I am breaking the silence NOW

I'm actually fearful that George Takei is going to retaliate against my duly elected president just for upholding my deeply held beliefs about transfaggots. Why is Takei allowed to say these things? This is not free speech. It is hate, plain and simple.

Even the Secret Service knows this rice nigger faggot isn't a real threat.

I'm sorry but I'm not prepared to take that risk. I feel less than human every time he talks in this way? I don't deserve to be belittled and made afraid like this.

Lamp post time is the only thing that would make me feel safe.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all%20seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

var words = new Array();
var output;
function setVisible(visi)
var x = document.getElementById("CRW_txt5");

Shillbot5000 malfunction

Secret service doesn't investigate glitter bombs.

i've reported him to sussex police

Hollywood are degenerate scum, we need to split republican California and liberal commiefornia so LA and Hollywood can Succeed.


Is he gonna suck a dick and get Aids for charity?

What's the threat here?

Yeah, once he gets the little boy dicks out of his mouth.

You get him bro, thought crime will not be tolerated

fuck dynamically typed languages and fuck white people

These faggot trans radical supremacists must be suppressed immediately.

What's he going to do, masturbate two guys at once on some shit radio station?


That's a threat. Literally shaking. Takei broke me.

Who is this goy and why is he rooting for pidors?
He doesn't look like a trans himself?


>pissed off the wrong community

Those faggots were pissed at him before he was even elected. Why do people feed into the shit? Just ignore and move on.

I wonder if he is part of the pizza club?