Without blaming the jews, why is Degeneracy so prevalent in today's society?

Without blaming the jews, why is Degeneracy so prevalent in today's society?

Is it the parents fault?
The Individual?
Or is it society?


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What are you, a degenerator or sumtin?

Science killed god

Too few Overmen



all three
Society is telling people it's good to be degenerate. the individual then decides to fuck his life up with degeneracy. the parents sucks society's tit and they then proceed to teach this degeneracy to their kids causing society to go full blown degenerate

mind control by 8500 demons

we're about to win tho

Degeneracy is prevalent today because it was prevalent yesterday. We are 50+ years into this mess. People don't see anything worth preserving or fighting for.

The minority protection craze that came after WW2 as response to the Nazis oppressing them.
By now they are so extensive that the will and "well-being" of the minority basically always trumps that of the majority. You can shit over the majority and destroy their culture all you want and it will have zero consequences.

Related to that is the worship of weakness and failure. If you are smart and reliable, you won't get any positive feedback for your efforts. If the dunce in the office manages to solve a slightly tricky problem he'll get positive reinforcement and back pats all around. If the smart guy solves a difficult task within the deadline - well, that was just what was to be expected, he's smart after all. He won't get any positive feedback, only negative one if he ever fails to live up to the expectations.

So it's not a big surprise that more and more people decide that they'd rather be failures.

die Juden

>Without blaming the jews
Why? It's true that jews play a big role in society, look at Weimar Republic, how the jews destroyed that country with all degeneracy.

Nerds got teased in midschool
Now the pussy cucks work as uni professors cause they cant get a better job.
Meanwhile chads became enterprenurs
Nerds super pissed their pants and now push faggotry ideo!ogy to millenials.
Tru story

Everything became too easy, now people have to dream up things to struggle against, be it some gender nonsense or some disgusting "oppressed" taboo that is currently not accepted.

>Everything became too easy

I'm not sure that actually is the case. There are still a lot of challenges in every day life, the thing is just that for a lot of people, the reward for facing them does not seem to be worth it.
Why give it your best at work when every raise you get will get taxed more and more heavily to feed the leeches for example?

It's because of the jews.

Go on, now.!

Going against the grain in anything is a method often used by persons who wish to prove they can outsmart the medium.

In a way it is still not hard - you won't starve in first or even most of the second world countries even if you don't struggle/expend effort.
The flip side is that the struggle won't usually produce anything remarkable anyway - much of the meaning of peoples life is taken - religions and other ideologies are compromised. Materialistic high life is only availabe to few and even then it is empty. Quiet life and raising a healthy family is made hard. Most of people kind of just somehow tick their life by not belonging to anywhere, not having much to look for in the future or bigger to believe in.

>why is Degeneracy so prevalent in today's society?
beacuse of capitalism

>Without blaming the jews
It's the (((anti christs))) you fucking retard

Hm, looks like Sup Forums ate my post. Time to rewrite it (how I hate doing things twice)

>The flip side is that the struggle won't usually produce anything remarkable anyway

That was basically what I meant, just less well worded. The necessities are very easy to take care off, but everything going beyond that takes a completely disproportional amount of work thanks to progressive taxes and so on. You have to invest a huge amount of time and "mental stamina" to get more than what the state thinks is necessary for you, and a lot of people simply decide that it's not worth it.
If my boss offered me 100 bucks more per month in exchange for doing 8 instead of 7 hours on Fridays, I'd refuse. ~40% of those would go straight into fueling some leech's drug addiction or some shit like that.
The only time it really makes sense to give it your best is when you have children. Because there every extra cent you have available actually still makes a relevant difference

Fuck yeah!!!


>without using the right answer, tell me the right answer to this question