if brown people are so shitty then why does California and Texas have the highest GDP in the country? (California being higher than its whiter counterpart, Texas)

California's annual GDP is twice as high as its debt btw

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>can't counter the argument
>wants to hide and censor my thread like a redditor

Sup Forums isnt your safe space

You know how Nazi Germany was able to provide all of those social services to its citizens right up until the money was running out? Well, California and Texas weren't always so brown.

The point is, brown people aren't responsible for the success of these states. Texas has huge oil and agriculture, California has nappa valley wines, silicon valley companies, Hollywood, all of which are owned by whites

Isn't California bankrupt?

Military industrial complex, silicon valley

California has five professional baseball teams, three professional football teams, four basketball teams, three hockey teams, and at least three soccer teams. Almost every movie studio is here. Disneyland is here.
Literally none of those things are dependent on Mexicans.

I would like to introduce you to the concept of economic growth my friend

If Jews are white now then sure. You're right though it isn't niggers or beaners bringing the wealth to California.

this is like bragging about having big tits when you're morbidly obese

>5 professional baseball teams
>not dependant on Mexicans

Texas and California are large states, in regards to population and landmass. Of course these states would generate large sums of wealth.

Hispanic ethno state soon from former Mexican Territory.

We would basically be able to rule the world for another 100 years if we cut off the munching 90% white states

>Hollywood is owned by Jews
>Hollywood is owned by whites
>Sillicone Valley is owned by Jews
>Sillicone Valley is owned by whites

at least try to keep your narrative consistent

Name five current Mexican baseball players right now. Dominicans, Cubans, and Venezuelas outnumber Mexicans in the MLB.

They get a bunch of oil taxes and transportation taxes because they are major harbors for the rest of the country. Which brown people have nothing to do with.

'Brown people' are used as second-class labor to do shitty seasonal agricultural work, and build shitty houses and do shitty work. Which is a terrible thing to do to them, but whenever the agricultural workers are made citizens, the farmers stop hiring them and go back to hiring different illegal /brown/yellow workers to work at inhuman rates.

Other major income is from high tech and medical industry which brown people have nothing to do with.

Most alarmingly the drug cartels have taken over the legislature of both states and are trying to push through citizen-disarming laws so they can start cutting heads off and hanging people from overpass

>OY VEY, look at all this legitimate GDP


There is good growth and bad growth. Adding millions of people with no skills is as about as bad growth as you can get.

Probably those technology companies and Hollywood?

slaves AKA illegals


>Highest poverty rate
>Highest taxed state
>Housing unaffordable and rent is astronomicaly high
>Govenor signed a budget with a billion dollar deficit
>Protecting millions of illegals

Ten years from now California will become like the dystopia from Soylent Green

>revenue and spending almost even
over 10% of US population lives there, amazing it takes you that much to barely have a leg up

Silicon valley and oil fields dipshit

>using GDP and not GDP per capita

I've met niggers smarter than you

this wtf. cali has been shrinking since tech has been going to phoenix and dallas.

>Oil and silicon valley
>Thanks based white people

>implying this isn't the best economic model
>implying humanity shouldn't be separated into 2 distinct races: ultra high IQ elites who make all the important decisions and third world subhumans who do all the menial work

Are Jews not white? I mean look at The Kush, he's white as fuck

If we're measuring how good a place is by GDP, then obviously the home of Facebook and the stuff that makes the world turn will have a higher average GDP than other places.

>implying i can distinguish between any of those fucking beaners

Because Hollywood and Silicon Valley is there.

>Dominicans, Cubans, and Venezuelas
is there a fucking difference?


Yeah, totally has nothing to do with how they produce most of the nice food we eat or that economic hubs tend to be close to coastlines. It must be the brown people, that's why they have so much money. I hear that some Detroit niggers just perfected FTL drive in their trap house garage too.
I wish I was as smart as you, OP.

>bring in cheap labor you can vastly under pay
>have more money
Hmm real head scratcher

You're asking way too much

>California's annual GDP is twice as high as its debt btw
then why do they have any debt?

Silicon Valley, Hollywood, porn industry, jacked up tax rates, humongous state.

>what are
>shipping ports
>silicon valley
Niggers and spics literally have nothing to do with it.

Concerning CA, because I live here:

1: Browns in California are a new occurrence. Before 1960's immigration act, California was overwhelmingly white - including LA. The browns are fucking up this place. I fucking hate the revisionism that 'California was always brown! The border jumped us!' No you useful idiot or kike, when the border flipped the browns got massacred and or scared off by the whites of the time, in addition to never being there in large numbers. The spanish didn't think California was useful for anything (big mistake) and mexico is and has been an inept shit state since euro's pulled out. The inner cities of CA are now, without exception, cesspits of browns or blacks with jews and bankers scurrying about. Huge wealth disparity, huge socialist programs.

2: Ports and infrastructure built by whites. Huge ports in the bay and So-Cal. Huge amount of trade. But those ports are crumbling. The cities are crumbling and it won't last.

3: Sunshine socialism. Nice geography and beaches draws in tourists. These tourists and their money flow into the tax system. But the beaches are getting trashed and the cities smell like shit and the tourists are drying up.

I dare you to come to central LA and walk around, at night, for a few nights. You will get fucking shot. Or try that in the metropolis of Oakland. Etc Etc.

>menials come in
>Get to vote like real people. 80%+ for democrats, or 99% for latino candidates, despite being ultra-conservative catholics.
>Bring their drug cartels and shitty society with them
>Chickens in the street
>Goats in the street
>Heads in the street.

Not worth cheap strawberries tbqh breh.

Yes, they have different flags and will behead you depending on your preference of tomatillo or habanero

The GDP would be the same and the debt would be halved if there were no spics. The fact you thought you needed to start a thread about this and couldn't come up with the conclusion yourself should be an eyeopening experience for OP about his lack of intelligence.

>what is federal money ie taxes

Don't you puss out now, I still have population, history, and natural resources to tell you about. Or do you come here to teach yet refuse to learn?

>What is population

Larger states have larger GDPs, China has a far higher GDP than North Dakota, does that mean China has a better economy than North Dakota?



...and Salt Lake. The idiots from CA need to stop migrating and fucking other states up.

California is 50% white, meaning about 19 million of its population is white.

The majority of brown and black people are on welfare in California. That is a fact, you cannot refute it.

My counterpoint is, imagine how high California's GDP would be like without brown people.

Brown people are so shitty, but white people are so much better that they can still produce massive amounts of wealth.

Well, China basically owns all the major real estate in your largest cities while North Dakota is struggling to balance the budget of its own cities.

>handing out federal gibs makes your state money

interesting theory my good friend.

poland has 40 million whites
its GDP is 7 times less than cali

>Jews are brown now

Number of people greatly affect GDP. It's not a coincidence that the 2 states with the 2 largest populations have the 2 highest GDPs in the US.

All that GDP and yet the highest poverty rate and working class flight...makes you go hmm?

Useless metric to distract buffoons

Useless standard to regiment conformists

Because it's not per capita, nigger.


>muh GDP

Compare quality of life and wealth in the white dominated versus black and mestizo dominated areas in both states user.

typical idiot Muricunt doesn't understand English

a metric is not the Metric system.

Nothing in my conversation you rudely interrupted indicated anything related to the metric system, ya dingo, how is GDP part of the metric system?

it got nothing to do with the racial population op its because california has lots of unis that steals the brightest mind from 3rd world shitholes by creating certifications and such so when those kids qualify, they just bring them over to cali and make it richer

tldr california has much much better professional workforce compared to other states thats why its so fucking rich. same goes to NY.

California was a staunch Republican state while it was still improving, it has gone full decadent since the end of the 80s and only remains so powerful due to former glory. Additionally if you look at population statistics for Cali you'll see just how many people have immigrated to there in the past 30 years and its literally tens of millions.
The real mental gymnastics are how liberals can outright reject historical data even though 50 years of Dem control in Detroit destroyed it and Chicago is fast following.

>op promises mental gymnastics
>op delivers

>economic growth

Except Nazi Germany WAS growing economically, over 400% GDP increase between the world wars (far more than their neighbors) IIRC, and they STILL ran out of money.

Growth isn't enough. Try harder, faggot.

>if Mexicans and blacks are poor and criminal how come good and services are offered here and abroad?
>If Tyrone is a rapist how come Silicon Valley has tech and expensive housing?
Is there an actual question here?

this is also the reason why cali is so multicultural. almost 70% of those non whites you see in San fran has a professional degree and above.
its the ultimate destination for the best and brightest.

>Cali is beaten by North fucking Dakota


California has Hollywood and big ports to the Pacific Ocean, Texas has oil and other industries

>39.25 million people in California/323.1 million people in the US = 12.1% of the population.
>$2.448 trillion/$18.57 trillion = 13.2% of GDP
>13.2%/12.1% = 1.09, IE 9% higher than average contribution to GDP per capita
Not really that impressive considering it's a coastal state with a lot of major cities and trading ports.

>professional degree from a third world country

So basically equivalent to an American associate's degree plus a junior-level research project. Got it.

Wrong fucking argument. You have to remind them that Cali is a liberal paradise and then you watch them flip their shit as they try to come up with excuses as to why they do so well.

Some are whiter than others. Some are more violent than others. Claiming there's no difference between them is like saying all slavs are the same minus language. Sure, they share a lot of stuff but there are a lot of differences between a shit-tier Moldovan and a Czech.

all you have to do is look at the stats without white people. take it for what it may mean. i really haven't looked. you know what, it would probably be easier to remove everyone else.

Because GDP is a shitty measurement.

Having the skin colour might be a requisite of being white but you have to act like it aswell. Are you both new?

they have to pass an exam or something to work in Cali. those then to be super hard and easy as fuck to fail.

there are no room for the retarded in california.

The niggers and spic parasites dont contribute to the gdp, you commie fuckstain.