Are people outraged when others say transgenderism is a mental illness because they don't think it is or because...

Are people outraged when others say transgenderism is a mental illness because they don't think it is or because addmittence to that could negatively effect trans people.

trans people have a mental illness and should have medical treatment.

It's actually cis people who don't understand trans. If trans is a mental illness it is both natural and something humans need to try to rectify some how, this includes subsidies. If trans is a choice, they absolutely deserve nothing.

Trans is a mental illness is something Sup Forums says because no one else anywhere actually understands trans

>Trans is a mental illness is something Sup Forums says
Hey fucktard it has been diagnosed as a mental disorder for decades even according to the World Health Organization, being transgender is a mental illness.

Yes, but this is a very good thing for the trans communities, the reason why is something dumb cis feminists can't understand, just like they can't understand they're actually the last bigots, they can't understand only Sup Forums understands the trans.

I miss ms s.

illness implies it can be healed

Trannies are mentally ill, but their transgender-ism isn't the cause; actual gender dysphoria is an effect of being brain damaged. That's not to say that there aren't those that are just doing it for attention and personal gain, though.

>this includes subsidies

No, the only "treatment" that should be given is a choice between a helicopter ride, or, an afternoon with Mike Pence, a car battery, and a pair of jumper cables.

If it's not a mental illness, then why do transfags obliterate themselves FAR more than any other demographic once they've transitioned?

Hint: it's not because their minds work properly. So, rather than catering to mental insanity, it should be corrected by any means necessary, even if extreme measures are used.

We used to lock up people who walked around claiming to be Napolean, why are we now talking about subsidizing similar mental instability?

I dont actually care, but if I can get trannies goosestepping it'll be hilarious.

>because admittance to that could negatively effect trans people
It's the same reason why they claim gay people were born that way and why they think the so-called gay gene exists
Not being born gay implies that being gay is a choice that can be changed (which it is). If being gay isn't natural (it's not) that makes it easier for conservatives to dismiss the concerns of faggots

Wait explain to me this.
If gays are born being gays, how come gender is a social construct?

John Hopkins Institute, one of the most prestigious in medical for physical and mental health categorize transgenderism as a mental disorder and refuse to bend the knee to the good goy agenda and this new left political push to accommodate tranny's as normal, sound mind people of society.

a decreased acceptance of"alternative lifestyles" such as transgenderism could lead to decreased acceptance of other groups of people. i.e. anti-trans beliefs could lead to antisemitism.



What trump just did is going to piss off A LOT of liberals and they will, in great numbers, and try to fight this particular battle.

The trans issue is one of the WORST debate terrains imaginable for the enemy. This could possibly be the straw that breaks the camels back, so to speak. The worst hill to die on.
The enemy will advance with HIGH and DETERMINED moral but will be armed with the weakest arguments and the weakest defences, making a VAST NUMBER of liberal celebrities and liberals in general vulnerable to DEVASTATING defeats in debate that will CONCLUSIVELY EXPOSE them for being ignorant and insane to even normies and casual liberals.

Imagine a vast stone age army of retards charging a well equipped and well located machine gun bunker surrounded by a vast mine field and supported by artillery...
Too weak to take the bunker, too stupid to adapt, too retarded to retreat.

>Key weaknesses:

>Rejecting biological essentialism is a rejection of science which casts doubt on their level of education and the validity of their "post structuralist" arguments.

>Gender implies a belief in sexual stereotypes (lego for boys, dresses for girls etc).

>Gender stereotypes are literally defined by the behavioural trends of biologically defined sexes, thus they secretly believe in bio-essentialism.

>"Transitioning" implies a belief in bio-essentialism too! (if you are already a girl, then why do you need your penis cut off?).

>"born in the wrong body" = implies bio-essentailism and male/female mental inequality.

>The rejection of biological essentialism = women don't exist and thus feminist theory is COMPLETELY invalid.
>There is no "pay gap" because men/women cannot be defined!

>"their brains are different!" = brain differences = different behaviour = human inequality!

>"born that way!" = implies a belief in nature over nurture.


Exploiting these contradictions = THE COMPLETE IDEOLOGICAL DEATH OF THE LEFT!!!

Because they're brainwashed by the Kikes.


>could negatively effect trans people.
could negatively affect trans people.

I wish I could explain why it is "affect".
I just know I'm right.
Just trying to help.

>should have medical treatment
thats the deal thought, theres no real good treatment for trans, so we work on their quality of life.
I have a friend that came out, and the past decade he's persistently talking about suicide and shit, after he came out he seems to be doing much better, maybe it has to do with feeling accepted or something...

But yeah, its definitely mental illness

You're a fucking idiot. It's called gender identity disorder for a reason i.e. it's a fucking mental disorder. It's directly akin to me running around naked talking about how I am the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Transgenderism is a mental illness. I had to see a shrink to get diagnosed before they would let me start getting estrogen from the pharmacy. However, once I got diagnosed, they recommended me to a support group for trans people to decide whether I wanted to go any further in my "treatment". The day of my first group session, I thought to myself, "Is this really what I want to do with my fucking life? Hang out with a bunch of fucking freaks and affirming every stupid fucking thing that comes out of their mouths and become one of them? Fuck that."

It was then that I realized that I only wanted to become a woman because I a lazy fuck that hated working and didn't like society shitting upon me because I was a man. So I said, "Fuck that queer shit" and never went back to that place again. Eventually, I acknowledged that it was just some perverted fetish I have and it at that because no amount of lies or surgery was going to make me an actual woman.

Why do you think I disagree with that? It's feminazis resisting the trans as a mental illness, half of them because they're vicariously insulted and can't divorce feelings from reality, the other half are literally that easily threatened. It says mountains that a sub standard guy can become a prettier girl than someone who has defined themselves as experts of femininity.

Whether it's a choice or not is irrelevant, though. You can fix people's choices, and you can ignore people who are born with problems.

Bretty gud m8

Institutional racism is dumb because being black has no inherent imposition on the rest of society.

The same could be said about tolerance of gays. Although you could argue they have become an imposition

The idea of trans acceptance is a massive imposition on society. You are forcing the rest of us to play along and pretend that you are someone you clearly are not.

>Institutional racism is dumb because being black has no inherent imposition on the rest of society.

That's nice, too bad it isn't like that for most. You see 'a shrink' because they are trying to make sure your desire to transition is not caused by an actual mental illness like schizophrenia or the like, but let's just leave that out since it makes your 'mental illness' canard the obvious lie that it is.

Then you 'realized' that you just 'made it up because you were lazy' (something that, while a few people have indeed done, is laughably difficult for anyone who doesn't already pass to the point of being completely unbelievable, yet ODDLY ENOUGH it seems to be the typical belief here in Idiot Central. How coincidental.) and then 'just gave up on it', something that no one who actually has dysphoria (the actual physical illness) can ever do.

So in other words, you declared you identified as something you didn't, realized it was going to be stupid hard, and gave up. Gee, I wonder why all the 'failed males' who are so prone to 'giving up' don't do that.

IDK, The suicide rate says they sure didn't win much for trying.

Another typical Sup Forumsite unaware that his one study's bogus interpretation was explicitly refuted by it's own author.

We'd win plenty if certain individuals didn't think they had the power of life and death over others because they're unattractive to them.

What the fuck are you on about? You have to be diagnosed before they start writing you scripts for HRT. Don't get pissed at me because you've fucked up your body so badly that you see a joke everytime you look in the fucking mirror, friend.

My favorite part of that tweet is that he implies that non-whiles aren't human.

My body looks better than ever, and you're wrong. You might want to look up 'Informed Consent'. You CAN go see a gender therapist and they CAN get you to an endocrinologist, but that's not the only way anymore. It's almost like the science on the topic has evolved. *gasp*

>"Science" has evolved
The "science" then was willing to shovel me pills just so long as I said I felt like a woman on the inside. No difference than now, except for there are even more idiots willing to to push you down the easy path than help you live the right way.

>my body looks better than ever
Whatever you tell yourself so the paramedics don't have to cut you down from the closet, hun.

Isn't the suicide rate of transgender people extremely high? Doesn't anyone ever question if there is some sort of correlation?

Yes. It's uncomfortably high, especially among post-op trannies because they realize that they'll never be a real woman and that they've mutilated their bodies for life. Liberals ignore it though because it doesn't fit the narrative of "trannies are completely normal, NOT mentally ill!"

Yeah the suicide rate from transgenders is 40%