Notice they are mostly liberal websites :)
Top 25 websites with highest education
>women studies/modern art
All I noticed is that isn't on the list.
at least reddit isn't on there
But where is Sup Forums?
Toilet paper degrees are worthless and are a sign of stupidity rather than intelligence.
>all this garbage
you can tell by this the poor state of education
>go to university
>choose a (((major)))
>Professor goldstein spends half the semester kvetching about the shoah
Wow! Righties btfo!!!!
American """education"""
How do they come up with this?
They know the personal details of the people who go on their sites?
Some survey to people asking them what sites they go on?
You mean mostly (((merchant))) websites.
>2 gawker sites in the top 3
lel, quality demographics there
>Having any kind of degree means your educated
That explains everything
When the fuck are they going to stop lumping in stem degrees and liberal arts degrees into one single "educated" category
I smell horseshit. How could this be realistically (and reliably) determined?
education =/= intelligence
hahaha. I fucking love it.
I've only heard about like maybe four of those sites.
>tfw brainlet
>lifestyle (women)
A lot of educated people aren't smart
Notice how education and intelligence are different.
>Social "science" degree
>merely a percentage of audience
>not total reach
What's even the point you dumb mong. Watch this
>create website, be only user, have degree
Wow 100%
You just got eternally BTFO, now you have to go back.
If this chart is true then going to college seems to have a direct correlation with making you retarded.
>sour grapes.jpg
> finviv
> fark
the only 2 I go to. The golfwrx site always pissed me off, abunch of smug dildos.
finviz is based