In the upcoming civil war

What flag will you fly?

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American unless they somehow become the belligerent. Don't see the country sinking that low atm



Fight for Freedom. Anarcho Capitalism


Northwest tricolor

Profligates like you belong on a cross.


Gadsden of course

Flags are dumb.

You're dumb


The Republic of Unified States? Gotta think of new country name. Rebirth and all.


Just want to see the world burn

what's the extra symbol?

Flyin this flag

dont mess with the bear

Black Sun over a Black Sequoia





Or this


thats so close to looking right


The flag I've been flying for years in my soul

I was born of the states. I will die of the states.


Only flag I will ever fly



icon related



black sun. come on nufag, keep up.






The one to get the hell out of here, my family did the same just before ww1 and we'll do it again if need be

The only flag that would matter


God save the Queen

Bothers me that the swastikas edges aren't sticking out behind the stars so it looks curved

yee haw


That is unspeakably ugly


proof islam is evil



I'm flying this one for sure

You're unspeakably ugly


Ave true to caesar!!

As well should anyone

Sonnenrad. Google it.

away, true to kaiser

good goy

the coalition of anarchist , nihilist and pagans

Ya the stripes need the be reproportioned to match the cross


oooohhhh baby a triple
And a 666 truly a special day

woot woot
also saged

you must be old

What's up beady lads?

I won't be flying any flag. I won't be playing any theme song.

It's like you faggots want to give up your position from a mile away.



^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this secretly


So what, 12 people?

Islam confirmed pure evil

Hello brothers

for any Patriot rebel scum ITT who haven't taken the literal redpill yet that the loyalists were the good guys, read:
The font is your punishment for being treasonous whores.

quads of truth. My skin color is my flag.



If the US is in a civil war, the rest of the world is already fucked, dude. Nowhere to go.



about to go to sleep
look good but what about NI?

You lads are alright.


get ready, right and left will clash in the US. leftist snowflakes, faggots and minorities will be crushed in days by the gun wielding patriot.

Skin first, then ideology. If you're a leftie you die regardless of skin color.

>black sequoia

The nations of Earth have never done anything but cause trouble. The time to declare independence is now.

Remove Earthnoid! Sieg Zeon!


Came to post this. Eagle needs to look at the arrows in war time though. What a beautiful flag.




>don't go to Boston tomorrow

That is a much better flag than the current one.

