Free Germany (upcoming Election)

There are mainly 3 parties that are eligible fo some people (1 for me) the "CDU" , "SPD" and "AFD" the other parties are so crapp that i dont know why anyone vote for them so i dont tell you much about them
So first we have the "CDU" wich is the Christian Democratic Union (but no Deus Vult there) the are in Power the last 12 years with Angela Merkel as the chancellor. I dont want too Vote for here because she said that we have to let all thes Niggers and Moslem faggots in (and she let them in for the last 2 years and everywhere these "Miggrants are everything goes too shit)
2. we have the "SPD" wich is the "Social Democratic Party" the have this guy named Martin Schulz who have give usea law so everyone can be spyed from the "BND" without doing somthing and he wants too hack Whatsapp clients from German people (because why not)
and last we have the "AFD" what is basicly the party i think im going too vote for because they are the biggest Opposition with things i like like stoping Immmigration ore making the asyl so they have too leave after the war in there Country is over (Normal stuff u think ? not here)
but they get hatted by the Media companies and so i dont think (but i hope) that much pople will vote for them.örn_Höcke
Last we have the partys i dont say much about "Die Grünen" and "Die Linke" what are left faggots who want germany dead
so my problem is that i want the afd too win (ore at last get a good position) but how can i do that ? and will the internet help me ?
(sry if my english isnt the best)

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Redpill as many people as possible.

Besides that you can't do much. Things are still too good in Germany. People won't vote the AfD yet. But this will change within the next few years.

I personally expect the AfD to get something between 9-11% this election.

But 2021 or 2025 the AfD will get a majority.

Pretty much this. We need "Weimarer Verhältnisse" before anything will change. All the AfD has to do is wait and not destroy itself.

>upcoming Election
>believing in elections
>believing in democracy
you germans are just idiots

>"Weimarer Verhältnisse
Killing commies on the streets? Sign me up.

EVERY german party is socialist, no one deserves their vote. The only difference between the SPD and the AFD is immigration. No one will actually safe Germany, they can only delay the collapse.

so you're advocating to vote for the most degenerate party to quicken the process?
die grünen?

Better than nothing desu.

Your entire country is fucked, all your "men" are pathetic and everyone is too scared of losing their comfy little salary to delay the end of your civilization, race and country.

AFD may be bad, but Merkel and Schulz are literally those who will murder your children, your family, you and anyone who shares your skin color. And yet one of them will be elected and AFD will be marginalized.

The AfD isn't a socialist party you moron

Do they want to abolish the healtcare system ? Or do they want to get rid of the welfare system aka Hartz 4 ? They want to keep it as far a I know

germans are so cucked they wont do shit until they are starving in the gutter like in the 1920s

AfD wants to change the healthcare system in minor ways. Self employed and Beamte should pay too.

And yes they are against H4. They want the following. If you are unemployed you must work for the state. Around 35 hours each week but you get 1000€ instead of what ever Hartz4 is right now. This should motivate all the lazy fucks to get a real job instead leeching welfare money

Memetische Kriegsführung muss dann aber so schnell wie möglich beginnen. Wahlen sind ja schon in 2 Monaten!

Only idiots would vote AFD. CDU is shit, so our only real option is SPD.
Plus Schulz is redpilled on (((them))). He has my vote

If you think CDU and SPD are even REMOTELY okay, you are retarded........ braindead even.

t. rural or suburban retard. Fuck off


>t. Abdul-Mehmet Deutschkovic

Turks contributed to this country more than you Germans. Who was it that rebuilt it after WW2? That's right: us


And where do you want to put these stupid (turkish) Arbeitslose ? I think that employing them would be a bigger waste of money than Hartz 4. Just let them die if they can't find a job


Turks are some of the hardest workers here. We have a higher employment rate than whiny German virgin NEETs

Nice bait turknigger, everyone knows that we needed workpower after we already were economically at the top again and germany was rebuilt. Everyone was getting rich again and no one wanted to do the dirty work, so we imported some roaches and italians from their third world country for that


lol no
Meanwhile over 50% of all turks here don't work.

I say we physically remove them all.

Hätteste du gern was

Täglicher erinnerer

>not mentioning the FDP

We will get more seats than the AfD, wait for it.

>Votes for the FDP
Are you mentally retarded?

Vote fucking AfD! There is literally no other feasable alternative. AfD is far from perfect but still closest to the Red Pill for the Normie. This year is too important to vote some fringe party.

Meinst du *tägliche Erinnerung? Mein Deutsch ist weit von perfekt.


Restore the empire!
2nd reich = best reich

too much text u jew faggot

who can beat merkel?

dont u fuking commies have any term limits?
12 fuking year of obama and usa be gone

The AfD will have a hard time getting more than 5% of the votes - let alone win.

Merkel will win. Don't get me wrong - I'm not a fan of hers but that's the only realistic outcome.

>All the AfD has to do is wait and not destroy itself.
They're doing a splendid job at the latter though.

>There are mainly 3 parties that are eligible fo some people
what about the FDP?

sound like a stupid democrat
only realsitic outcome
merkel is worst ever chancellro of nazi town
boto that cutn
jesus whats takign so long
and boot that ugly jew egghead too
get soemone liek Trump in there
and deregualte TV so someone can broadcast non democrat BS
end the EU

AHAHAHA roaches and anti-germans still believe in this dimwittet lie, that were told the turksoaches when they arrives, so they wouldn't feel like the useless shits they are and the rest was indoctrinated in school to believe this hit while at the same time learning about the wirtschaftswunder in school that happened in the 50's BEFORE the roaches ever set foot into germany ahahahaha.

Germany was already rebuilt when the all-lies war criminals gifted us with roaches, we didn't lie in hammocks in our ruins and waited for the roaches to arrive you disgusting piece of eu shit.

Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. In Germany you don't vote for candidates but for parties, and the AfD does not have a sizeable base of followers. Plenty of people, elderly people in particular, vote for SPD and CDU because they always have. These two parties will get most of the votes. The question is whether either of them can form a coalition with minor parties in order to form a government - or perhaps whether they form yet another grand coalition between each other. In any kind of coalition involving the CDU, the CDU will most likely be the senior partner and thus Merkel become chancellor. The only possible outcome is Merkel or Schulz. The AfD is a minor party that will have a hard time even getting into the parliament. Also, nobody wants to work with them. Neither the SPD nor the CDU.

That's the reality of it. Trump winning was by no means as unrealistic, he has always been reasonably close to Hillary and he was literally the only option for Republican voters. In Germany people have lots of other options than a small-scale fringe party that is being daemonised by the press.