I'm a white grill who is trying for a baby with my husband. How does one go about ensuring white children don't get indoctrinated by (((them))), considering anti-white propaganda is everywhere? Any advice would be appreciated, especially from parents.
Raising racially conscious children
This is something that I'm still trying to figure out; if you leave things as they are, their minds will be warped by all of the propaganda in this sick earth -- but if you actively ward them away from it and teach them to be racially conscious, there's a high possibility of them rebelling.
Well the first thing you must do is :
Have kids.
We'll discuss the rest afterwards
How does it feel to know the zionists are going to throw Israeli's under the bus along with everyone else?
I doubt Israeli nationalism is a threat to Israel
Are girls really loose over there? They're the most promiscuous group I've come across here by far.
>most promiscuous group I've come across
Did they let you talk for more then 5 seconds before vomiting?
Mate they still fucked me after vomiting
Much like on Sup Forums
Pleas cannot stop Australian cruelty
>especially from parents.
If I was actually capable of getting a partner and having kids why the fuck would I be on THIS site at 4am
She'll be right
Private school.
Or if you can find a big support network of homeschoolers, join them. In fact, you should strongly consider moving to a place with a lot of them like NC and TN if you decide on this. Most of them are a tier above the crazy evangelicals and you want a social network for your kids when you homeschool.
Don't even consider sending your kids to (((government indoctrination centers))).
Also if your friends only interact with other homeschoolers, they may never even talk to a nonwhite person. Homeschoolers also tend to be on the same page as us regarding birthrates. They can have up to 9 kids and they drive these big white vans.
This was surprisingly easy.
Basically it just kinda came up one night.
>wife and I reading children's bible stories book to 6 year old daughter
>mention Pharisees
>what are Pharisees?
>they're Jewish priests
>what's Jewish?
>explain Jewish "people," and incorporating things that are in the Talmud about how they absolutely hate Jesus and they believe it's okay to kill and steal from Christians like us, etc
>explain that almost everything on television is owned by Jews and that they project their values, which again are anti-Christian and anti-family, on kids like her and how that's not okay
>why are Jewish people so bad?
>it's just who they are, sweetheart. People that reject Jesus and hate Him can never know love or peace.
Then we talked about a few other things, told her we loved her, tucked her in, and she went to sleep.
She doesn't walk around the house goose stepping or anything. But she knows that most everything on tv has the goal of breaking down the family, that it's anti-God, and that Jews are in charge of it.
>teaching your innocent children the Jewish Religion, Christianity
Also, we homeschool.
> hurrrrr, they are social retards
If you permit it, I guess. Our daughter plays soccer in a local youth league and has a blast.
Also, like some other user said, you've got to reach out to the local homeschool community.
I work, my wife stays home with the kids. But she's involved with these groups and they do homeschooling field trips pretty regularly to museums and other cool things.
More than anything, you have to take an active role with your kids. They're not secondary to your bullshitting time on your phone or whatever. Lead by example too.
That means no phone out at meals, be kind to your wife in front of your kids often, don't watch stupid Jewish bullshit... especially in front of them.
>inb4 hurrr but you're on Sup Forums
I'm away on business by myself right now. Otherwise, internet bullshitting time is relegated to when I go to the bathroom or early morning while getting ready for work.
Home school of it's a girl.
Miltary academy if it's a boy.
No gay shit or else they get no inheritance
That's creepy as fuck
It's your choice.
But I would strongly suggest Christianity as a basis for elementary morals as opposed to any other system.
It works for us and our daughter is already aware of (((their))) tricks.
I've got three kids and I think we're doing pretty well.
If you have superior alternatives, I'm certainly open to suggestion.
I'm going to do this too
Be me
hold grandsons hand tight when ever niggers are around
Roll up windows of car and lock doors when driving by niggers/spics
get call from daughter saying the school is worried because Galvin wont play w/niggers/spics
Now I give him candy when he locks doors when he sees niggers before me
Also when we watch tv I make a sound of disgust if theres a nigger on the screen and I change the channel
I have never said the word nigger/spic to him. its all subliminal.
Recently we went to the zoo and he pointed out how the monkeys act like the people in the city sitting on the steps.
Thanks for the advice.
I'm having a kid soon and the mother isn't nearly as red-pilled as I.
The sounds of disgust whenever there's a nigger around sounds like great advice.
No tv.
Move into the woods, tend the fields, and teach them about Odin.
This is a good way to go about it.
I've described basically all nigger shit in (((popular culture))) as stupid stuff for unintelligent people. I've never used a racial slur around my kids.
>eat your own cum, it makes you strong
>get fucked by a demon horse, have weird babies
Sorry, that stuff is on the same tier as Greek mythology.
1. Homeschool. (((they))) control the environment in schools pretty much everywhere in the west. (If you're in eastern europe (some places) or east asia school is ok)
2. Live in an almost exclusively white area.
3. Present the importance of sticking with your own. (in general)
4. Don't have a TV. Too many ads for unhealthy things with sugar in them and waaay too much anti-white propaganda. (while we're at it, avoid processed food altogether, and depending on where you live in the west, this may mean all animal milk too)
5. Always disrespect rap whenever you hear it.
While the kid is under 6-7 they will always try to learn from the parents and find ways to fit in. (also learn about the general developmental stages in early child psychology, it's pretty simple, leave it almost exclusively to the woman first 6 months, mixed mostly female until about 2, now let dad play a lot with the kid and set up play dates with like-minded children under 4, etc.)
After 6-7 they'll want to fit into their close environment outside their parents until puberty hormones kick in (which is when they might venture into far environment outside parents). So by this time make sure they are in the right environment: A good church with almost full white people (In my experience fundamental baptists are the whitest you get outside mormons, KJV only preferred)
When teenage years hit (earlier for girls than boys, sex hormone dependant) it's super important they have siblings or else they tend to look for themselves further and further away from family. This is the worst time to push them into an ideology, instill it well into them by this point and you're fine, otherwise you'll have to wait until 22+ to get another chance.
What an awesome grandfather
The solution is you women get behind your men and have them physically remove all the nonwhites in your country. Mass deportation truly is the most humane, sensible, and necessary action for any white country in the present.