
>trannies are totally mentally stable though

Well, maybe they should man the fuck up and stop trying to become a bitch

how do we increase their rate of success?

How can we increase this number?

Every time I see a Tranny, I consider suicide.

Apologize to me, faggit.


I'm not sorry because I did nothing.

I do pity them, and I hope they will get mental help for this, though I doubt it.

Either way these people aren't stable enough for the military.

Let's give them access to firearms, explosives, heavy weapons and armoured vehicles.

>implying it's oppression and not because they are mentally unstable.

off yourself now.

Thats what happens when your culture glorifies something that contradicts the natural law.

Fucking idiots

>these people belong in high stress military positions
Attempting suicide alone is enough for psychiatric discharge.
These people have no buisiness serving as soldiers


Working as intended.

this number is entirely too low
more need to attempt and even more need to succeed

Then maybe they should get some fucking mental health if they're that suicidal.


The fact that any of you Sup Forums fucktards think this is something to laugh about just shows how fucking UNCIVILIZED AND BARBARIC you SCUM really fuckin are
As a matter of fact..
Anyone who claims to support or even like trans people and voted for Trump owes me and every trans person they know a goddamn heartfelt apology and a promise it won't happen again.

Or at least admit that you don't actually care about trans people. I'm not going to mince words. Right now I hate this country. I fucking hate it. I hate watching what few rights trans people managed to wrangle out of the cold, unfeeling hands of transphobes be stripped away by Trump and his cronies and the animals who still defend him and his policies of hate.

Trans people cost the military almost NOTHING but we still get denied even the chance to serve. Banned. If it weren't for that ban I would have served myself when I was younger, though I thank God I didn't now because I couldn't bring myself to serve this horrible place.

But hey, this is what the people who voted for Trump wanted, right? Is this making America Great Again? Really you fucking bigots?

I'm angry, and I am not going to stop being angry for a long, long fucking time.

Why, he's not a tranny....

Transsexuals are the most sexist people alive.

Yeah, that usually entails a mental disorder...

Any transgenders, please step this way.

No one likes or loves you.

Let's go for 100%

Thank god they can't serve in the armed forces then.

We gotta make it up to 100%. Hurry guys!

I would like it if you died.

t. ebil cis white male

Why don't we give them military weaponry?

>recruit suicidal people
>give them guns and put them in a stressful situation


If only it was 100% and all attempts were successful.

>I'm angry, and I am not going to stop being angry for a long, long fucking time.

This makes me happy


>fun facts

Stay mad.

>implying it's our fault and not their own mental illness that they are succumbing to

>those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up . jpeg

>I'm angry, and I am not going to stop being angry for a long, long fucking time.

is this pasta? it's delicious either way.

Which is why they shouldn't be allowed into the military.

I disapprove of suicide, if anyone should be apologizing it is them for offending my sensibilities by trying to kill themselves.

Apologize for what? Them not being happy with who they are? That's nobody's fault but theirs.

>wanting a group with double the suicide rate of the 2nd most suicidal group to serve in your military

Its sad that people only see taking points instead of cold reality. That being said, if cold reality was commonplace that suicide rate would probably be even higher

if only we gave them the means to follow through

Too few.

honestly, if you're a tranny, don't get the surgery. it's an affront to life itself and you'll be happier just doing the hormones anyways.

This guy haha

>how fucking can it be

these faggots can't even kill themselves properly.

So is it societies problem or an individual person's problem when a group of people have such a high self-inflicted mortality rate?

try harder

Just what we need in our military. We only want them to want to kill themselves after their service.


How do we make it higher and what can we do to make sure they succeed?

What the fuck do WE have to apologize for? Libtards are the ones telling these people their mental illness is an "identity." We've been trying to get them to seek mental help.


wrap it up. Discussion is over

Fake and gay

Is that post op?

Apologize he says. I'll encourage, thank you very much, sweetie.

>hey, let's take this group of people who are highly prone to suicide, give them guns, and put them in to a highly stressful environment!

What could go wrong?

Isn't this an argument in support of banned them from the military?

Honestly the best idea I've heard so far is to make a tranny brigade or something and give them suicide vests. They're already suicidal why not get a benefit out of it?

free trump-guns for trannys?

Go get fucking help, you are not special, you have fucking gender dysphoria probably caused by early life sexual abuse. TRUMP 2020!

I honestly can't tell what's satire and what isn't anymore

And? If I was trans I'd want to kill myself too.

Only 41%? We need to get those numbers up, people!

>Trans people cost the military almost NOTHING
Per capita, you freaks are extremely expensive

>this is what the people who voted for Trump wanted, right? Is this making America Great Again
Trans fags in the military does not make america great. Shipping them to Saudi and let them fly from the roof tops will

Enjoy your hair balls


That's why I know gender dysphoria is real and all melodramatic homos have it.
If you attempt suicide you are statistically likely to be female. If you succeed you are statistically likely to be male.

I don't think there is any historic precedent for a group of people having such a high mortality rate, especially when that mortality rate suicide.

It's already well established in the mental health field that suicide is a result of mental illness. The LOGICAL conclusion to such a high suicide rate among a group of people (transsexual) is that there is a high prevalence of mental illness associated with them.
Even among those who haven't committed suicide, the rate of transsexual people who have even CONSIDERED suicide is higher than 60%.

As a whole suicidal thoughts, tendencies and behaviours are incredibly common among transsexual people.

>almost half of trannies attempt suicide
>let's give them training and ptsd
>suicide rates reach 80% success rate

Dammit donald....

I can do it with a 2 pronged approach. 1. straight razor goes down not across the arm. 2. stop using guns to try to blow their brains out. too small of a target.

A 41% failure rate is unacceptable.

>people with mental illness
>attempt suicide at extremely high rate despite the world being more accepting than it's ever been
Yes, it has to be because of bigotry; there's no way chopping your dick off to fix a mental problem could possibly be the cause.

I'm sorry more haven't killed themselves ....

I'll try harder....

It's been a long time since text has caused me to throw up in my mouth. Thanks for reminding me I'm not completely dead inside.


How do we get the other 59%?

Maybe the reason the left can't meme is because they only know how to make pasta but everyone secretly loves tendies.
And even then all the rants and blog meltdowns are only tasty because of the added salt.

Why do we want soldiers who are likely to kill themselves? Are we following the Trudeau doctrine?


criminally uderrated

every time I see these kinds of posts I wonder if it's just some Sup Forumsack falseflagging or if some poor soul ended up on Sup Forums not knowing what to expect

That's about 59% too low


>telling a potential employer you will kys if you don't get the job
tell me how this will work out for you lads

any sauce on that data? Was it an increase of suicide success rate? What about # of attempts?

Sup Forums is larp central desu senpai, but sometimes I just can't resist

I chuckled.

This stat in further proves why trannys shouldn't be allowed in the military


One day in the future, all the people that think like you will be nothing but a bad memory.

Uberfacts has always been known to be non-factual. Nonetheless I think we can get this to 100%

sooooo we should give them guns?


>lets give them guns, training, access to tank, and throw PTSD on top of the laundry list of mental disorders that they already have because this isn't a recipe to create mass shooters or anything


Make the Military Sane Again

>I don't think there is any historic precedent for a group of people having such a high mortality rate, especially when that mortality rate suicide.

Jews in the 3rd Reich are the only numbers comparable.

Ideally the problem would be 100% self-correcting but 41% is a start.

Look at that stat and tell me again why they should be handed guns and allowed to serve in the military. Fucking idiots. Our society would be better off if that 41 percent had succeeded

>Average vagina is 6" long.

>Women consider a 10" penis ideal


I'm sorry more aren't killing themselves.

Speaks the truth. Just had a friend who got bottom surgery and attempted suicide. Better to be a trap than mutilate yourselves.


Kill yourselves faster.