Why does the left hate Straight Christian White Men?

What caused them to consider Straight Christian White Men the worst thing ever?
How did this happen?

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Jewish propaganda

some cheeto-headed teacher they had in college

How are they supposed to know if your name is Christian or not?

Righteous people are scary to cretins.


15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong,
good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western
civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The
reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not
correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West
because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so
forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in
primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he
GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points
out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in
Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the
leftist's real motive for hating America and the West. He hates
America and the West because they are strong and successful.

Because the left are commie bastards who hate the precepts of Western Civilization, male authority, the acknowledgement of hierarchical power structures, self-improvement without the state, and moral objectivity...and straight white Christian men are the physical embodiment of all of these concepts.

They hate us cause they ain't us

Absurd reductionism.


reminds them of their father

>How did this happen?
Because their philosophy does not value truth, success of the white man must be because of some sort of encoded societal advantage. Individual genetics, culture or upringing are considered equal out of intellectual laziness and fear on their part, so what else could it be?

Because they're atheists

Simple white men are the only thing in the way of a liberal controlled United States.

It's a holdover from when talking about class was verboten but talking about race wasn't.

Ironically the straight white male is their version of the merchant

Resentment, they're successful and that's bad.

Left wing policy is mainly fueled by envy, therefore it attracts green eyed monsters who can not stand the idea of anyone doing better than themselves. As long as it's just about money their ideology works for them. Take the money from the successful and give them to the unsuccessful. But their ideology can not redistribute the ability to succeed so instead an intense envy fueled hatred grows and festers toward anyone who is most likely to have such abilities, and guess who that just might be.
Also first post.

Our leftists hate us for completely different reasons, that's something you wouldn't understand without historical context. On the other hand however, since 2015 they are all openly taking money from Soros, which makes all of the 'Western' Left quite universal in their goals and directions

they are trying to usurp white christendom
they have made a lot of progress
that is why white straight males are the enemy
because we represent what they are trying to destroy

>the left
Call them "anti-whites," O.P.

You could simplify it to the same reason spoiled entitled children "hate" their parents.
If something goes wrong or someone needs to pay for something who does everyone in the room expect to be responsible for it? The straight white male. Deep down they know it and the inferiority complex that stems from it drives them insane. They are smart enough to have the empathy to understand the situation. But they are not mature or responsible enough to be accountable for any of it. That and Jews are why they are entitled assholes.

Well, this current bout of hatred stems from the Republican Party aligning themselves with the religious right decades ago. For a long time, the right WAS the fun police; no sex, no drugs, no uncensored movies or comics, anti vidya. The left had legitimate social issues to push against (though not economic issues, obviously). But the pendulum has swung, and they're so used to being "the good guys" that they can't look in the mirror and see that they've become the bad guys. Their social causes have strayed into the absurd, particularly after winning gay marriage in court, because gays are no longer politically useful (you'll see that they've already begun turning on gay white men. And why wouldn't they? They're statistically highly economically successful. They have the makings of economic conservatives.), and their economic ideas have gained traction.

The straight, white Christian man isn't a real person to them. It's this weird chimera of what they rallied against for decades and is no longer remotely applicable to current goings on.

these are all great points

the left cant hide their butt-hurt about being 'judged' for their life choices
>they care about what you think of them

Unironically this. Since we know hypergamy exists (women tend to mate across and up dominance hierarchies), and since we know a certain lineage self-selects along the matrilineal line, and said lineage has been instrumental in the promulgation of the notion of "oppressive" patriarchy...