I am a Russian living in America. What does Sup Forums think of Russians?
I am a Russian living in America. What does Sup Forums think of Russians?
Yall are commies.
Post timestamp pic with russian shit and we'll see.
No beef with you Russiabro
Election hackers
not sure if based or subversive
Weak moral character
Sheep mentality
Can't get doubles
Hardbass is ok, I guess
no you aren't
Sup Forums is majority russian, i'm from russia too. Why do you think we shill so hard for russia and putin and syria
Worst neighbours by far, bc always oppresed by everyone( baltics, ukrainians polish germans an so on) love rodinu but dont whant to live there, calls eveyone fashists but too dump to know its differences from nacim, 1 language speaking homosovieticus in general but its still many good russians i waifed one
Alles Sie verrückter drunks ist mit mir ganz richtig.
>a Russian living in America
What do you think about Russia's new internet laws?
I like Poland better, Russia comes across as a trailer trash version of Poland.
Russians are equal parts poverty and snow but at least they don't suffer the white man's burden
We just colluded. Thanks a lot, asshole!
beautiful, cunty women
they are shit
You guys are the fucking best and I wish we could be bros, but you know, kikes and all that...
>gave us:
>Mosin Nagant
>BMP.jpg (sorry this one is Bulgarian...)
>So many lulz in Chechnya, then again in Georgia, and finally in Crimea River and Ukraine
>Rocky Balboa's best villain
>video below:
Seriously Russians are fucking awesome and wish I met more outside of NY/Boston.
They're alright.
I live near a lot of them in Florida. Your people are good in my book.
you have to go back ,smirnoff
Russians are filthy race only slightly above the negro. Their very existence brings shame to humanity. The only reason these malicious parasites haven't ruined the world for everyone else is their own incompetence.
Best in the world in literature.
Hacked the election and elected dumbfuck DRUMPF
I agree with the fin
russians are scum motherfuckers and should be exterminated.
I don't have a problem with Russians, but a lot that I meet seem to always be angry or grumpy, and it's not the best interaction. Wish we could be bros
Dude, wat
Cold and Famine will do that
it's usually propaganda
alpha males, i love Putin
You guys are alright, I knew a Russian he knocked out the manager of the McDonalds he worked at.
Can you be more precisely?
are russian girls usually shy and reserved?
tldr met a russian girl from online IRL 2 weeks back, she was really quiet and shy despite being proficient at english
Most Russians living abroad are complete assholes to other Russians and this in my books proves them to be garbage people.
all girls are different
This guy knows what's up
no russian can refute this because the Finns have kicked their asses so badly so many times
Honorary Anglos.
But you have to go back.
vodka niggers
this one seemed really autistic
i liked it desu
i got an idea
Ruskies are also butthurted on baltics bc of guerilla warfare after ww2, on poland bc they removing liberators aka occupants monuments and so on they foreign ministry now non stop psosting """denials ""of ussr repressions bc nato page shared some videos about it
You are sexy and manly. Love russian cock
Will you do your part for Trump 2020?
Thanks Don.
Ethnic Russians(slavs mostly) are great people.
all Jews immigrants from SU who call themselves russian are shit
Gib lands back! (pls)
That shit happened long time ago. Russia can literally take over(liberate) Finland in two days now.
Your women are pretty hot.
you have the most rapeable women in europe
> Russians
> race
Poor Binland has confused Slavs with Russians.
RuBro living in Qc, Canada here. Most of the Russian people I meet here fall into 2 categories. Either;
1. They are Russian but have grown up here(doesn't matter if they're born here or in the motherland), in the western world. These types of Russian people tend to be all around cool people to be around. Intelligent, can hold up a conversion.
2. Russians that have been born and raised in the motherland. Moved to western world in their late teens. These types of Russian people tend to be dicks. They denounce everything that is good about being here. Cry about how it was back home(literally nothing). Don't associate with anyone that isn't like them. Aggressive, animalistic behavior. More than likely they are the parking lot sunflower eating, vodka driking, tracksuit wearing gopnick types.
Not sure how it is in the US, but sure is like so here.
A ecли чecтнo, тyт нa /пoл/ oдни дoлбoюбы Кpyглocyткaмe. Чe я тyт вaшe пocтaю лoл.
Romanian here
I think you should have kept your Romanov imperial family
The (((Bolshevik))) Regime destroyed your country.
You jelly German boi?
Smart lazy drunks.
My swim coach as a kid was a Russian who escaped from the Soviet Union. He was an excellent swimmer and involved with the Olympic team. Then he said something not-OK. His parents were suddenly run over by a KGB car and he spent 10+ years in a camp in remote Siberia. They accidentally released him early and he immediately came to America.
Russians always seem to be OK with some degree of cheating, a little or a lot, depends on the person.
They also always seem very concerned that they are being fucked over or are about to be fucked over. It seems like they come from a culture of distrust.
On the positive: they are tough people and don't expect anyone to care about their precious feelings.
No one cares, Romania sucks. You turned a globally recognized historical landmark and turned it into a cheap winery gift shop with fucking vampires everywhere. You still haven't earned reprieve from siding with the Axis/ Maybe Putin should annex gypsy territory next?
>It seems like they come from a culture of distrust.
thats pretty much russia right there.
Этo нe пpaвильнo.
90% of people from Russia here are fucking kikes
lol this is true.
all the bolshevik scum kike garbage motherfuckers from russia have escaped to murka.
theyre the ones chootin for shillary to win so they can fuck with russians some more and send dumb yankees on more wars.
Fine in my book, learning your language and looking to visit in the near future.
Heavy presence of Russian mafia in Chicago. They stand out like a stripper in a church and they're really sloppy in they're operations. Think they watched good fellas too many times. Fucking amateur wannabe thugs.
Exterminate our gypsies and we could be bros
officially we have 3%. Unofficially it is higher at 6-10%.
You have what? 15% Islam in Russia?lower estimate? And 30% higher estimate? So let's not pretend you are not in the shitter with shitskins.
Also, Bolsheviks were jews, your country between 1917 and 1999 was fully controlled by jews, that's why we sided with axis, because axis did have the right ideas about jews.
The romanovs also had the right idea about the Jews
Yep. American government only issued refugee status to the Jews from SU, other Russians could not come here. There are only a handful of real Russians here who stayed with the work visa or got married. Also those fucking kikes got a bunch of government cash and benefits by lying, committed a fraud basically, about muh persecution in Russia, American taxpayers paid for all that.
Did we specify for the purposes of this thread whether Chechens are Russian?
Do I sound like a fking Kossak bumpkin to you?
to be honest, you sound like a butthurt kike.
Every time i mention the kikes, you get butthurt
life is grand
life is great
living off the cattle's dime
gonna go out tonight and get a cheap shiksah date!
idgaf about whatever monikers you choose. I don't even give a fuck that your probably dirt skin. Wear your flag of origin. Unless you're a coward who hides behind the symbols created by others.. Fag
Russians have this specific "I don't know, it's not my fault" shrug.
What country are you hiding from us?
its called pregame.
also, I am not a gypsy. How would you know? Gypsies cannot write in their indian language, let alone in a foreign language.
On a serious note, you might be interested into :
Rabbi explains why Hitler hated jews
i like russia but i live on a island so what do i know cyka blyat komrad
>finns have kicked their asses so badly so many times
>in reality they brag about one war in which they lost territory to Russia, because russians lost more men
>the russian death ratio is mostly due to finns fighting on the defensive with superior weaponry
>muh finns btfo russia
read my tag.
Also, I am abroad.
Also, that flag, was the best ally we ever had.
Felt shame when we had to backstab it in 1944, yet unfortunately we had no choice.
oy vey we good fellas nao
didn't you loose more men, because you had an army of conscripts, most of them from the south, disloyal ukrainians who desired to rebel, so Stalin sent them to Finland as cannon-fodder
People mostly think about the disproportion in size between Russa vs. Finland. Seems like it should have been easy to take.
Also, there was that naval battle in which you lost all of your fleet to a bunch of nearsighted perverts.
You guys just seem to go where the wind blows. You're not intelligent or committed enough to any real values to have an ideology. That Russia went from being Marxist-Leninist to a far right mafia state in a matter of decades blows my mind whenever I think about it.
look up some history sonny. ruski owned finski as is did ukrainski for extended periods of time. One time finski won the winter war and ruski steam rolled over finlandia a year later.
and finns had automatic weapons whilst the russians still wielded one shot muskets i believe.
This. All they want is muh strong leader. They don't give a shit what he actually believes
You know more about gypsies than I do. So I would just stfu and stop embarrassing yourself.
>That Russia went from being Marxist-Leninist to a far right mafia state in a matter of decades blows my mind whenever I think about it.
not really any differnt than USA really
that 1% who own everything are basically your oligarchy
"1% runs everything" is the success distribution in just about every human group, nations included.
1% top bands/musicians sell nearly all the music.
1% top authors write the books that represent the majority of the market.
1% top athletes are the only ones who get paid to play sports.
And so on.
I would rather be allied with Russia and Iran than Isreal and Saudi Arabia
Russians had one of the more developed infantry weapons during the second world war, product of one of the largest military-industrial complex in the world.
every single time I attempt to red-pill you on the jews, you get burned and butthurt.
I hated Russians in the 80s, except Yakov Smirnoff (sp?) but The Day After really made me a paranoid child.
Nowadays? You're all right.
Finns were supported by the Germans/Nazis. They got some pretty good kit from them.
Soviet tanks were so badly designed that Finns could literally just drop a molotov cocktail down the vent and destroy the whole thing.
Also Finns knew to wear fucking WHITE in snow, not green. That does come down to the Soviets being badly equipped.
>every single time I attempt to red-pill you on the jews, you get burned and butthurt.
thats basically a telltale mark of a kike
exposing their snake like nature to their faces sends them into an uncontrollable rage.
This. Tbh Iran gets too much shit from the West when they're really one of the more stable and democratic nations in the middle east. They just reelected the guy who wants a more open dialogue with us for fuck's sake. When have they have ever really messed with us so bad as to deserve being associated with muh Axis of Evil? They're sure as hell not stoning people for witchcraft or flying planes into WTC ...
Iran, you're alright in my book. I ain't got no beef with you
Should shit hit the fan in the middle east and ahmed goes full jihad guess who's going to be rushing on "peace keeping" missions there.
russia and USA