Black Pigeon Speaks made a video about /leftypol/ and how they attacked the other youtubers like Lauren Southern and Murdoch Murdoch.
Black Pigeon Speaks made a video about /leftypol/ and how they attacked the other youtubers like Lauren Southern and...
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fuck them though
>I made a video aboat lefty pol and I need your help taking them down.
Fuck off Pigeon. Actually I reported a bunch of your videos to patreon just because.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, even if he's a total faggot.
Why would you do such a thing to the honourable hato?
Pigeon should ease up a bit on the venting, but it's good that he's spelling out details of what's going on.
>Let off some steam, Bennett
I was just going to rewatch the new Murdoch Murdoch and noticed its been shoahed already for "violating YouTube's policy on hate speech"
They're getting blatant now, there's nothing at all in the video resembling hate speech, unless Australopithicenes are a protected class
BPS is a Red pill storm trooper!
There is a difference between a slight, pleasant bias going my way that I can appreciate, and an all out shilling campaign.
BPS has gone the way of Stefan Molymeme, all out Sup Forums shilling. Its just cringy to watch his doomsday speeches and calls to arms.
This intellectual dishonesty has no place in video form, leave it to politicians who scream in front of crowds, where you can't pause, rethink, and check shit.
And yes, he may lean my way, but he leans so fucking far and is so fucking biased, I can't stand him.
Damn, really? Maybe jewtube caught on with the "we wuz kangz" "We democracy now"
Lauren Southern is a moron. If you act like a punchbag, you get treated like a punchbag.
what I love so much about googling that line is you only have to put "let o" and they know what you want.
Damn you're right. We need to brainstorm here. Workarounds are to be found.
lefty/pol/ is real? I thought it was just a forced meme on here. Damn you hot wheels!
I'm not sure what to do. Hosting the videos isn't the problem, there are lots of video sites that are less kiked than YouTube, and other places like backing them up. But there's nothing with the reach or integration into other sites that YouTube has so its hard to abandon it completely
They get maybe a couple posts a day on tardchan. They aren't even worth talking about past stating how insignificant they are.
this, I had to stop watching Molyneux during and after the Trump campaign, even though I agree with him like 95% of the time I just can't stand the shilling levels.
did he ever reupload his vids anywhere?
>goes to wrong leftypol
Fuck off. Stop shilling your videos here you gook loving bastard.
You are one of many. When so many want something it's a golden opportunity for anyone who can meet that demand. An idea won't come overnight, but over the next few days let yourself get inspired.
Seems so, I actually never bothered to go, so I had no idea they have this decoy.
They are saying this isn't the first time a Sup Forums raid goes to the wrong board.
lmao get mad faggots
I have a solution, but I won't share it here, with the sort of element lurking about and all
We will and you will suffer again.
Getting real tired of half of Sup Forums at any given time these days being about ecelebs with patreons. I don't think it's organic at all.
Send some saged suggestions on how to deal with it, I program and have all the time in the world.
E-Celeb cancer needs to go /leftypol/ is doing us a favor in their usual fucked up way.
>>Let off some steam, Bennett
Daddy fucked me in the arse and i liked it.
>i don't think Sup Forums being 90% garbage is organic, natural or normal
You are wrong. It is perfectly normal, has always been the case, and the reason you didn't notice until now is because you were part of the garbage.
We all start like that, then learn to hate this disgusting circus, and don't forger, you're here forever.
Just make sure to not be tricked into holding serious discussion with people here, since their argument will be that you are a cuck, and the rest of the thread will claim them victorious.
I need help giving my shekels to Lauren. If any of you alt-right stormtroopers could help me that'd be gut. Praise Kek, shadilay
Canyou take your e-celebs and ram them up your fucking ass? Put a little Vaseline on the end..
You've always had to wade through a lot of crap, but lately there's twice as much and it's overwhelmingly eceleb related. Probably not entirely disconnected from major twitter accounts extolling the board's power as a form of right-wing virtue signalling. In the old days those types of people would call in to radio talk shows and claim to be former officials, CIA agents, military people.
Like I said, there's just as much shit as always. You just identified closer with the previous shit, and particularly dislike the current shit. Its still all shit.
Depending on who you ask, either the President Trump general or the Syria War general are the biggest tumors on the board, and yet to other people these are the only threads they visit.
>ecelebs are just part and parcel of progress, grampa
* ecelebs taking up most of the board's real estate ofc
Ecelebs are just a type of garbage. This board always had garbage. You just personally and subjectively dislike this garbage more than other garbage. Its still most garbage, because this board is garbage.
Did I miss something?
Host your shit yourself.
Do you think Greg Johnson is worried about waking up to find Counter Currents has been axed?
e-celebs by themselves are fine, we just need a better class of e-celeb.
I grantee you more people became genuinely interested in ethno-nationalism from recordings of Bowden or Rockwell than a million e-celebs.
A helicopter ride.