MFW Australians are getting shitpost BTFOed by Leafs

>MFW Australians are getting shitpost BTFOed by Leafs
This is absolutely pathetic, I see a bunch of nigger threads and its so painfully obvious its fucking leafs. I haven't seen a quality strayan shitpost in two days what happened? Did the Emus get you or did you get raided by gooks?


Beat my nigger thread:
You can't.


Compared to Leaf bait this is pretty weak, leafs are taking advantage of white pride with their nigger cock folder

Quality > quantity
Fucking leafs will never learn

That's weaksauce shit that some Strayan has been doing for almost a year now with BLACKED. I know because the motherfucker is probably the one responsible for getting our ranges banned.

Fuck that cunt, I miss phone posting.

another way to be such leaf lmao u cunt think some way but it never is such dumb cunt lel

>Jokes go over their head

I see no surprises here

>Always has to make it about themself
Don't you have sand niggers to deal with?

Take your underwear off and show everyone in here your plump little penis

Someone go in my nigger thread acting as an Asian or Jew and point out that whites and niggers are the ones falling for the LARPs.

I wake up half asleep and fuck Canadian girl
Canadian girl are so easy
when Canadian boys are on internet shitposting Canadian girls blow me like they are putting out fire, too bad the fire on their bush when I am there is too large to put out
almost as large as australian retardation

I would also like to get citizneship/residence in Canada so if any Canadians can help me give me advice that'd be great, thanks!

Only fucking way to clean this cancerous board up is to make it a matter of white pride not to keep falling for fucking Frank's and leftypol's stupidity.

Don't live in London, Manchester or Birmingham geezer... It's only the buisnessmen and hippies that get bothered by them (and Dover)

Canadian girls are sluts I fuck all the backpackers that leave shitty leaf land. fucks leafs and fuck niggers

Why the fuck would you like to live in Canastan

We are about to have a full out war on our hands.

Woops was shitposting somewhere else.

good job man Canadian girls are free prostitutes

because there are jobs there

Thanks for the bump, m888888888888888888

No problem aussie bro

We just cant compete with the leafs atm. We are trying trust me. You cunts took out one of our top shitposters and this set us back on our grand plan to get permanently banned from Sup Forums. We are going to have to regroup and reorganise. We will be back.