans.
You know whitebois got BTFO when their only argument is "hurr durr black people are monkeys". How does it feel to know white fertility rates are in the TOILET faggots? Enjoy your "superiority" when you won't exist in a century.
Could you imagine being a nigger? So dumb you don't even know you're biting the hand that feeds you. Hey Jamal. Chong and Omar aren't going to be so kind. I would could your blessing, boy.
Well the white people have driven many other species to extinction, why couldn't we do the same for the nigger?
>Rambles incoherently
Y'all got BTFO
Niggers and children have the same thought process
Pic of OP
fucking kek
Leave apekind alone
prison pop, low average IQ (70, lel), 85% single mothers, no high school graduates, insane murder rates, retarded gangster culture, daddy gone syndrome, shit no talent music, the list goes on...
We bought those niggers fair and square from the other niggers that brought them to us. Fuck off if you don't like 1st world living standards.
Sorry, monkey. Your females are our flesh toilets, now.
The whitey may be a worthy opponent but you are as good as a cripple buffalos.
got a bad deal. they sold us the bad ones
> niggers boasting about physical superiority when they have been enslaved by literally every culture on earth
In Toronto 80% of all murders are done by niggers, the rest by Arabs, Chinese, or Indians.
Check the most wanted list for TPS, just this weekend there was a party with niggers and 3 niggers got shot, one of the most violent weekends in Toronto history
LMAO I wonder how women feel about you when they find out you are a racist on the internet. How does it feel when you pull those pants down and sow her what you're working with?
There were good ones?
You posted the same thing yesterday stupid coon. Both of them look like pussys and I'm sure you look like even more of a pussy. When I find you I'm gonna lift you up off the ground and slam you into the ground and watch your head bounce. You are such a bitch ass little faggot.
the black community is doomed
>Muh Dick
and to think I assumed you were simple minded animals.
Noone claims superiority, retard. Only the right to exist and not have (((diversity))) forced on us. Loving your own people isn't synonymous with hating others. Why is that so hard for fucking morons like you to grasp?
Well I tell my fiancée what to think, I don't like niggers neither does she. That's how humans do things jaykwon
Was there any point to this thread or? perhaps I'm not picking up the subtleties.
Silly nagger, brains is more powerful than brawn. That's why every other race in history uses you for it.
Yeah humans are superior to the beast of the field, God gave man dominion over all the beast and made us in his image. The beast of the field (niggers) were made by God to serve mankind
These LITERALLY crawl only on the heads of disgusting white people hair. Can you imagine an ebony QUEEN having these disgusting creatures crawl over her head?
It's infuriating when politicians KNOW the reason for our insane murder rates are negroes but still use the numbers to try and gain gun control.
Spic with pink nipples? Kek, those don't exist in CA at least
He's some sort of southern euro or sand nig
In order to be a parasite you've got to find a host superior to yourself to leech off of
>Black guy
raping murdering and pillaging made me physically strong and smart like an ape.
>White Guy
Invents Planes and Nuclear weapons so that all it takes is one man to kill millions. (while listening to music in air conditioning)
That feel when white cavebeasts are lynched.
nice cherry pick you traffic blocking faggot,
heres a picture of Dorian and Urkle, just for (((you)))
Actually dreadlocks in Jamaica lead to all sorts of disgusting things, like the man whose spiderfro got a literal nest of cemtipedes in it that started biting his skull so he finally went to doctor
A bank got robbed by a nigger not far from me last year, there was no crime at all here until non whites moved in. My building is 70 years old in 70 years we didn't need security cameras, now it's mostly non white (Filipino) and we had to have cameras installed,
White cucks in this thread FUMING.
>Implying Africa needs outside help to get aids.
Lets see literally any African nation go to the moon.
>physical strength > mental strength
A good old classic.
Cherry picking is a logical fallacy.
You wish you were black. You're not a father to a family that respects you and you don't have to beat anyone in order to get your way because you're a respectable human being.
1950's black over a modern day. ANYDAY.
Trying to ignore the argument and the fact you're inferior, Jamal?
Stop being such a kike.
lolol please tell me you're joking nignog. surely you've heard of rappelling