Fuck off divide and conquer shill. Sorry "X AREN'T WHITE" threads didn't work, but Sup Forums isn't dumb enough to fall for these threads anymore.
Nolan Price
Daily reminder Varg is a moron and completely full of shit, you completely discredit yourself and paganism as a whole by associating with him in any way.
>Being this retarded So because I don't want people to argue over Paganism and Christianity I'm a shill?
You're literally a divide and conquer shill.
Xavier Russell
Is there UK paganism playlist or Nordic? I'd rather not listen to a burger tell me about muh ancestors
John Sullivan
How is this a "divide & conquer" thread? If we tried discussing Paganism in the Christianity general, you people would boo us out. Why can you have a general but we can't? Hell, you people can't even stop "dividing" yourselves in your own threads, bitching out one another over petty differences between denominations. Shoo, shoo.
Jaxson Fisher
What I've seen of Varg so far is pretty good. His following is pretty "memey", but he seems like a good dude and he lives off grid. He has 6 kids, too, and sometimes makes vids about parenting, which I appreciate especially.
Leo Rivera
>So because I don't want people to argue over Paganism and Christianity I'm a shill? Typical shill tactic, trying to keep you people in your Jewish worship cult isn't in the interest of the Aryan race. Now take your paycheck and leave this thread.
Owen Allen
You post this same exact comment in every single thread
Cooper Perry
Paid shill
Matthew Sanders
>Is there UK paganism playlist or Nordic? I'd rather not listen to a burger tell me about muh ancestors The discord has multiple channels for different types of paganism
Ryan Gray
I smell an sca fag
Jackson Hill
"sca"? If it's something to do with the image I posted, I just found it in another thread a while ago. It isn't me.
Grayson Rogers
Hello pagans I'm danish why should I convert?
Ryan Perez
Paganism was created by the white race and not some kikes with an obvious agenda. If it doesn't "click" with you, though, then maybe it just isn't your thing.
Kevin Anderson
>the amount of shills itt Wew
Jacob Lewis
The most obvious reason to convert is the fact that you are literally worshiping the king of Israel.
Alexander Jackson
Obvious shill is obvious
Andrew Rivera
society for creative anachronism lots of medieval nerds
Kayden Myers
Sounds like a larp group, haha. Why would somebody shill for Paganism? Who do you think is shilling for Paganism? Genuinely curious what crackpot theory you've got in your head if you aren't just talking shit.
Gavin Rogers
Honest question. Why do you keep spamming these threads if you know you'll only get only shitpost? Do you realize that by spamming Varg-tier aggressive anti-Christianity disguised as Paganism you only made Sup Forums to hate Pagans?
Juan Ramirez
I'm doing well. I hope you are too brother.
Jeremiah Walker
Daily reminder than Americans are dirty mongrels with no heritage at all.
Grayson Wright
The Christian General consists of the following. 50% pagans like OP who believe that all Christians on Sup Forums are Jewish shills and use the same arguments over and over again. Examples: "Worshipping a fucking Jew" "Dead kike on stick" "Christcucks" "Christianity isn't European" and "Jews made Christianity to destroy Europe" The other 50% being Christians who think that Pagans are Jewish shills and use the same arguments over and over again. Examples: "Odin drank semen to get powers" "Zeus rapes a young boy" "When Europe was Pagan we were like niggers" and this one.
>Pagan Europe >Men are gay >Women are sluts >Jews live great lives
>Christian Europe >No fags >Women aren't sluts >Jews are persecuted
>Post Christian Europe >Men are gay >Women are sluts >Jews live great lives.
Any thread revolving around Christianity or Paganism is a giant shit show. It's comparable to when Sup Forums was infested with "X Aren't White" threads. The threads didn't work anymore so the shills are now making Christian and Pagan threads.
Also OP is going to read this and call me a Jewish shill, because OP is so much of a colossal faggot that he thinks that anyone who doesn't agree with him is a shill.
Jackson Bennett
>"Honest question" >Gives a charged shill question
Kayden Bailey
Carson Collins
I need a explanation for demonic activity on the planet?
Eli Edwards
Matthew Wood
Hi, I'm Danish >burger flag
Fuck off, mutt
Hudson Nguyen
thanks for the reminder, juden
Hudson Bennett
Jack Wood
Would u say the new world or the old is more pagan suited?? Got me thinking Europe was Christendom and America was more untamed/wild
but Europe is also the ancestral homeland (for European paganism) and where it originated from just like Abrahamic religions are from the Middle East
everytime this thread goes up the same deus vult goy gets triggered xd
Cooper Collins
Lucas Robinson
the christcuck is scared
Joseph Lewis
Jason Russell
Glad to hear! Cheers. I don't think you're a Jewish shill. I don't think Christians in general are Jewish shills. I just think they're misled. As for the rest of your post, I wouldn't really know about what goes on in Christian generals, I only visited them briefly in a time of weakness toward the end of my atheism when I was looking for religion. I asked honest questions and phrased them as delicately as possible and I got completely bitched out. Wasn't even asking edgy atheist shit, just stuff about different denominations and such and how to have faith in today's world and they exploded. Paganism generals, however, are pretty chill. The only people in these generals that aren't chill are the Christian shitposters, which backs up what I was just talking about. As you can see, somebody using your favorite flag is currently shitting up our general. I don't really care about what others do. My goal is to go off grid with a woman and mind my own business. Most people are too corrupted by technology and zionism to pursue a life like that. Honestly, most of the world is just fucked up beyond repair, I think. Paganism will never be mainstream; it's for people like Varg who just get sick of the modern world and decide to fuck off into the woods.
Jackson Garcia
Hudson Wright
Blake Reyes
Samuel Morgan
Charles Smith
Reminder: The Norse cucks feared the Scots. The vikings only had a few islands around Scotland, not Scotland itself
Lincoln Stewart
Someone should make an infographic like this about a guide to learning about Germanic paganism.
Nolan Jackson
>truth isn't true if jew finds it out
Jose Parker
Kek you're delusional. Christian threads are 75% Protestant versus catholic autism and some poor confused guy wanting to become orthodox, not to mention the British autist who posts "PROTESTANTS HATE CHURCH FATHERS" over and over again. Pagans barely post other than the occasional shitpost
Liam Smith
saved, thanks based leaf
Isaiah Thomas
>let me change the picture entirely into something that never happened nor made sense that'll show 'em
Asher Wood
Apparently it isn't enough for you to worship a made-up Jew, but you also have to spread their zionist lies. Pathetic. I'll dump what I've got, brother.
William Green
Austin Myers
how am I supposed to report someone for spam if I can only report one post at time and give give a reason for the report?
Xavier Diaz
Christians have always been talented at making shit up. Sad they use that talent to shitpost on Sup Forums.
Ryder Price
can't* give a reason
Oliver Carter
Landon King
Ryan Green
Oliver Mitchell
Just filter the guy and move on to actually discussing paganism instead of attacking Christians.
Nolan Walker
So what's it like being associated with mentally-ill wicca girls on tumblr?
Wyatt Morales
Good one, bro. You sure got me good! Filtered.
Grayson Mitchell
Yea that's why Scotland is 8% R1a and 9% I1a, both mostly Scandinavian lineages.
Benjamin Brooks
wicca is as much related to paganism as mormonism is related to christianity
Josiah Wood
Elijah Harris
Hudson Torres
I guess that's all I've got at the moment.
Elijah Miller
thanks leaf bro
Thomas Phillips
No problem. Do me a favor and save it all. Repost it whenever christcucks spew their bullshit in these threads.
Adam Ramirez
Where do I find these threads.
Bentley Gonzalez
Benjamin Ortiz
That pic is still wring though, plenty of pagan LARPers on here claim that Nordic paganism is inclusive of all Europe, although I'm sure they mean paganism in general. Also, the blue text is literally deflecting the statement, that scripture is irrelevant as it says ever human is the same under God. As in, it goes against Jewish people claiming a special status >Jews believe they are God's chosen people >Christianity says they aren't any different than the rest of humanity Also >by your logic, the bible supports trannies too
Literally most Pagans are Wiccans, aren't d overwhelmingly left wing in the western world. There's a high chance that pagan LARPers on here are Nordic pagans because they usually use both symbolism from nordic paganism in their pics, in addition to frequently letting you know that they support an ethnic-religion, and proceed to say Nordic paganism. Not all pagans are Nordic on here, but most are.
Dylan Garcia
reminder op is literally a hapa who thinks he's aryan
Blake Green
and are* not aren't d
Jordan Phillips
You can see the autism in his eyes, kek.
Logan Long
Is there proof of this? Funny if true.
Jeremiah Campbell
>18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can't do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how 'sensitive they are to criticism.'
Sebastian Roberts
1) To disrupt the agenda
>2) To side-track the discussion
>3) To interrupt repeatedly
>4) To feign ignorance
>5) To make an unfounded accusation against a person.
"To make an unfounded accusation against a person."
Dylan Parker
>4. Knock down straw men. Deal only with the weakest aspects of the weakest charges. Even better, create your own straw men. Make up wild rumors (or plant false stories) and give them lead play when you appear to debunk all the charges, real and fanciful alike.
"Make up wild rumors"
Ian Russell
go into the discord and it's basically this 5 year old op telling evrybody how aryan his brown eyes are
paganism is a whit man's religion, this mongol has no purpose being here. it's the equivalent to based black man, kill yourself.
Lincoln Young
We all know how this thread ends, OP.
The (((commies and capicucks))) can't accept any form of government or ideology that threatens their "progression", or disagrees with their dualistic Christian mindsets. They are Jewish puppets who strike at anyone who questions the (((narrative))). Let them tear each other apart, as they will. We will have to pick up their mess, which will suck, but someone has to.
Pic related.
Isaac Johnson
>ling evrybody how aryan his brown eyes are That's not me
Logan Harris
5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger' ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as 'kooks', 'right-wing', 'liberal', 'left-wing', 'terrorists', 'conspiracy buffs', 'radicals', 'militia', 'racists', 'religious fanatics', 'sexual deviates', and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.
Hudson Russell
Man these threads are pathetic.
Angel Adams
6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism, reasoning -- simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint.
Tyler Scott
>paganism is a whit man's religion Indian*
Hunter Hughes
>still no replies Guess this is just a meme dump thread like usual then.