Can you pajeets redpill me on south India? most Indians on pol say they are subhuman Dravidians but they seem to be better off economically than north Indians also are most south Indians supposed to black?because most people from Kerala that i know seemed pretty light to me
South India
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What the fuck do you care about South India? It looks like pic related.
Looks kinda pretty but you can stop hiding behind your flag though pajeet
This is just so fucking stupid, man. If I were to plot academic performance in my class with skin colour, the darker skinned students would be getting better scores in general than the lighter skinned students. This is coming from a light-skinned (still shitskin to you) North Indian living in South India. All of you should just kill yourselves, you know. You're all pathetic socially useless garbage who can't see beyond what is written on a Hwite nationalist anime website. Go ahead and call me names. I don't even care anymore.
They don't like to speak in Hindi even when they understand it perfectly. That's why all the hatred.
And Kerala is red pilled.
>but they seem to be better off economically
Ports/coastal areas and Kerala remittances from Gulf Arab States from Indian diaspora working there.
You're a real asshole for even rooting for these bastards in this shithole board, you know? Muh North Indian Aryan race. Fuck you. All of you please kys.
mate r u fine there?
I even saw that they had the lowest birthrate in all of india could someone tell me what's happening there ?
Who said I'm rooting for him. The only cause for hatred is the language barrier even today. I love south myself. Have a Christian keralite friend. Never made fun of any south Indian. Not even on their backs.
I was explaining to him how he came to this conclusion that we hate south when it's only "lost in translation". Just like now, isn't it so?
Im from kerala AMA
why do most of you have lighter skin than Tamils?
Explain the low TFR in your and other states, like the Moroccan user asked, please.
Because of early trading with arabs and migration of assyrian christians to kerala back in the day
Bongcuck, update your geography. Andhara Pradesh is divided in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh now.
Also, they are economically better off. State of Tamil Nadu and Kerala are among most developed states in India.
They are far more cultured people, still living with far more orthodoxy than muh aryans.
They are far less criminal than muh Aryans cow belters.
We cow belters are, obviously, racism driven towards them.
Fertility rate is low because of high HDI and literacy rate of 93%
Would you prefer to be part of india or separate country?i hear a lot of keralites dont like the government
>They don't like to speak in Hindi even when they understand it perfectly.
>Few days ago
>Laws protecting my language from Anglo influence are going in the right direction
>Working night shift in a gas station to pay for my education
>No boss, barely any customers, pretty relax and better pay than day shift
>Chink comes in
>Only speaks English
>Another Anglo's golem.
>He had some troubles with putting gas into his car
>Explain to him what happened, what went wrong and how to fix it, in Italian
>Bitch doesn't understand a word
>Repeats himself thinking I didn't get what he meant
>I tell him the exact same thing and use some hand gestures since he's retarded
>I can see his face getting red
>"I feel like you understand what I'm saying, yet you refuse to respond in English"
>I shrug
>I shake my head
>He starts raging
>He asks me where he can contact customer service
>I point at a paper on the door with the phone number written on it
>He writes them down and leaves
Yes. States like Sikkim, Kerala, etc have 100% literacy rates.
I know that most North Indians, even if not from the same tribe or group consider themselves related and have this "Indian patriotism" going for them. Is it the same in the south? Do southerners feel related with other southerners? Also do you guys feel related to the North or Indian at all? Or is it like in Belgiun? Would you like a spearate state with another nationalistic feeling to it?
That is all future citsen of a superpower. Namaste.
As far as i know not at all but i would ask the the dude from Kerala in the thread
Goa is rightfully owned by Alberto Barbossa
There were talks of a separate country named United States of South India or Dravida Nadu earlier. But I don't think it's possible since we cowbelters and those south Indians share a long history together. Also, the geography, which binds us from Himalayas to Arabian sea, bay of Bengal and Indian ocean will make it possible. Obviously they feel for north Indians, the saffron right party is making inlands in thus far communist and regional party ruled states..
They are more nationalists than north. But their ideologies about nationalism are not on the same page as north.
Regional nationalism based on language, you say?
Do you have to expect us to learn Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam, Kannada all of them and be able to differentiate on facial features when all of them look almost similar and are spread in all the states equally? It's easy for them but not for us.
I can only understand Tamil a little bit after having to deal with them frequently. And trust me, we do try our best to not offend by trying as much as we know about.
Dude fuck you and explain how Pakistan has been able to hold it's own and even kick your nigger Dravidian asses in every war.
The name Pakistan literally means "land of the pure" in Urdu and Persian
wow thank you Wikipedia. Now I can understand how a country one sixth the size of it's large southern neighbor can go toe to toe with southern mud people.
They're fucking campers.
>most Indians on pol say
you're just listening to the indians who comunicate in the most loud, meme-y , low IQ way that appeals to your preconcieved biases.
I've explained multiple times before that just as you point out the south half of india is
-much richer
-has much better education
-has a much higher % of people who own toilets in their homes
-has a much lower incidence of street-shitting
than the north half of india.
Furthermore , the northern capital of India, Delhi has far more rape and sexual assault of women than Bangalore or mumbai, both in the southern half of india. Delhi is basically a hell hole like Johannesburg whereas mumbai and bangalore are by contrast india's new york and india's SF bay area.
Burger, do you know that India's name is derived from Indus river which flows in Pakistan? Nomenclature doesn't matter at all. The fact that these two neighbours have nukes is enough to dominate over each other I hope this burger knows MAD.
mumbai comes in north india ,ahmed.
Fuck off Achmed. Take care of Balochistan. South has been too much for you anyways. From 1947 to 1999
And your country's name is Irony in itself.
Bomg, you are reiterating.
These south Indians states contributes more than one third of GDP.
this was for you
Lol aryancuck, update your geography, Maharashtra is West South.
>explain how Pakistan has been able to hold it's own
US/UK backing just look at the creation of pakistan and the vote distribution geographically
Visit the gang at indiachan dot com. You are welcome.
If you tell a Mumbaikar that Mumbai comes in South India , he will definitely kill you mariyappan .
How does it feel that even Greece has invaded and beaten your worthless nation?
No way to explain how a country one sixth your size is your main rival. The fact that the most westernized trading centers are in southern Indian states like Kerala too should hurt Pakistan yet they are able to have a nuclear program competing with India. How to explain that besides genetics? Also the western influence on spice trading states like Kerala surely had something to do with their cultural and economic advancement.
This happened when?
Don't you know how to read Theoprastus ?
That is why West south and not south west, mothercucker..
Lol. Never happened, you austerityfag..
That is because he is a Bihari
I don't know much about the current situation in India, which are the best economic performing states?
>omg is this really South Indian education?
West south and South West is the same thing you sambhar chugging bastard.
China is explaining factor here.
Also, it's our politicians putting us against each other, not we the people of India and Pakistan.
Burger thought process. Top kek.
>Pakistan yet they are able to have a nuclear program competing with India.
That is because they starved their people and Amerifats gave them nukes because India sided with USSR/China. Pakistan is an absolute retard tier country whose only accomplishment is being conquered by everyone in Asia and main hobby is being bombed. The South has always been superior in civilization to the North and didn't get BTFO'd as hard by the Turks and Mongols like the North did for 1000 years.
>mordern day Punjab , Pakistan
This really make me worry about you mate , you don't know how to fucking read.
There is a Punjab in Pakistan also.
Why are you speechless ?
Pakistan and India are the same people. Borders are arbitrary, especially in Alexander's time.
>politicians putting us against each other,
zionist strategy
>implying that Muslim and Hindus are same people
Dude you should get education or something or your existence in this world is absolutely worthless.
>Why are you speechless ?
because i am not an indian trash who stays 24/7 in front of a thread, so i cannot answer immediately.
invented country by the british. that you would trash your own history so that you can avoid something embarrassing is beyond me, though befitting of rats like you.
Lurk bong..
It's Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, etc..
the casualties of the greek side were so low that alexander's horse dying was listed as a separate casualty
Fuck you cowbelter. I am a cowbelter too. And you should know the difference. For fuck sake, there is a sequence mothercucker..
That's like saying christians and atheists are different people.
That's the irony of the arrogant Comanche.
Lol they are culturally and historically same people, aryanfag.. it's only religion that differs and I don't believe in any socially constructed religion.
That's a false analogy, Hindus, Muslims, and Christians in India have very different cultures from each other, and have lived amongst one another for centuries while intermarriage has been very uncommon.
Athiests started becoming a thing recently, and mostly share the same culture as religious people in western countries.
Is it me or are most of the Indians on this board projecting hard and full of themselves for no particular reason?
Maybe they are still in the nigger phase common to third world shitstreets (shitholes).
Exhibit A:
You're missing the point. At one stage the people of the continent India were separated by religion. It doesn't matter how much inbreeding and sisterfucking they did in the meantime, they are still the same people. (with the exception of Arab rape babies).
Or Brexhibit, bongcuck, defending yourself is not niggery, neither shitstreetry.
which region is best ?
poopill me on the cowbelt
where your middle class lives?
comparing one shit-skin to another one cares bro you are both useless shit-skins.
It's the self proclaimed pure Aryans (though they are mixed Kushanas, Scynthians, Huns, Greeks, muslims, etc.) living along The Ganges who worships cows, cow urine and cowdung..the anglophiles in India call them cowbelters, something similar like Bible belt in burgerland.. it's also called cowdung belt sometimes..
Indian middle class is a myth invented by global capital shills. Fucking kikes.
still poos
Once a poo, always a poo. Well done pollards.
By this logic, bongs, burgers, etc. Are poos too.