What exactly makes having transgender people in the army a bigger problem than say, cis-Women...

What exactly makes having transgender people in the army a bigger problem than say, cis-Women? I don't really understand the motivation of this ban.

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Emotional instability due to gender and identity issues impedes performance in high pressure violent situations.
This puts the lives of other soldiers in real and immediate danger.

Officers are afraid to discipline then properly for fear of career ending controversy.
This leads to the appearance of favoritism which kills unit morale dead.

Medical expenses need to be covered by the military and they can be excessive. If the gender reassignment surgery is carried out the soldier is immediately and permanently combat non effective due to ongoing dilation requirements as well as being very expensive.

I read that the total cost of trans medical expenses in the US military was $8 million. That isn't even pennies to them. It was the other reasons.

This is going to be declared "unconstitutional" and blocked anyway, like Trump's Muslim ban.

We have enough of the tranny threads

You raise a good point. Woman and fags should also be banned from the military.

8 million to pay for troops who are not combat effective and reduce the morale of their comrades.

8 million to lower the overall effectiveness, not raise it.

they're next

the motivation is to distract you from his scandals and failing presidency and to sure up support from conservative roobs

Bradley Manning did not switch sexes willingly. He was made an example of by having his cock and balls cut off then subject to years of solitary. He was a stern warning to leakers. Manning is why Snowden knew to leave the country.

Political pandering. The reality is that trannies are suicide for a functioning military unit.

In complete honesty the ideal military is one of uniform fashion and discipline, this means that a lack of individuality in the common solider is necessary except for the fanatical belief in victory and in the confidence towards leadership.

Leaders should be far more flexible but instead of going on about the ideal leader in a military setting I will simply leave it at this: leftists are incapable of defending themselves, are coddled little cowards who will see us all destroyed before we can even fire a shot, and will lead the entire planet towards collective suicide.

Any step in their direction is one step closer to annihilation.

The military is a place of life and death, horrifying circumstances and pain. Not a place for the milquetoast politicians and their pet identity-driven minorities to play havoc.

Transgendered folk are largely mentally ill wastrels, as are 'multi-gender birdkin' and all other fucking retarded degenerates.

There is no place for this on the battlefield. When the bombs are dropping and men are dying to your left and right, you want someone standing beside you with a clear head on their shoulders, not someone whose greatest concern in life has been social pressure from various groups because they can't determine if their penis makes them male.

It's really that simple. Political correctness does not function in a trench. Get your milk drinking, weak-kneed social justice dialogue out of life and death; this is an environment for actual men who aren't confused about who they are, what they can and cannot do, and what they stand for.

Fucking degenerates.

We already allow women into the military, who are unfit and destroy unit cohesion. Why not also let the trannies in too? Not like we'll see conventional warfare again.

Perfect post.

It's a health hazard. If a tranny has to dilate her gash with a dildo in Afghanistan and is not following proper disinfecting measures, their gash could become inflamed and hamper battlefield performance.

Cis-women don't spend their time shoving shit into their holes to make sure they don't close up and injecting themselves full of hormones so their chest hair doesn't grow back.

Also, fuck this "cis" bullshit". These motherfuckers want us to "respect their pronouns" while labeling us something none of us ever asked for or agreed to so go fuck yourselves you delusional double standard cunts.

snowden was a mole.

Thank you.
>t. Enlisted Marine (2002-2010)

trump's motivation as always is to distract the media for a few days, he did this all during the campaign, its nothing new, why we are surprised is beyond me.

and he wont stop until mueller publishes his findings and trump gets the boot

For what?

Women aren't combat effective and reduce the morale of their comrades but we let them in.

>muh (((hero)))

>muh armed services are all jew-slaves
>muh everyone who owns a gun is jew-slave
>muh entire society is jew-slaves
>muh tendies got cold cuz jews

I can do that too, retard.

They are mentally ill and therefore are not reliable.

>If a tranny has to dilate her gash with a dildo in Afghanistan and is not following proper disinfecting measures, their gash could become inflamed and hamper battlefield performance.
>americans have to unironically explain this with a straight face

>what exactly makes having paranoid schizophrenics in the army a bigger problem than...

These people are mentally ill. Even after surgery they have a 40% chance of killing themselves.

Also they need tons of additional meds and funny devices like an actual dildo to keep the fake-vagina open. (not making it up)

Supreme Court is conservative now

Can the wrong community stop crying for a fucking day

they dug a hole into his penis and made a vagina; only moles dig like that

Here's an rough

True. It's to a far far lesser degree than trans people though.

Women can make decent snipers though, the Soviets showed that in ww2

Another tranny shillpost

Cucks btfo

No you are definitely right about all of your bravery and sacrifice and trenches. I'm sure of it. Calling in the A-10s against goatfuckers with kalashnikovs is srsherobsns.

Good luck self-medicating your PTSD with vodka. But remember: kys is an option.

Killing yourself is for trannies.

Gee, why should we avoid putting automatic weapons in the hands of a bunch of mentally unstable, suicide-prone human failures? Why shouldn't we have them responsible for defending our lives in a foxhole?

anyone wanting to enlist at this time is a fucking retard anyway.
far better ways to get thrills than dying for some kike war. send the trannys to the front lines.
operation human shield

Because you cant run faster than hadji bullets when you have your dick tucked up your ass.

To court attention from the only people who still like President Trump.

I don't give a shit if it costs $.50 a year. I don't want a single cent of my money going to fund some retard faggot's mental illness

How is the slippery slope a fallacy again?

Guns have no hairball ammo support.

Unfortunately we can't just put them to death here mohammed

Best post I've seen all day. Thanks user.

The picture of that ugly traitorous man-cunt that you posted is reason enough!

Whoa, SHE is hawt. I wouldn't mind sharing my secrets with her if you know what I mean (^:

>what's wrong with tranny soldiers?

The cost of health care paid for by the government to help a bunch of mentally ill people keep an open wound between their legs.

The true corn fed soldier hates the tranny

>Emotional instability due to gender and identity issues impedes performance in high pressure violent situations.

Probably still better than Cis women.

>Officers are afraid to discipline then properly for fear of career ending controversy.
This leads to the appearance of favoritism which kills unit morale dead.

This differs from cis women how?

>Medical expenses need to be covered by the military and they can be excessive.

This differs from all the snow flakes with anti antidepressant medication and PTSD how?

I agree with you except lots of regular guys in the military obviously don't have a clear head on their shoulders either.

Trannies shouldn't be allowed, but there's a lot of mentally ill/emotionally unstable straight cis soldiers too.

It's funny because a lot of black graffiti artists and even people who are know tattoo artists were in the military in the 80's.

I don't see the problem really... The military is a place for special snow flakes.

>Think they are tough guys
>Get depression
>Ask for hand outs

Trannys would fit in well with these snowflakes.

they are more prone to suicide than any other fucking group

they are a LIABILITY

get them the fuck out.

I love how all this ban has motivated is whataboutisms?

"Like OMG! You banned transwomen of color?! Like literally what's next? Do you want there to be nobody in the military but strong able-bodied men born and bred in the USA with above average IQs and unwavering loyalty to country??"

It sounds like you are describing niggers not veterans.

Pretty much all soldiers.

Soldiers are special snowflakes... who get PTSD and kill themselves.

Not much different from trans people really.

1. M to F literally have a gaping wound at all times.

2. F to M are probably better than women in the military

just super sayin.

Cis women need to be banned too.


>What exactly makes having transgender people in the army a bigger problem than say, cis-Women?

best post

the military is about combat, not mental illness and feelings and 1000000 fake genders.

This, but also physical fitness is an issue. Military would have to judge a transgender woman by women's standards for physical fitness. This means a fat shit transgender woman who couldn't "make it" if she still had a penis would be deemed good to go.

Get out of here you fucking faggot


Implying others wouldn't come out of the woodwork to join up for a free sex change operation. Trannies have never been allowed in the military and the policy to allow them in was still under review. That review has been completed and they will continue to not be allowed in. If they want to mutilate themselves after discharge, they can go for it, but uncle sam won't be footing the bill.

I seriously hope some patriot group is plotting his assassination right now

How many trannies was this for? 15?

You spelled "normal" wrong, faggot.

Trannies commit suicide at a ridiculously higher rate then normal people. Considering soldiers already have elevated suicide rates it's a terrible idea to give some mentally ill freak a gun.

Women accepted in the army show that the army is no more important in developped countries. What is important is having nukes and other massive destruction weapon.

The same could be said about politics. When women is the politics, it means the real power got away.

women are in*

>$8 million so a gross tranny can sit around in recovery for four years dilating necrotic flesh so it doesn't scab over and close
why would anybody want this

That's the mastermind behind the largest leak of top secret documents in modern military history.

Fucking WOW.

Bc biology

>The military is a day-care center for unemployed low socio-economic bullet sponges
>Transgendered folk are largely mentally ill wastrels, as are white supremacists and gun -nuts
>The battlefield is the best place for all these people
>History is sprinkled with great warriors who were women, gay, insane, unstable or obsessed with little boys
>my idea of masculinity springs directly from my insecurities and daddy issues and gets me into arguments on the internet that leave me fuming and winning said arguments in the shower as my brain is 75% occupied with being right, with little energy left over to determine what is best
Fixed your baby-talk post, he-man.

erm, more suicides than casualties from the Gulf War last i checked boyeeee

>Muslim Ban
It wasnt a muslim ban. 7 out of 50+ countries and none of the 7 have largest Muslim population. The document he signed for this EO also had no mention of the words. Also, SC allowed it with a fair caveat.

SC is largely Conservative/Republican right now and has a Democrat appointee leavin in 2018-2020. You wont get your wish for another 10 years at least.

Friendly reminder to all post OP trannies ITT, don't forget to check your mutilated but sack vagina for hair balls.

>People are discussing things im not interested in
>I don't understand that sage isnt a downvote and think its pronounced sayj

Blunt, but to the point.

the other men have a hard time understanding why Christine with her 8" cock gets to shower with the women and share their portable shitters (with 5 others, vs 50+ per men's shitter)
It's bad for unit cohesion.

Anybody got suicide rates pre-op vs post-op?

Well blogged there, Transexual Internet Defence Force.
You can resume being depressed and angry now that you weren't born as the bitch who overmothered you cunt.



>people with incredibly high suicide rates go into a job with an incredibly high suicide rate

what's the worst that could possibly happen?

No but this sums it up.

The currently popular metaphor is: When you need to eat an elephant, you do it one bite at a time.

If you prefer Sun Tzu (almost certainly paraphrasing an older expression): The journey of 1000 li begins with the first step.

This is step 1. Somewhere down the road is women.

P.S. Think the fag community will try to challenge this in court? They risk getting a SCOTUS ruling that would let the president kick out all of the trash (women, muslims, etc)

It's actually higher post op.

Forgot link.

why would anyone not want someone like that in the military?

you know what. I've decided. I'm just going to be a gay man. Fuck that noise right there holy shit.


Women are mentally ill, but less so.

being trans is about embracing your identity.

being military is about erasing your identity.

>embracing your identity
No it isn't. Trannies are desperate to escape reality to the point of being delusional.

Traps aint gay tho right?

This issue is the definition of manufactured outrage. No one gives a fuck about veterans but people are willing to go apeshit for what is essentially a non issue. This is just so stupid.


There's still the issue of logistics wherein if shit goes down the military cant be wasting time, money and resources transporting hormones and shit to the battlefield or barracks. Plus i havent looked into this but there is probably psychological side effects to not having access to hormones.

why isn't this operation banned yet?

oh, right

>That image
I think I figured it out.
Sup Forums is partially responsible for this. All these trannies and their supporters fell for the "it's not gay if it's a feminine penis" meme.

