Wtf is this?

And why am I seeing their memes everywhere?

National Bolshevism

wiki it

A bad joke that needs explanation after being here for 70 years

Its ya boi the Nazbol





Its the only way.

It's a meme ideology. Ever since 5 people took ancap seriously dumbass ideas like this have been popping up.

what is naz balls

the original balls was cancer what makes this new balls any different

Anonymity means lots of things.
One of those things is that it means you can get into the headspace of a distant ideology without being bound to it.
You can spend a while pretending to believe in something extreme without all your peers thinking you've gone off the deep end and must be exiled or quarantined for your own good.
Try it sometime.
It's good, clean fun.
No true god can be destroyed by the blasphemy of us mere mortals.

Libtards are increasing their shilling and nigger lovin this month.

Nazi equivalent of Ancap, annoying shitheads that will never influence real politics.

its based

because people want socialism and they want the big government to come in and fix all of the problems in their lives, make things the way they think things should be, but they've also begun to realize that multiculturalism is a load of fucking bullshit.

hey it's better than the usual bullshit the marxists pull because it is at least racially aware and addressed the JQ, but just like natsoc, it will end in terror and failure for the human race because big government inevitably destroys everything that it subjugates whether intentionally or not (seriously, just go visit the DMV)

when do you turn 18?

National Bolshevism, the official ideology of Putin's Russia, invented by his mentor Dugin.


SOCIAL NATIONALISM! Proletariat, prepare the Zyclon rejuvenation spa and relaxation center

Nazbowl it's racist communism or some shit.

lmao Dugin is straight up fucking insane but he's an entertaining read, at least

Late stage denial.

He wants to take over the West by funding fringe ideologies, thus creating internal turmoil.
By now it is known that he funded and influenced Syriza, Die Linke, PG, but also Golden Dawn, AfD and FN.

It appeals to the most economically displaced and that number is growing and growing. The lowest common denominator will continue to push communism by design while the true beneficiaries don't have to say a word.

Didn't Germany try that in WWI with Russia and the results backfired horribly in the span of a few decades?

because leftypol has been attempting to raid, and are just getting buried by Sup Forumss retarded amounts of traffic post election

Russia is different. Russians are trying to use the fringe ideologies to cause the infighting and assert their influence, which is basically imperialism above all, including the national identity.

he protec but he also attac