Hi, Sup Forums. I am an alien. Well, sort of. I'm half alien. My mother was an extra terristrial. AMA
Ask the child of an Extra Terrerstrial anything
Got any proof?
Do you have telepathy?
Is your mother attractive by conventional western beauty standards?
Are you a fag?
No, your mother was a test tube.
Go to bed Greg, you know you're not an alien and you know you're not allowed to talk about how you're different. Let more latents wake up first.
Spacetits or GTFO.
I'm not really sure what I could give you as proof.
Yes, sort of. It's complicated. Do you have a specific detail you're curious about? If you mean it in the most basic definition, yes I do.
What esp powers do you have
I have very vague memories of my mother. I'd guess no. She was an extra terrestrial I doubt anyone on earth would find her attractive in a conventional sense, let alone Western conventions.
show me a pic of her
Me sides
post pictures of your mom
or at least photos/drawings of aliens that look like her
why can't you fucking spell
To be honest I'm not a total expert on this so bear with me.
So, I can see other dimensions very easily, but the opportunity needs to present itself. I can't go at will. When I dream I have total control though. Sometimes I can predict what will happen in the short future, or something currently happening somewhere else. I'm not really sure what you would call that. Kind of transcending my dimensional plane. It's very difficult and very exhausting both mentally and physically.
This is a fucking kike blue beam shill. gtfo my board kike.
Post proof or take your psychosis fueled ranting to /x/
What star system do you hail from? Pleiades? Do you by chance have blonde hair and blue eyes and are assisting the light forces in liberation of the planet from the Cabal?
You can prove it by taking a pic of yourself.
Fucking aliens, this is why we need the Trumps wall.
literally a couple zoom ins on key alien body parts, like a skin zoom in, eye color, maybe temple bone shape, or fake af
I don't have any pictures. That would be so stupid. My mom is an alien why would I keep pictures of her around?
She's a grey alien.
Forgive me if my spelling is a little lacking, I've spent my entire life as a half alien, English grammar isn't exactly on my list of priorities
go to larping faggot OP
This is stupid and not political
aaayyyyssss lmao
Show me some proof, greyskin.
"My mother was an ET and my father was an earthling."
How did that work? Did your mother and father reproduce the good old fashioned way?
Can't spell, no imagination, kinda vague about other dimensions.
You didn't even try.
on a scale of 1-10 how mexican are you
Beelzebub, the FBI want you.
it's a space nigger goys
I'm from Earth. My mother was a grey alien. I assume I was born in a spaceship or nearby and taken here. My earliest memory is from about 6 months old.
Can't take a picture. Same reason I don't have photos of my mother. I don't take pictures. I don't go to school, and I don't have any friends. I don't even own a camera.
How u write English?
Do you know what her origins are?
What human ethnic race do you look like?
where do you live
>I don't take pictures. I don't go to school, and I don't have any friends. I don't even own a camera.
They extracted semen from my father to "impregnate" my mother. I was conceived and brought back to my father because they could not care for me, or they just didn't want to.
That's a pretty weak storytelling if you ask me.
which variety of grey alien? there are several? zetas?
do you want to get discovered?
Don't indulge the AYYY larping fag. There is a time traveler larper a couple posts down that is trying harder.
>My mother was an alien
What are you in search of? How can we help each other?
I personally am trying to expand my practices. Meditating alot. Trying daily. I do it at night before bed. Rarely lucid. I would have alot of dreams as a child that were premonitions to come true. Probably the pots fault and my fault for using it but it helps me relax now but much fewer if any in my life now. I guess this is growing up...
Thanks for being brave :) and lets party. This is gonna be a good thread.
Meaning what?
White, I guess, because of my father, but I have a very light skin tone. I have a humanoid shape, but you can tell there is something wrong with me pretty quickly.
why the fuck do you even proud being mexican
Excellent. So Greys and humans must have a very similar DNA structure then? Otherwise that type of cross-breeding wouldn't be even remotely possible.
How closely related are we? Do we share a common ancestor? Did the Greys make us? Did we make the Greys?
Were you created as part of a larger plan or did your mom just have a fetish for human semen? Can you reproduce with humans?
Can you probe my anus?
Sup Forums LARP quality has been dropping recently