Are age of consent laws unconstitutional?
Are age of consent laws unconstitutional?
Other urls found in this thread:
daffy muhdick
oh wait thats donald
the constitution is unconstitutional
They are unislamic.
SAGE shill threads.
Age of consent should be 21+. NO PORN! NO MASTURBATION!
Does the bear pope in the woods?
Disney are odd sometimes.
This desu.
All I want is a christian sharia
>there should be no age of consent
>No marriage contract should be valid without the written and signed blessings from the guardian of the bride unless the bride has lost her maiden head
all anti-loli posters should go back to r*ddit
old pol are all pedos
prove me wrong
gee, its almost like old Sup Forums is actually old Sup Forums
Shocking. Someone with a faggot flag is interested in children. Who'd ever guess?
>Someone with a faggot flag is interested in children
He/she/it never said anything about that.
>never said anything about that.
You're being ignorant.
Age of consent should be 15+. as nature intended.
They are spooky
Only if he's Catholic
>Gender is a spectrum
>Race is a social construct and doesn't exist
>What about age?
Perfectly legal in several countries across Europe, as well as South America.
There's a reason for that.
Fucking pedos. Is this about tomorrow? GTF into hell.
What happens tomorrow?
stiffy mcduck