Would you live in a Christian Theocracy???
Would you live in a Christian Theocracy???
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Yeah, and I'm an atheist. That would be a problem but it still would be a nice place to live.
>want wife
>tell local priest
>receive wife
>determinism and religion into one
something's seems fishy about this
If the choices are Christian or Muslim I'd pick Christian. Between Christian and Norse paganism I'd choose Norse paganism. Odin for life
>LARP: the comment
>Norse paganism
The religion with action figures. Like atheist aren't going to make fun of that.
>american "pagans"
>Christian theocracy
When Christians had power women were actually modest. They didn't run around sleeping with anything that moved and voting in favor of the downfall of western civilization.
They covered their hair, spoke only when spoken to and didn't have any problems with raising a healthy number of children.
The whole "CHRISTIANITY IS LIBERAL" is a Jewish psy-op. Read about the history of Christianity and you will realize this to be true pretty quickly.
>muh paganism
Europe was a shithole under paganism bro.Christianity is the only thing that separates Europeans (not Mediterraneans like Romans and Greeks) from Australian abbos in terms of development.
Religion in general seems like a primitive concept used to control the populous
We have no idea what paganism was like in Europe because Christians literally destroyed every record of Pagan practices and kept only the negative accounts.
>They didn't run around sleeping with anything that moved and voting in favor of the downfall of western civilization.
That's places like Sweden where only 3% are Christian.
Religion is cancer so nope.
Nah man, Sweden is one Example.
I could go on and on. They are all Christian buying into the merchant brand of Christianity where it means nothing but feeling blameless because Jesus' blood redeems your countless sins.
My point is that Christianity as it stands holds such little sway over the way that people live their lives that the (((western))) culture dominates the Christian culture and causes them to commit sin.
It's not even a problem that they commit sin, it's that they do so thinking it's virtuous.
wed burn you gross atheists at the stake for trying to undermine and subvert our culture
>American education
And of course i'd live in a Christian theocracy. I'd also like absolute Monarchy or Clerical Fascism as an alternative.
>American education
Are you telling me that Christian women could wear pants/leggings?
Are you retarded?
>hiding behind the nazi flag
(enter shitty country here) education
You'd be killed for being atheist
Would you get rid of all jews if that also meant the one you worship?
Yes. I would move there immediately.
Some Jews can stay.
Man, I'd just pretend. Like most people probably. I like christian values though.
Not many people would care that you are atheist.
Jew lovers like you belong in the same oven.
No, he thinks he's redpilled.
As long as they kept them on until marriage, yes.
For the billionth fucking time Jesus wasn't a Jew.
Idiot, Hitler knew of some Jews in his ranks but kept his mouth shout.
Fuck off to reddit. The Christian religion is the sole fundament of Western Civilization. Abandoning our base is causing all this shit.
Messianic Jews are fine
>For the billionth fucking time Jesus wasn't a Jew.
Then he didn't fulfill the requirement to be the messiah and you're worshipping a fraud.
And he lost, wanna repeat that?
Nationalist jews
>Religion in general seems like a primitive concept used to control the populous
Good thing legtism is different, lol. Typical Commie projecting.
Btw, did anyone else notice that leftists always accuse the other side of things they do themselves? Pedophilia comes to minf.
fuck no
I'll take the Christians, but I'm still doing whatever I want in the privacy of my own home
Breh adultery has been around for literally ever. We just didn't have social media and 24/7 news networks broadcasting who fucked who's husband and shit. Degeneracy is human nature. The Canterbury tales has a chapter dedicated to some slut sleeping around that ends in someone eating a mother persons butt by mistake. GTFO of here with that nonsense that Europe in the Middle Ages was some chaste place. L2History that isn't some faggot King Arthur renfaire shit, neckbeard
Nationalist jews are the ones in their containment country, Israel. They can't "stay", there's not here in the first place.
not a larping faggot who pretends to care about MUH CIVILIZASHUN so nah
if it fails then it deserves to
If you are still a christian with all the information currently available to everyone, you are quite literally part of the population that's on the bottom left of the bell curve.
We already do, but barely and it disappears more and more. I would like to see more of a theocracy in the United States, O.P.
This is me. I wish I was Christian sometimes
>would you live in the united states of jesustards
i already do
and if your flag is correct so do you
fuck off faggot
>no surviving architecture except stonehenge
>no surviving art
>no surviving literary works
>no surviving technologies (even the Romans had aqueducts)
>literally the only evidence of their existence is legends
So basically we are forced to arrive at the conclusion that (1) either Christian monks literally genocided these societies and utterly blotted out their memory from the face of the earth or, (2) they were negro-tier societies that left nothing of note because they were savages, just like Africans.
I'm gonna go with option 2.
not a leftist, believe it or not you can be on the right and find religion bullshit. crazy i know.
>Be Jesus
>See all the wrongdoings of merchants
>Struggle to change their despicable beliefs/practices
>Be killed by the merchants
>His followers were still persecuted and hated by merchants centuries later
>Be larpagan/fedora tipper
>Muhhhh kike on a stiiiick
what's Beowulf
LARPer faggot
>coalburner of the soul idolizing the foreign dick
>Are you telling me that Christian women could wear pants/leggings?
What? All women wore "pants" (pants didn't really exist until recently), they just wore a skirt over them. Men didn't wear real pants either, see picture, Mr. American education.
House shit
I'm agnostic, but my views line up pretty nicely with a lot of traditional Christian values and I genuinely believe that Christianity is the superior religion as far as Abrahamic stuff goes. I'm also pretty well studied regarding Christian theology.
That being said, I think that faith shouldn't be blind and that it needs to come from conviction, so as much as I'm generally pretty cool with Christianity I do like to play the devil's advocate and argue against it pretty frequently.
So probably not long.
wow, 1 thing.
>Then he didn't fulfill the requirement to be the messiah and you're worshipping a fraud.
Are you retarded?
There weren't any Jews back then. It's a mis-translation. L2history.
but user, I am living in Christian Theocracy soft
>Adultery was always a thing
No shit.
>Adultery was always as bad as it is today given the state of (((modern))) Christianity
If you're trying to argue this point then I have nothing to say to you. I mean, you're either stating the obvious or contending with the obvious.
>you can be on the right and find religion bullshit
>crazy i know.
Indeed, Commie.
Good, taxes dollars don't need to go to her fat ass.
What's wrong can't you find one yourself lmao
>There weren't any Jews back then.
The only difference between a Judean and a JUDE is 2 letters and the cognitive dissonance of their worshippers.
>The only difference between a Judean and a JUDE is 2 letters
American education. Are you trolling or retarded, what the hell, man.
What does someone say in the end of the book?
How many white girls do you know that are thinking about families under 28?
>>you can be on the right and find religion bullshit
You're the same kind of retard that then would complain about non-religious people being left, right?
yup. there are also groups of socialist christians.
What's wrong, jew lover? Do you really think that cuck Abraham, nigger fucker Moses and jewish archetype Jacob weren't like modern day kikes?
>>want wife
>>tell local priest
You will receive cock carousel veteran single mother with mixed baggage set and be commanded to Man Up.
A single manuscript nobody knows how old.
Pretty much this. I wish I cared more. I haven't been to church since my pastor got caught doing cocaine with a whore and killed himself. Something about using mission funds to build a branch in Thailand when it turns out he was using it to party with ladyboys, that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I gave that guy money.
What am I doing with my life.
Pic is probably in really shitty quality
>that nose
>implying it won't be a Jewish slave state.
Probably not. Depends
>You're the same kind of retard that then would complain about non-religious people being left, right?
Atheism is left, though. No right-winger is atheist.
>socialist christians
Can't exist via dogma.
>Do you really think that cuck Abraham, nigger fucker Moses and jewish archetype Jacob weren't like modern day kikes?
Ignoring your kindergarten-tier insults, none of them were anything like modern Jews. It's literally impossible. That's like saying Native Americans are just like modern white leftists.
Wrong again, idiot. Wearing pants was literally considered to be crossdressing and was punishable by death. A man wearing a skirt would be dealt with the same way.
Even manual laborers such as a peasants wife would wear a modest dress and tie their hair back or wear a covering similar to how orthodox Jews, nuns, and Muslim women cover their hair.
The hair used to be a very sexual thing. Christian Muslim and Jewish women cover their heads because it tempts the angels (and men) to sin and is therefore a great sin against god to flaunt it.
what's the Iliad?
Dude, just don't be an atheist. Be a deist like the founding fathers, who thought Christianity as an explanation of what actually happened was bullshit, but saw the cultural and moral value of pretending to believe.
Power should go to a circle of the most educated and the most able. The clergy was once the most educated hence it was given to priests, who then made us less civilized than literal snackbars
A millenia ago Greeks figures heliocentrism and the round earth out? What did the church do? Declare it heresy.
Bathing made by Romans kept us clean. What did the church do? Ban it.
Not to forget the idiot Pope who banned streetlights because the night is only for the moon.
Nowadays, we have imbeciles who think life begins before birth, while the Bible itself states that life begins at first breath.
People who are prolife are actually pro mass minority births, mass poor births, mass subhuman downie births
Here's your evidence. Where's yours? Anecdotal like your dead jew zombie god book?
Democracy is a sin
I'm saying society has always been this degenerate. So whats the purpose in living in the Papal States? Which is the only thing we have that's historically a Christian theocracy. They were a shit tier medieval nation that got by on siphoning off funds from other kingdoms. Almost like (((they))) do in Israel today.
I'd rather live in a society that allows me to pull out so I don't have like 12 kids and become nigger tier like my Irish ancestors or even wear a condom to prevent social diseases. tyvm
Jews made comics to mock White culture and traditions and control the messaging around it.
I'd work to undermine it and if that became impossible I'd take my money and leave.
>No right-winger is atheist.
Jew lovers conflating their religion with the right will make sure of that, eh?
>It's literally impossible
The only difference is them being vocal about their butthurt about the social justice rabbi you worship.
My argument is hinged on adhering to Traditional Christian morality so I am afraid I can't convince you unless you value these same principles.
Nothing else matters but your everlasting soul
damn Muslims get sugar glider suits? Sign me up
To be fair I was talking about Europe and excluded Greece and Rome as being part of the Meditarranean
What's stopping you? Embrace the love and redemption Jesus offers you
>Nothing else matters but your everlasting soul
And that's why Christians will always remain anti-white.
>give up this world to the jews and shitskins, goyim, you get to live forever in the heavenly favela with my jew god, that's what's important
>Wearing pants was literally considered to be crossdressing and was punishable by death. A man wearing a skirt would be dealt with the same way.
American education.
>Even manual laborers such as a peasants wife would wear a modest dress and tie their hair back or wear a covering similar to how orthodox Jews, nuns, and Muslim women cover their hair.
American education.
>The hair used to be a very sexual thing. Christian Muslim and Jewish women cover their heads because it tempts the angels (and men) to sin and is therefore a great sin against god to flaunt it.
Muslim education.
Even your source says it's an American invention not even 100 years old. Lmao.
>Where's yours?
Dogma and Catechism. Just liek you can't be Christian and Freemason (even though some people say they are), you can't be Christian and Socialist. It's that easy.
no, christianity is a shit tier religion for wannabe jews
>Jew lovers conflating their religion with the right will make sure of that, eh?
Doesn't even make sense.
>The only difference is them being vocal about their butthurt about the social justice rabbi you worship.
Doesn't make sense either.
Non-sequitur much?
>implying Whites worshiping a desert Jew and following Jewish culture are not LARPing and those who seek out their own ancestral traditions are not.
The Jew wan
>Would you live in a Christian Theocracy???
Modern Christianity is full of cucks and white knights so just fucking kill me.
Now in 1600 ill gladly go to mass and go through with the religious bullshit but now i won't.