The mosque belongs to the muslims.
Don't play with fire Israel, the mosque does not belong to you, nor will you ever have the rights over it.
The mosque belongs to the muslims.
Don't play with fire Israel, the mosque does not belong to you, nor will you ever have the rights over it.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a rather neutral article, no Jewish tricks to be archived there. But thanks regardless.
Nice mosque.
Fuck you Ahmed.
Mudslimes were okay with taking over chuches. Let the kikes and mudslimes fight it out.
Jews like to steal land and things. But this time we look another way. Okay?
Palestine obviously need to learn to be more multicultural
Time to go back, Ahmed.
>Don't play with fire Israel,
It's actually perfect timing. Now that ISIS has disbanded another "leaders" have taken their pensions and gone to live intel-aviv suburbs in gated communities, get the rank and file to actually turn on the Jews.
I'd need sand nigger to tell me or wait for Dr. Scheuer, but if the KIKES do kick them out, sounds like Koranic predicate for Jihad to me. We could see the rise of the new Abu Nidal.
Muslims are the vilesest scum on this earth. They have the mentality of societies from the first millennium.
They have no left and even their most "peaceful" intellectuals are still vile savages when push comes to shove.
I hope one day we will destroy this muslim abomination and kick these invaders out of jewish land.
All muslims know how to do is cause violence.
If you are White you should read about Abu Nidal. He was living proof that all the like Mossad bulllshit is just that-- bullshit. All they are is ruthless and have shekels, they are't decent fighters and can't do anything when traitors know they and their families will pay a heavy price.
Abu Nidal came from a rich family in Palestine (owned hundreds of acres or orange groves)and was thrown out into a refugee camp into a tent at age 11. HE spent the rest of his life trying to get even with the kikes. He died of old age in Iraq, and he was actually a big part of the reason the neo-cohens wanted war with Iraq.
Or what ? The Jews already took theirs land and did mass shooting in a mosque. They would bomb it if they suspect terrorist in it because Jews are unattackable because muh 6 gorillions.
Why would a french man care about muslim scum? They are literally the antithesis of french secular society.
Fucking muhhamad. Go back to your shitty backwards countries you fucking useless shitstain.
bek houden kk bruine
>All muslims know how to do is cause violence.
And all you motherfuckers do is know how to open the gates for them, as you did in Spain, Constantinople, and countless other places. Know who the muslims called when it was time to skin the governor of Crete alive when it was owned by Venice? A jew of course. That little stunt got you kicked out of Venice for a few hundred years.
You should have been slaughtered in Spain rather than given the chance not convert (and become crypto-Jews) and we'd have ea lot less problems today.
When Constantinople fell (check the records) do you know the first official act of the Sultan? to call for more Jews to sell the all the Christian slaves they took. A profession you dominated for over 2,000 years. And YOU are talking about them? Up until the 1920s (when you became such problem in Palestine THEY even began pogroms) they were your best buddies.
Lying two-faced kike bastards, cancer of this planet.
>all muslims know how to do is cause violence
are you going to be a new "recognizable Sup Forumsack"?
the islamic toothpaste?
I'll challenge you to refute anything I've said. You can't, and like a typical like, you'll ad hominem or ignore, because likes don't know what to do when someone hits them right in the face with facts since they are so unused to it.
For a summary of what I wrote (at least in regard to Jews in Spain) see "A Distant Mirror" by the Jewess Barbara Tuchman (ironically a cousin of Morganthau). For the other info see "Empire of the Seas: The Battle of Lepanto, The Siege of Malta,and the Contest for the Centre of the World."
This time i #StandwithIsrael.
>The mosque belongs to the muslims.
the mosque belongs to whoever can seize and keep it. or to no one, if it gets MOAB'd hard eventually. would be a pity, though, it features variant readings of some quranic verses on the walls.
>Why would a french man care about muslim scum?
French people are literal Christ betrayers. Even among dumb redpilled wannabe Christian communities like É&R they do nothing apart from blowing Iranian cock and falling for made-up Talmud quotes (so Sup Forums 101). Half the anti-establishment crowd is sand niggers and Mudslime-converted whites. The rest is Muhammad-worshipping Catholics who think they get it because they know one or two things about Masonry. Also, French dissidents are overwhelmingly leftcucks. Hell, even the right wing party is in fact pure leftist cockroach, at least economically.
Fuck Muslims. I hope the kikes shoah the shit out of them.
checked , also netanyahu should stop being a cuck , now that he is going to remove metal detectors all its needed is a retarded kebab blowing the mosque to start ww3 not even mentioning that he is rewarding terrorism by capitulating.
muslims have no right to this place it was christian long before this badly copied pretend faith called islam got invented by a bunch of oversexed and underfucked cave men.
>This time i #StandwithIsrael.
I don't know if you're being Ironic, but this is your first lesson-- never, ever EVER "Stand with the Jews." For 1,400 years, they were allied with the Muslims against us.
The Jews count on working out some kind of deal where they give the muslims their mosque above ground while still keeping their raving-mad ultra-orthodox happy.
All the slave trading that took White from the shores of Italy to Iceland, the muslims ALWAYS brought along a fucking Jew. Even during the Siege of Malta, Christians STILL hadn't learned their lesson yet and caught 2 different Jew "doctors" with cross bows trying to shoot over their defense plans attached to an arrow.
Notice how the kike in this thread went scurrying for the hills as soon as I called him out? They can't abide people who genuinely know their facts. Their so used to "stupid goyim," when they encounter one who KNOW his facts and can quote them right down to the page, they panic and run.
That's your lesson in fighting Jews. If you're too fuckign lazy to read, a great place to start on Jewtube is "A Goy Guide to World History" where he gets into a lot of what of the Jews have done throughout history...
Here you go. If anyone is genuinely ambitious and wants books worth reading, I can give those too. If you're just starting out and want to get the basic sort of "big picture," this series is actually quite good and the guy has done his work. It's called "A Goy Guide to World History."
The Jews can't shut it down because he's quoting exactly from important historical sources. Another very good source for the Jewish involvement in the Negro Slave Trade is the Negro Professor "Dr. Tony Martin," who used to teach at Wellesley and the Jews truly went after him viciously for daring to even mention kike involvement in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Both DEF WORTH WATCHING.
First, here is "The Goy Guide..."
The muslims can keep the musk.
Jews just want the area under it. They'd be happy to para-lift it to some other location, like Jordanstine.
>If anyone is genuinely ambitious and wants books worth reading,
I'd love them. You seem like a very knowledgeable guy.
Also, It pisses me off that Sup Forums always acts like we have to pick a side between sandniggers and kikes. Fuck them both
There are 2,300 years worth of Jewish artifacts under that mosque.
Fuck off Ahmed, fuck Islam, fuck Allah.
Fuck off raghead.
It is written, and it will be done.
Your shitty slashfic about the adventures of Mohammed the kiddy fiddler doesnt mention this because the Qur'an is fake news.
Burn in Hell, shitstain.
Oh no, one less place for Muslims to be radicalized at. That sucks so much oh my god.
lol angry faggot detected. Did a Jew rape your dad?
>Muslims are the vilesest scum on this earth.
Fundamental Baptist here.
You filthy kikes are the worst of the worst, in fact God calls you sons of the devil. You are the abomination. Warheads are just retarded goat fucked, but kikes are scum of the earth.
You will get what you deserve.
I hope this is real because it means Jesus is coming back to piur his wrath out on you soon.
Leave my country, you Satanic terrorist!
All kikes burn in Hell.
shut up ahmed
i support any action against mudslimes
even if by jews
>Fundamental Baptist here.
White man living in America complains about stolen land in Israel. Hypocrisy is hilarious.
You're the direct beneficiary of a mass genocide and the theft of an entire continent.
Relax buddy. You're in good company.
Indians were dirt worshipping savages, eat shit fuckball. The proto-beaners were akin to the Canaanites and got what was coming to them. Sioux is a French word that means "cutthroat", they weren't ling haired hippy faggots sharing coffee with Kevin Costner. I don't give a Fuck about the ragheads, they all burn in Hell too along with fags like you. The land belongs to the kikes, and it is better if all the Jew rats are shipped there just like your dad Hitler wanted.
This has been written, secularfag. This was foretold 3000 years ago by Daniel, and nobody can stop it.
I can't wait until God BTFO this entire shithole and casts eicked filth like you, OP, and all the Christkillers into Hell.
israel the only uncucked country it seems
muslims turn churches to mosques and you say leave mosques alone fuck you Ahmed