Why are (((they))) trying to force multiculturalism to Japan?
Why are (((they))) trying to force multiculturalism to Japan?
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A lot easier to infest a country when their are not homogeneous.
bloody japs making their country look all slanty
They make redpilled anime and that is a no-no
Nice bait man. Real good stuff
The Japanese and the Germanics / Anglos represent the only real threat to ((them))
I really fucking hope Japan choses to die standing instead of living on their knees.
just got back from tokyo
fucking chinks and poos everywhere
otara-san full of fucking ainu scum as usual. why did we sign the treaty again?
bloomberg was once nadir/hub of economic/finance data. theyve given up honor printing op-ed after op-ed.. nothing remains pure, all goes to shit. and yes kikes are to blame yet again.
no get out
>>pope clement VII
>>working class people
Caeca er Obdurata was a proclamation to expel the jews, but fuck me if that qoute is real
Yeah, fuck Tokyo. Smerry dumbu Ainu scumu. I jacked off to nyuujirando cartoons instead of going outside today.
Chibi Baka
God damnit, am i going to have to stop learning Japanese for the same reason i stopped learning german? I have to atleast learn one and i want to visit the home country and enjoy it... help me choose pol
Have to learn atleast one langauge*
weeb detected
sayonara to your family bloodline
konichiwa to virginity forever
Thank God the world has Africa to save it from itself.
The country in the map is New Zealand not Japan
young inner city folks especially are pretty bluepilled. At least in the big city where they have to learn to be PC fast and are brainwashed in multiculturalism fairy-tale and bbc and kpop on a regular basis.
Because if your GDP is stagnant and population is falling that is BAD ECONOMY GOYIM
wtf I love Japan now
someone post the cap of the Japanese guy who refutes all the common arguments like population decrease and such
Earthquakes, Japanese (second hand) cars, distrust of nukes - that's Japan alright.
if other foreigners come i won't feel special
No, Japan will fall. They always have. They always will.
Feudal Japan under the Tokugawa bakufu took pride in the fact that they were the only nation independent of China's political and cultural influence. What happened? By the late 18th- early 19th Century Confucianism had become the nation's ruling ideology and all the men were busy reading ancient Chinese texts.
19th Century Japan laughed at China as they got raped by the West and they swore they would never bow to the barbarians. What happened? Perry knocked on their door with 5 ships and they prostrated before the American cock. Without even a single battle. So much for samurais.
We all know how imperial Japan got fucking annihilated by America in WW2 despite all their pride and fanaticism. In a completely one-sided war of conquest that was drawn out only by throwing countless bodies at Americans.
So what do you think will happen with the new Zionist threat 'based Japan' is so admirably resisting? They will fall just as their fathers and their fathers' fathers have done. They are a nation of failures. The Jewish cultural invasion has only just begun in earnest. When the Star of David knocks on the door, they will spread their ass cheeks wide open for the Jewish cock just as they always have.
>the (((editors)))
I like how they never address automation replacing jobs, and how Japan is on top of that (or bash them for it like picture related.)
And before you accuse me of shit-talking my old colonial masters when I'm from worst Korea... well, my country is already part of the Zionist empire. We're on the fucking winning side here. It's Japan's move.
>They are a nation of failures.
>We're on the fucking winning side here.
Subverting a nation is (((their))) nature. Japan is not an exception.
>Japan is not an exception.
I dont understand , what do the nips have to be worried about in the long term? Most jobs will be automated by 2050. And in the mean time,they could just do what the gulf Arabs are currently doing and hire foreign workers to fill the gap whilst refusing them citizenship or any of the perks of being a Japanese national like social welfare. A declining population doesn't have to be the end of Japan. I just wonder why more government in the west who facing the same problems, don't just imitate the gulf Arab model, be it without the human rights issues? If you can pay workers from India or Nepal double or triple their local rates, not only will you be saving labour costs which would enable companies to expand and to lower the costs of goods and services for westerners, you'll also decrease poverty in these areas whilst these workers gain experience and skills which would be be useful in their own countries. Seems like the only people who oppose this obvious solutions are libtards who prefer we just keep importing more skilled people from the third-world whilst worsening the brain drain, which would in fact make the third world less likely to be self sufficient. And plus, we could build impressive cities with cheap third world labour. Dubai wouldn't be possible without cheap Indian labour.
It's about money owed to banks. Governments keep borrowing on the assumption that populations and economies grow forever. If they don't, then our generation may not be able to pay the debt of yesterday's generation.
That's why it's institutes like IMP and the world bank that is pushing for immigration in Japan, they want Japan to have more debt so banks can get more money.
>Most jobs will be automated by 2050. And in the mean time,they could just do what the gulf Arabs are currently doing and hire foreign workers to fill the gap whilst refusing them citizenship or any of the perks of being a Japanese national like social welfare.
Japan paid Brazilian-Japanese to leave and never come back in the 2008 crisis, and the Supreme Court upheld not paying non-citizens the welfare benefits they paid into a few years back. And if a robot can pour my beer, that says a lot about automation.
>A declining population doesn't have to be the end of Japan.
It isn't. Never trust those who would confuse transition with failure.
That aside, there has been an upswing in Indian/Nepalese working in convenience stores recently. Even outside the cities.
Stop raging, dwarf Korea, you're just a pale imitation of our model.
And thought it was just meme that Asians all despise each other.
Famous last words for that young man.
Nip is last hope for humanity if whites will look like random oblivion characters in the future.
No successful homogeneous society may be permitted to exist. The Jews must remove any model of resistance before they initiate their final plans.
You posted this thread yesterday and it filled up with butthurt Koreans and kiwi shitposters, what is the point?
just got my COE, off to japan in a few weeks
fuck you europe
what do you think about china? will it just a matter of time as well?
>implying traditional societies are not superior regardless of how subjectively "progressed" any given culture's architecture may be
stop endorsing the destruction of true diversity
Thanks to (((them))), there does seem to be a lot more whites and maori in this part of "Japan" than I expected...