Mr. Robot is basically about us, isn't it?
Mr. Robot is basically about us, isn't it?
quick rundown?
This guy is one ugly monkey
evil corp and memes and sheeple and paranoia
1st season
>socially awkward guy starts a revolution from his computer
>he changes the world but don't even understand what is going on
2nd season
>he hides
>he's getting crazier
>bad things happen
3rd season
Season 3 will have a group of russian hackers that wear frog masks
More like Mr. Normie
>brilliant programmer
>does drugs
>with friends
>has girlfriend
just like me
I think so.
In my interpretation, the first revolution was like the Occupy/Arab Spring protests, and now things will start leaning right.
At least real hackers watched the movie Hackers ironically. Nobody watches this shit.
>yo lets break the system
>*breaks the system*
>you why is everything fucked up now?
nah I think its about progressives
No. The creator ia an outspoken supporter of Hillary Clinton. Sorry.
A sister isn't a friend, nor is a homosexual swede.
The people you likely see as his friends are scared shitless of him.
Also his girlfriend got mamed and killed by his meth smoking suboxone/morphine dealer.
I also doubt you're a functional but severly batshit insane with gigantic memory gaps and a fixation on a communistic idealogy that doesn't even follow a Russian train of thought.
I stopped watching after that guy said "whoever's in control of the exit nodes is also in control of the traffic".
How can anyone watch a show written by people who don't understand the onion routing protocol.
Good ass show, up there with the man in the high castle
a retarded show that lefty's seem to love.
I unironically enjoyed it and I study cs.
No. 99% of 4/pol/ are computer morons, even worse than the screenwriters of that series.
> threatconnect claims french ip for russian vpn is used solely by russian intel
> someone posts sql transaction viewable in google search results, showing purchase from ukraine by ukrainian national who forgot to turn off his vpn
> 99% of 4/pol/: derp what's going on, fuck op for this vague shit, larp, derp shit-tier thread, derp, what does it fucking mean, be clearer, derp derp derp
And you fucking retards think an insider is going to drop information here.
I like it desu
I dig this show real talk
I wonder if Eliott and Tyrell are the same person.
>I fuck men, go home to my qt3.14 swedish wife, and use KDE
Yeah, that seems right for a Finn.
>>brilliant programmer
>>does drugs
>>with friends
>>has girlfriend
uh, no
You seem to have missed a fair bit, m80
>haha drumph btfo
>drumph elected
how will the show recover
>socially awkward
>fucks a girl in the first episode
also in cs, i liked it too.
It's about an Egyptian redditor with schizophrenia
Same. Sure it's simplified but it's not totally dumbed down either. Good balance for pretty thoughtful entertainment tbqh.
no, too many drugs and degeneracy
No it's not, you retarded commie. Go back to Sup Forums.
I'm socially awkward and fucked many girls
I'm good looking tho
A slightly modified version of reality, with more action and guns. The Jews are laughing in the fans faces as they profit off of them, and yet assholes like OP don't even get it.
You're a moron who can't understand what is a great work of fiction.
First time I heard someone say "it's happening" I thought it was a Mr. Robot reference.
>being this new
Yeah it's a watered down twisted one-man version of Sup Forums
not at all
and the writing on this show is shit
it would be nothing without its gimmicky plot twists
4th season
That guy's smart and skilled. We're idiots.
Mr Robot is very loosely based on 4ch during user mk1 / lulzsec Era. Any cracker or script kiddie knows which one they modeled Elliott from (not sabu).
Just enjoy the show for what it is. Like Brad Pitt's cameo in The Big Short, take note of the pop culture altering our world around you and learn all you can from the oldfags; and then join in the fight.
You realize that the show writer is a NeverTrumper that spreads anti-Trump shit right?
Speak for yourself stupid fuck...
It's basically Fight Club but with computers
It does look a bit like HWNDU Sup Forums.
>abuses drugs
>wicked sense of humor
unironically me
oh yeah man you totally know more then the pen tester they hired to review scripts
Lol i liked it a little, it programs the fake hipster haxxxors into thinking they are real deal.
In Austin they had afucking mr robot carnival downtown lol. Home of the imac atarbucks numale.
>"whoever's in control of the exit nodes is also in control of the traffic".
Isn't that right? Aren't most of these nodes run by the (((FBI))))?
Literally me
>It does look a bit like HWNDU Sup Forums.
They actually do resemblethe Sup Forumskids from NY HWNDU. It's so funny to not notice this considering.
IIRC, the producers claimed they had to tone down the hacking because it was too real.
Some of the worst writing I have ever heard in that first season.
i stopped watching that autistic show season 2 episode 1, so, yes. its about you
All I've heard regarding the show is that the guy uses Protonmail, which is the dumbest encrypted mail choice one could make.
Your own server is best, and IF you're gonna use 3rd party encrypted, you sure as shit don't want the only service that charges the most AND routes everything through Israel.
so, Durarara?
>Only CS losers are worth leaking info to
Enjoy your cubicle
1st season they literally showed front page of Sup Forums on his screen.
They also showed protonmail and Kali Linux (decent for hacking, but shit for privacy). It tells you how halfhearted the writing is. It's all meme-tier shit that pretends to be deeper than it is.
It's a tv show where 99.5% of the audience doesn't know the first thing about hacking, a small majority may know what TOR is and heard things about the deep or dark web, but wouldn't know the difference between the two. Could you imagine how long the episodes would be if they actually were using real techniques, it would put the normies to sleep or just sound straight up retarded.
Not saying they have to explain how it all works, but he could at least use the right shit. "I encrypt my email on my private server," You don't have to say you use GPG. Just show him using Tails Linux from a boot drive instead of Kali. Shit like that.
More less
They're keeping it simple for the audience in more ways than one, but I see your point. It would probably take a long time to write out a scene if you try to keep it legit, but not lose the audience in the process. They use irc servers to communicate in a few scenes, but that's easy for the audience to realize it's some type of chat program that looks all hackerish bare bone and what not.
Yeah, but it's not secure at all. Wire, on the other hand, is secure, and can be used on any phone and Linux, Mac, and Windows. IRC isn't encrypted, meaning that all that is protecting you is a measly password.