her youtube and twiiter are gone
did the new laws in Germany get her
her youtube and twiiter are gone
did the new laws in Germany get her
Where is she from? I want to fuck her BoiPussy
She's from Basel in Switzerland and she's in gaol. Keep up.
tf happened to her?
Got arrested for being a bad goy. Source: archive.4plebs.org
>vom Basler gebaselt
Does she have any good feet pics?
She will be back
Yea. Apparently personal fallout from the race realism video.
Kraut really should be shoahed from youtube and twitter for trying to contact her employer
Shouldnt have deleted that damn channel. Should have transferred it to someone she trusts to look after it so it isnt idle
Fucking leftypol is attacking all our shit. We can't let this slide.
Damn, even in Switzerland, eh? Mess with the (((script))) they mess with your life.
Are there any left channels we could attack?
>say it with me guys
>the real cause of most race related problems
really makes u think
She wasn't arrested that was some dipshit on Sup Forums lying. She just deleted her stuff because she will return with a new name.
stop lying Finland
Not really. The left have very little grass roots youtube channels. Most are kike funded slop like buzzfeed, young turks etc etc.
no one cares about your e-celeb waifu. She was probably threatened by Lauren for competing for views.
she's getting BLACKED
I can confirm this
E-celebs are cancer, but if they're fighting our corner, I'll tolerate them
Is anyone doing anything about Kraut trying to get her fired?
He's sent porn to some altrighters, reporting those tweets could get him banned from twitter.
They're fighting for your money and have no allegiance to the conservative ideology otherwise they would be having kids and working in the kitchen.
Kraut and Tea tried to get her fired. He seems to be the guy to attack if anyone
no, she dindu nuffins
Lauren S. probably tipped them.
Considering how many tards Kraut has endorsed on his channel he has a cheek going after anybody.
>muh cuckservative ideology
That's retarded, leaf
She mentioned on her twitter that she's basically rebranding, and will be releasing new videos with more refined arguments in them.
Personally I think she knows what she's onto is big, and wants to make it more professional looking. She obviously has the research and public speaking talent.
She's looking to step up her game.
>when you go from a radical left to a radical right within 2 years.
Leafbro might be on to something. Remember that conservatives see everyone as competition. The left are better at collaboration.
Kraut did this because he was butthurt about her video on race and IQ. Southern isnt involved at all, so it's stupid to deflect to her right now
What is her normie job?
Shes a qt and actually redpill we
Id marry her.
haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii guysssssssss
I hope she comes back too, she red pilled me .
wat to hek
Wtf that kraut and tea faggot actually tried to get her fired for that?
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
Nice Butt.
All high school pictures are cringey
there are faggot skeptic channels like contra points (attacked golden one)
and some other nerdy looking twig
P.S. Post more you stalker !
Is this just a meme or real? Seriously with the way surgery is today I wouldn't be surprised if it was real.
Shill detected
tfw real ali got my catfish account deleted and went radio silence on youtube
Daily reminder than Kraut and Cuck is controlled opposition and the one who got her fired
She looks far closer to Jared from Louder with Crowder.
I'm not suggesting you watch the whole video by any means but this includes pretty much so all the amateur "progressive" YouTubers in one group chat.
Michael Rolands in particulary is a cunt and great fun to troll.
Isn't Kraut an anti-SJW and against the whole left wing agenda? I've only briefly seen his stuff and never got that impression.
Yes, this!
But who is she or he?
cheekyvideos.net, archive
>Isn't Kraut an anti-SJW and against the whole left wing agenda? I've only briefly seen his stuff and never got that impression.
He's openly leftist. Just doesn't like SJWs and Muslims. Though in one stream he called himself libertarian so maybe he just doesn't know politics outside of fuck muslims and free speech.
le skeptic community doxxed her
Ah I see. I've only ever heard him as a guest in other YouTubers streams. I'm not going to lie though I am surprised to hear he got her channel shut down because he seemed fairly intelligent and reasonable when I heard him before.
Must be the conditioned response from a German when he hears the 1488/etno-nationalism stuff.
She's only half German, half filthy anglo scum.
Real name is Allison or some shit, she's lucky she didn't get the hideous beady eyes her AngloDad probably has.
I've been listening/watching him for awhile and him getting a channel shut down for having opinions he doesn't like is unbelievable considering how much he goes on about freedom of speech.
>Must be the conditioned response from a German when he hears the 1488/etno-nationalism stuff.
If it's true it must be this.
Sacrificed for the sake of kekistan. she made a big No,No! with bringing up race realism and white interests going against the (((skeptic community))) narrative
'Skeptics' who refuse to be skeptical about demographics, race, identity, tribalism in human nature and Jews affect on the modern world are starting to turn their guns on the right. Being attacked by 'centrist' libertarians or 'classical liberals' is more damaging than being attacked by nutjob leftypol commies. People like kraut and Jeff holiday have to go.
Jeff Holiday is a based kekistani. what makes you think you can meme yourself to some sort of political relevancy
The Truth behind Kekistan
The thing is I'm sure there's a legitimate discussion/debate to be had, as you can argue other factors. Naked Ape did something on this.
What's the fucking point of being a skeptic if all you do is parrot mainstream opinions?
She was taken to a reeducation camp and sentenced to 5 years of migrant gang rape.
Isn't that the same cunt that bitched about AIU doxing him?
Yeah he sent an email to her employer about that, then tried to weasel his way out of it by posting the reply email of the employer. Funnily, it just said Kraut was one of the first to report her he sort of dug his hole deeper since he probably got others to dox her as well. Then he threw a massive shitfit about it, sort of like he did when he got people to massively attack Edgy (which he actually apologized for later only to now come out and call Edgy a Nazi again).
Truly, he is the worst of Jewish, German and British ancestry combined.
She supports abortion, I hope that bitch burns in hell
she is cute
Someone put it best in a topic last night, Skeptics are just tone police. They're fine with mass immigration as long as it isn't muslims, fine with all kinds of feminism as long as it doesn't accept them and as soon as you violate their dogma they resort to classic leftist tactics - ridicule, calling you stupid because you disagree with something that's obviously proven and massive doxxing/reporting by their minions.
Yup, go for that fat fuck.
abortion is a great thing to prevent the mud hordes from growing
Remember how he threw a shitfit about Edgy? Instantly went into ad hominems and name calling.
Its all a prank M8s
pic related
>radical left
he didn't get her channel shutdown, he reported her to her employer for wrongthink. He's now trying to squirm his way out of it by claiming that others were responsible for her getting shitcanned from her writing gig and that his email had no effect. The little weasel thinks this absolves him and that his intention of getting her fired doesn't count because someone else pulled the metaphorical trigger.
Didn't he use an SPQR flag for a back drop?
shes been a very bad goyy and now she must be "re educated"
>I'm one of you guys! See, look how edgy and redpilled I am!
kek yep and iirc aiu didn't even dox the cunt.
Skeptic community are severely asshurt over Alt Right/Light E-Celebs gaining popularity while they can barely get 20k views so they attack competing content providers like the slimy kikes they are.
>Truly, he is the worst of Jewish, German and British ancestry combined.
Funny how weasaly they become when their patreon shittalking neet lifestyles come under threat.
>M-muh principles
We tried to mass report his Patreon for Islamophobia last night, didn't save the steps sadly. I'm sure it's going to be reposted though.
Laws. Were against racism, she only talked about racial realism
Why did she always have a US flag in the background?
I wouid expect that low from a fucking leaf not from straya. It wasn't even funny.
Because she likes to LARP as a burger, you know for the lard shekels. And also bigger audience
>no ass
i'm going to withdraw my interest now :(
A lot of Europeans now adays are American wanna bes
Bro she's a straight up baby killer, it's not like she just supports abortion in the case of medical necessity or abortion in pregnancy due to rape, she supports young white women in loving, financially stable relationships killing their own children just so they can focus on their careers and go travelling and other selfish bullshit
She was a radical left tho. and do i care little spic
They are resching 60% for sure
Here is one, I enjoy it very much
I'm a bit worried /pol might agree with what he says