>1.7 million views
>all positive ratings
>all positive comments
Who the fuck are these people?
Is this what Americans actually watch?
>1.7 million views
>all positive ratings
>all positive comments
Who the fuck are these people?
Is this what Americans actually watch?
Other urls found in this thread:
do not underestimate the strength of stupid people large groups
Leave him be Jay, Conan, and Dave made blow job jokes for a solid 5 years.
YouTube alters all ratings on stephen Colbert vids and deletes negative comments that gets too many likes. You can tell by looking at newest comments first
Some people desperate to see Trump bashing and feel they are winning watch him.
But remember also youtube puts his stuff on trending all the time.
Literally all I see from him is Trump shit. It makes you wonder what he did before. The only good American comedian I've ever watched was that big chinned bastard Jay Leno, maybe with the exception of George Carlin.
Picrelated is only one who is allright.
>Very entertaining, Stephen. Keep up the good work.
Remember when liberals say "How come there's no conservative equivalent of The Daily Show or Colbert" just point to this and say "We don't need one".
For normal people there's just comedy, but liberals need this sort of dreck. Without some false smug sense of superiority they have to work.
Stephen Colbert is a jester. Its easy for him to dance around and tell silly jokes. Much harder is for him to justify Obama funding ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria. Or to justify DWS's Pakistani spy tech support employee, the democrat culture of anti-security.
Tell a funny joke about selling Uranium to Russia, Stevie. Tell a joke about Fusion GPS. Or a joke about the serial killer art the Podestas love.
You simply can't trust YouTube ratings or comments to be reflective of reality anymore. The recent YouTube sponsored videos showed them to blatantly manipulate viewcounts, likes and comments in a completely non-transparent manner.
Mindraped bugmen
>Literally all I see from him is Trump shit
Dave Chappelle was right when he said Trump ruined comedy. All these far left "comedians" make the same tired ass jokes all the time now.
>Let's try and make Trump sound retarded by twisting his words and doing a poor impersonation of him
>right wingers are stupid!
>white people are racist!
That sums up everything I see or hear from leftist "comedians" now. Zero wit, zero creativity, all infantile humor. It's plain as day what the agendas of their employers are.
Well obviously, Trump is an embarrasment and there is a new international scandal every single day
The democrats are clean so there is nothing to ridicule. Making fun of those fighting for equality and compassion just makes you look like a shitlord
Youtube edits likes/dislikes on videos. For instance they keep removing my dislike from their gay propaganda video a few weeks ago. I check it daily and every 2-3 days they remove my dislike. The comments section is filled with people saying the same thing.
>>trusting (((youtube))) math
reminder that The Colbert Report YouTube channel is one of the (((privileged))) accounts on their site that is allowed to DELETE DISLIKES.
giving a false impression that there is public consensus behind the content in his videos
The guy is boosted harder than anything else.
It's just a place for Liberals to go and suck each other off over their hatred for DRUMPF.
this is obvious, isn't it?
all leftist propaganda plays on the leftist's need for group belonging. they know if they give the impression of consensus most people (especially women) will follow along for fear of being ostracized.
See uv bn fallin for dem fack knews memrs
yes it is obvious. However, it is also new.
They couldn't/didn't even do that in 2016. there were points during the election where Colbert videos would get mobbed with dislikes, just like anything. It was in 2017 that YouTube finally did something about it, where people have been saying since the early '10s that YouTube will engage in voter manipulation
lmao this thread got marked for deletion obviously
yeah this got slid quickly
leftists watch and think
>look how smart I am
the right watches and thinks
>look how stupid they are
Meanwhile you continue to send 6 million times your national GDP to Israel per annum, but in all seriousness we can't let him get a hold of the nuclear codes.
lmao You gotta admit that Scaramucci impression was funny af
I've never watched a clip from this unfunny idiot on youtube in my life, yet they keep recommending his crap to me. Why?
>I've never watched a clip from this unfunny idiot
Colbert was really cool back when he was on Comedy Central, sadly now he's a magisterial cuck.
>yet they keep recommending his crap to me. Why?
Probably because they pay to get their shit on everyone's recommendations? idk
but that video was uploaded 4 years ago, Colbert's was uploaded yesterday.
Considering that these guys got their only traction from the Bush presidency, I'm sure that they celebrated the election of President Trump more than any Trump supporter.
Yeah, gotta get those ratings up.
Yes. Garbage.
switch the top comments to newest comments.
do this in any of his videos and you will see what people really think about this prick.
i think its mostly bots, if you see like to watch ratio, it was a very poor audience engagement, people dont care
*has a very poor engagement
When and where did he say this?
I've been saying it for years. People who voluntarily live in cramped cities are weirdos. And there's so many of them. I don't get it.
well, at least if they are packed, you can nuke them all at once!
>do not underestimate the strength of stupid people large groups
Nobody underestimated the Nazis though
He's so fucking funny.
>1.7 million views
>out of a country of 320 million (not even counting that foreigners may also watch it)
Yes, that clearly is representative of what US citizens entertain themselves with.
You fucking moron.
Yeah Conan is still championing good old fashioned comedy, he jokes around, a little liberal leaning but no agenda.
I feel like a majority of his videos views come from cucked europe and other countries
dudes fucking hilarious
>ruined comedy
Its what people want to watch, lad
right wingers ARE stupid
some white people ARE racist
the dude shows it daily and you can't prove him wrong
You can tell O'Brien is a Leftist, but it doesn't consume him like Colbert. Colbert is just plain venomous, though it's hard to blame him too much, seeing as his Late Show was dead in the water in the ratings until Trump got elected.
>you cant prove him wrong
>replies with a weeabo image
Colbert was right lmao whats even funnier is the fact that TRUMP was the reason that video was funny, a literal joke