To all white Christians in America

To all white Christians in America

>this is how I feel about your archaic beliefs and backwards culture
>I mean this with every fiber of sentiment

Sincerely, pissed off atheist liberal.

Go back to leftypol, liberal cuck

Good to know, Shlomo

No traps allowed faggot

thats ok, you have the right to say those things, not the place, but the right given to you by your forefathers and theirs.
sincerely, accepting Christian.


Right. Because I'm sure every traditional conservative who gave his life for the pax Americana isn't rolling in his grave right now? You trumptards and your leader has just destroyed our global we'll have to fight another global warming sometime in the future. Thanks assholes.

And global conflict

>t. liberal muslim apologust


ok buy how do you feel about islam

Enjoy burning for eternity

lol stupid cunt, we do not care about your personal agenda, we want what is greatest good for biggest number
Sincerely, society

hahahaha ok fuck you to. you stupid little bitch. go ahead a be pissed off. whats it gonna do get you off your fat ass. wahhhhhhhhh. im so modern i have out grown all of human history and can place all of it behind because i have superior intellect. and nothing that my ancestors did was intelligent those stupid backwards apes. again fuck off. my modern morals mean so much because i say they do. i will write my own books and my own bible called science muhhhhhhhhhhhhhh atheiiiiiiiism

>le edge

Muslims aren't the ones holding back progress in this nation. Blacks aren't the ones holding back progress in this nation. Mexicans aren't the ones holding back progress in this nation. Asians aren't the ones holding back progress in this nation.

Who is? YOU. White conservative degenerate morons with little to no education...who keeps electing religious zealots who still think the world is flat and transgender is a witchcraft to be persecuted. If it wasn't for the left, America would no longer have a Constitution. The only folks who I hate more than you are those goddamn third party voting, Jill Stien worshiping neo-lib-snobs who claim to be educated but are just as Ignorant as you. Fuck you all.

>People actually believe this

Hades will protect really, Satan is just a rip-off mythic.

Conservative atheist here, let me know where we can meet so I can shut you the fuck up and stop you from shitting up my board like a faggot.

>Bible called atheism
Atheism is a definition, not a noun. Learn proper spelling and grammar before you see fit to lecture me.

According to recent studies atheism is on the decline. Atheism is gay, and u should be ashamed of your lack of faith.

We get it but this is a nat soc board no go back to dumblr

stop riding the edge wave, everyone can see you for the terrified little boy that you are

>I mean this with every fiber of sentiment

Don't you get tired by always being so full of hate?

Don't you think you should spend the fibers of your being in some more productive way?

Post boipussy

ok but u didnt answer my question

let me ask you this. what do you think is holding back the progress of a nation like saudi arabia?

Uh, if you're an atheist, you are fucked.

There is no such thing as a conservative atheist. You are a hive mind. You are incapable of independent thinking.

Oh, and you'll get your ass pummeled to pulp... but come to NY if you dare. I'll keep the light on for you, internet tough guy.

>Another pissed reeing libshit
This is /leftypol/ on action
Shitpost level -999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

Are you mad because mutilated freaks can't join our military now? Baaaaahahahahahaha!!!

As long as you have the balls to say that to Muslims and Jews about their religion, sure.

On the way, just don't start identifying as a woman when I get there, pussy. I know how you leftist faggots are.

>libshit thinking this is a hivemind
If that is the case why are there commies, dindunuffins and YOU here?

But i did answer your question. You are the radical Islam of America. But all religion is a farce to me. It's just you're my problem, not Saudi Arabia.

Ah yes letting in third world shitters in droves will surely give us progress towards stopping things like global warming.

He's compensating for his tiny penis and low intellect by anonymously projecting on a Myanmarese Kite Fishing forum.

10$ says you're a college-aged jew who hates the "dirty goyim". a dime a dozen.

says the faggot who wants to import violent 3rd world savages who despise everything the left stands for.
Neck yourself

If only that was true we wouldnt have western civilization


All religions are not farces. There's elements of each religion that are, but that doesn't mean the whole thing is.


Kek of course
I just wont let the opportunity pass to piss off one of these progressive little bitches that want to get BLACKED

HAHAHA! I like having a pair of huge and hairy balls...I think I'll keep intact so I can put them in your mouth if you show up.

And you let your wife get fuckes by your black bull? Because im sure those balls could use some time of action

>when I show up
You better get those grapenuts shaved up because I'm going to rape your boipussy while you're unconscious and let you suck your shit off my dick you wake up.

Fuck off, you useless piece of fucking trash. It was your gay "atheist movement" that left the fucking vaccuum for Islam to just roll right in. Now suddenly you fucking faggots have nothing to say, OR you're sticking up for Muslims. Fucking neck yourself you fucking turd.

What the hell does being white have to do with being a Christian? Have you just become so accustomed to making whites the enemy and scapegoating them for all your problems, that you actually think Christian=white? Ever heard of a black church you fucking faggot?

What's the difference between you and them? You're already here? You're skin is white? Still the same backward principals.

Euuuuu do you know even necrotic tissue and fluid comes out of that?

You are right, and I also want to add something, hope you don't mind.
Just to be clear, I’m not a professional ‘quote maker’. I’m just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence

>Implying everyone in NY especially the city aren't a bunch of hive minded faggots



Only Spain is like Poland.

>Tips fedora

I feel very sad for you, would you like to have a chat about why you lost faith...

Sage and hide from page.

Get fucked you stinky new yorker. Bring your poor ass down to texas and well have fun kicking your ass around fucking yankee faggot.


Atheist here.

You get to have Christians or muslims.


Muslims kill atheists.

You're literally retarded.

>nigger thinking south europeans are nlt the original creators of western of civilization
Let me guess neither italians nor the balcans are white?

why only christians? why only the white ones?

Literally nobody cares what you think, take a bug zapper, toss it in a swimming pool and jump in if you know whats good for you

He is a libshit so he has a boner for muslims

Suck my ass infidel

Sure man, it's your right to free speech, Free Speech that christians help build for you and will defend up your right to do so till the very end.

So...if I told you that I worship a flying spaghetti monster that dwells in space and orbits the earth, you wouldn't care that a farce idealogy? All mainstream religions began that way.

So much hate and racist bigotry. I will pray for you. The only important thing to remember is Love. With love the darkness cannot dwell in your heart.

American working class Christ fuckers from piss poor red states should be lined up and shot and put out of their misery. Somebody needs to nuke that shithole Florida too.

>Doesn't realize Christianity is an Arab religion about worshipping Jews created by Jews, and practiced predominately by non-whites worldwide.

wew lad, 3edgy5me

>should be
Nobody's stopping you, Becky.

But I thought you teabaggers liked to suck on hairy nuts?


Well when I think about it, i could say the same of you, you're the radical. And leftist ideas are pretty regressive, when you look at them objectively. I mean, if i say "fuck niggers" isn't that a right given to me by the first amendment? would you have that abolished if you could? kinda fascist if you ask me

>all religion is a farce to me

what's a farce to me is your unreasonable and sometimes conflicting beliefs

you retard, don't you know everything is an indisputable absolute?

what about the mexican christians? and the black christians?

Guess what? The feeling is mutual. hate whites ay

I'm talking about your human development and living standards. Not your skin tone.

What's the difference? You dense fuck, I never even mentioned race. Islam is a far more primative and draconian ideology than the Christians you claim that opress everyone.
How about not thinking it's not okay to cover women in trashbags rape girls in the street.
What about not thinking it's okay to kill gays (although they are still disgusting freaks).

that's nice go die quickly so those of us with kiddos can take over

2010 called, it wants its meme back. Bring it full circle and work the Koch brothers in here somehow.

Clean your room, bucko.

>Call's libs commies
>Admires a KGB dictator
Hypocrite much?

>Tips hat
>Puts banana up ass

>all of my problems are god's fault
Get a life

that's a thing too. christians see gays and femboys and feel pitty because they're been lead astray, muslims only see sheep for the slaughter

Hey, I'm not the faggot here... you're sucking on my balls dude. Idc what you did back in 2010.

>You get to have Christians or muslims.

Holy fuck are YOU actually retarded? How about neither? Who said take one? Both are trash.

Nice Christian-taqqiya you got there though, fool the infidels huh? All Christtards and fascist muzzies deserve to be gassed.

>believing in god
>independent thinking
Choose one

While it's true that a rejection of traditional Greco-Roman values as well as the movement towards monotheism marked the decline of the western world, a return to Christianity would still be an improvement over its current state.

Atheist here and I would curb stomp your kike face you Antifa scum.

>implying fedora tippers have enough kids to be self sustaining

Actually Islam and Christianity is the same fucking religion. Same God. Same prophets...they even include Jesus in the Koran. Every bit as primitive as the other.

That would be a farce, correct. The idea is to develop your thinking to a point where your are unchained from presupposition.

>All mainstream religions began that way.

You don't know how they began. Your interpretation of religion is flawed but people's interpretation of religion in general is flawed. One of the biggest problems with religion is that it doesn't evolve when it's supposed to.

>that's a thing too. christians see gays and femboys and feel pitty

Donald Trump, who isn't even a Christian is fucking with the LGBTs just to pander to Christians. Imagine what would happen if an actual Christcuck like Pence became President, "feeling pity" wouldn't be the only thing they do.

Tolerating gays isn't even the main focus here, Christtards are generally cancerous and slow down social, scientific and economic progress. Yesterday I was reading about "Liberty University", only to learn it's a Christian university that still teaches creationism and genesis. Just die you retards.

No becuase the Christ figure is an abstraction of all the good traits of all the heroes of the time. This is why he rises in the dominance heiracrhy as a God amongst men. Islam does not promote Christ to the rightful level of God showing they don't recognize him as such in their dominance heirarchy, objectively making them more primitive.

See this is why things go to shit when lefties are in charge. Religion is the thing that makes the mob adhere to any semblance of civility. The majority of humans are completely inept when it comes to taking care of themselves or their community. Smarter people than you realized centuries ago that the only way for society to hold together was to tell the idiots they risked eternal damnation if they acted on their base animal instincts. You jackasses are attempting to dismantle the only thing that keeps you safe walking down the street

They deny the divinity of Christ in Islam. You have no clue what you're talking about.


Religion is a tool to control the simple-minded and weak-willed parts of the population, always the lower end of society. It was born to control humans and make them behave like good animals, or at the very least give them hope to live on since they're psychologically weak and are afraid of the void following death.

If you can't behave properly without Christianity, then you're truly a subhuman third-world piece of trash.