Sup Forums, Korean website users are attacking Sup Forums
Sup Forums, Korean website users are attacking Sup Forums
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sucks 2bu
isn't Sup Forums lefty?
if so, fuck them
Is that moon speak supposed to mean somthing?
They said that they will remove Sup Forums nazis from Sup Forums
>We ilbe users will remove White Sup Forumstard far right neo nazis and Jaoanese 2ch netouyos.
>Sup Forums, don't worry. We ilbe users will just remove racists from our Sup Forums.
Are they really that mad we accept the Japanese as the best Asian?
See this
Read this
chan, don't worry. We ilbe users will just remove racists from our Sup Forums.
Sup Forums can come hang out here
Hahahaha how the fuck are they going to do that when they cant even speak engrish properly ?
>my wife is so cute
Read this
I'm crying
Korean women are too skinny. They are uncomfortable.
Ok what grade u teach though
I heard ilbe have 0.5 million users in South Korea.
Fucking mongols
>muh Internet wars
>taking Sup Forums seriously
wtf? aren't koreans racist themselves?
>we will destroy racist Sup Forums!
>occupies Sup Forums instead
no wonder they still haven't been able to do anything to best korea
>Korean website users are attacking Sup Forums
how could anyone tell the difference?
With their eyes they can't see properly.
>those butthurt white monkeys
Kill yourself japan proxy all japs must be raped by monkeys
North Korea really is the best Korea, you Southern retards can't even compete.
>be white
>get slaved by us asians
>butthurt to this in 21c
Fucking stupid white monkeys are nigger tier
Want me to send you a picture of my white nuts yellow nigger? Face it, Japan is better than you. Bow to the Samurai
cant even keep your country together
how do you even compete lmao
Yeah! Kill all jjokbaris
>be jap monkey
>use proxy to pretend to be canadian
Ayy lmao fucking stupid jap monkey
jjokbari culture is just sooo superior desu~
can I get a quick rundown on this jap?
You didn't really get into Europe and barely made a dent into eastern Europe.
>says white monkey
>crying in monkey language
Speak human please
pic of your mom?
who are the worst asian?
You know, right, that mongols treated you worse than the japs, right?
Do you enjoy having your women as sex slaves for foreigner?
Mongols were actually caucasoid before they took 5 chinese wives each one.
>waging war on pol
let's see how that works out for the gooks
I am a legendary Shinobi that hunts down the untermensch koreans. My sidekick is a coffin princess that wields a powerful sniper rifle. I have taken down many koreans in the art of sumo as they have weak bodies.
More ppl to redpill
>be white
>get slaved by asians
>butthurt to that in 21c
>insults niggers with their butthurt
>but white monkeys are also still butthurt to mongol empire.
just go back to playing back seat driver to china and japan
you're only relevant because of the norks
Pic of you white monkey's grandma monkey
>Entire country cucked by a feminazi cult.
Which is worse, Jews or 8 Goddess?
>what is a range ban
I want to say koreans... but it's most likely the Filipinos or any other group similar to them.
Speak human
I'm sure if we have a pre massive jaw surgery pic of your mother it would look like that. or the crimson chin.
why do Koreans all look like they share a common ancestor with Andre the giant? and only in the face?
Isn't Ilbe supposed to be right-wing?
Are you actually a white man trying to be a japanese?
literally cant refute me
>huge economy, world power
>history and beauty, world power
>theres two of you
Japs are monkeys like whites
>Entire country cucked by a feminazi cult.
this is the dumbest meme and I don't even get how it started. feminists have literally nothing to do with that whole scandal
man i have fucked so many white makeup red lipstick korean girls in the last two years.
yes they are racist as fuck, doesnt matter when you're filling them with their first big white cock.
With korean girls, they wear white makeup and red lipstick if they want white cock. its a sign they put out for us. take advantage of this.
filipinos are hilarious man
Why gooks are always so passive-aggressive?
Of course I'm a white man. It's only the koreans that can't accept that a white would prefer Japs to them.
Why aren't Koreans more grateful at us white people for saving their asses from Communism?
You realize we lost 50,000 soldiers defending you?
Mongols got halted in central Europe because they had no idea what a siege was or how to win one. I guess all those central asian kingdoms they rolled over to get to Europe never thought to stack rocks on top of one another and make a wall.
seems like ironic shitposting t b h
>oink oink i am white pig
Please speak human language
Who would you say the worst Asian is? And if you are from BC don't bother.
Great way to get the country banned.
How come I didn't saw any koreans in /int?
>LARPing as a Mongol and taunting whites over land their ancestors never stepped foot in all because your entire country is eternally booty blasted about Japan.
Pissing in a see of piss etc.
>monkeys equals humans
Someone is trying to bait Sup Forumstards into raiding ilbe
>Sup Forums users hate Koreans for no reason
Bullshit, we hate them because they're a fucking feminazi ruled dystopia and the Japanese are better than them.
There are doing a bretty bad job then.
You white monkeys cannot speak human
>still butthurt to mongol empire
Monkey please you whites are nigger and jew tier monkey
it really seems like one guy. someone not enjoying their vacation I wonder? their fake retard English is pretty sad.
You were enslaved in mongol empire and your women were raped...
>They said that they will remove Sup Forums nazis from Sup Forums
Good for them, but to be honest this just sounds like another Sup Forums concocted false flag.
why do half of korean women have plastic surgery to not look disgusting?
>mfw there will be a total war outbreak between ilbe and Sup Forums
This is why korean women look all the same...
Who cares about some korean starcraft mongols? Everybody knows Fingolians are most superior beings.
you people truly are the best asians™
You realise we lost 50,000 monkeys defending you?
They got so ass ravaged by japanese bants that they are raiding Sup Forums. I can feel the pulse from their gook anuses from here. It must hurt really bad.
>doctor, prease fix face so can have superior white penis. korea man so tiny penis no can have baby.
mongol conquered european and their women so hard, and only stopped because of a funeral in mongolia. haha europe must be so embarassed of our domination we spread our gene everywhere
The OP is full of shit. Nothing is happening. Just another troll trying to get attention. Possibly that ugly faggot who keeps posting his youtube livestream.
Mongolian girls are cute, laowai.
>implying whites were fighting with asians
No. They all got enslaved by us asian warriors
they conquered you as well dipshit
>us asians
HAHAHA lmao if you as Korean can claim this as your achievment can i as Latvian claim all british and french colonies?And can i claim that ''we'' won opium wars?
>Mongols were actually white people
>no proofs
The before one looks like pic related
South asians
>That flag
On the moment there i felt like USSR came back to life
jjokbarri pigs
who is laughing now ^_^
>oink oink oink
We were part of the Mongol empire. Many white slaves lived in Korea during Mongol empire because we koreans fought well in the war