God speed to our law enforcement as they arrest the traitors in our government tonight and tomorrow, our prayers are with you.
Remember to throw away the key when you're done.
God speed to our law enforcement as they arrest the traitors in our government tonight and tomorrow, our prayers are with you.
Remember to throw away the key when you're done.
Autismal faggot
True Patriots
Thanks for your service Agent Pepe. I knew they hadn't gotten to you. Stay safe and put 'em away.
Thanks based LEOs.
Thank you FBI for btfo'ing the elite pedo scum
FBI is just as ZOG controlled as the CIA. Anyone who trusts these organizations is a faggot. Even in the days of Mcarthy and Roy Cohn, it was under John Birch control. They were controlled by the Jews.
Arrests end up in liberal courts for years. Im not holding my breath. Its great and all that the law can do it. But I dont trust it. Courts are for pushimg leftist policies on the people.
Would have been much better if it were just a witch hunt hanging traitors. At least then Canada can get the day of the rake which it so badly needs.
>leafs are better than murcuh 'eh
At least the feds don't still have to ride horses here. Btw, thanks for inventing poutin.
No leafs arnt better. If you guys have a mass purge,, then it might help purge us.
Why do you guys always assume we are unsulting you.. isnt it usually you guys insulting us?
Can I get a rundown?
Fuck you cock suckers its all satire fuck off
U.S. Marshals putting it down.
Fuck the police. All forms of authoritarianism are bad for men.
That's why the Founding Fathers, who were men, wrote all those eloquent old speeches about liberty and freedom.
If you support the police, then you're a fucking woman. You're a bitch.
The rageeeeeeeeee
This. Get a real job ass burgers, I mean seriously how fucking easy is it to be a cop?
We assume you think you're better cause you spend a lot of time talking about not being America, which I get. We insult everyone cause they're not America. Leafs come pretty close though.
Go get em boys.
the police are pretty cool
>dealing with the literal scum of humanity daily
nice digits of truth MAGA!
I'm legit curious because from the cock suckers I see on patrol it's like they're hiring people with serious mental problems
all them LE wojacks who are just American loving Patriotic autists at heart. Godspeed fellas we appreciate the hardwork MAGA
le bump