Hello leftypol comrades!
Single payer health care, $20 minimum wage, and eradication of the gender gap ARE THE FUTURE.
Hello leftypol comrades!
Single payer health care, $20 minimum wage, and eradication of the gender gap ARE THE FUTURE.
gender pay gap isn't a thing faggot! IT'S BEEN DEBUNKED SO MANY FUCKING TIMES!
>$20 an hour minimum wage
Have fun with your worthless dollar and destroyed economy.
Also, the gender gap isn't real.
remember to sage
So many triggered conservitards... XD LMAO
ah yes, mao was a genius
>just pretending to be retarded XD
>anarcho capitalist
>thinks his opinion matters
go suck a black dick
You are fake news
>the gender gap
Things like these are why people say you're a joke.
so many faggot communists who have never been under communist rule. gtfo our board edgy upper middle class welfare single mother child. this place is not for you. that's why you'll get saged to oblivion every time you post garbage like this.
God, I wish a black man would fuck me in the ass
Damn. You libtards are so fucking stupid there's no wonder why your politics are being shit canned across the nation.
What a load of severely stupid morons you are.
>muh capitalism
oh look, a state sponsored faggot souless chink is allowed to speak. crawl cback to your gutter home and die commie nigger fag